The Mocha Monster
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Confirmed Responsible Adult
Chat Monster
Corrupting Influence
Welcome to the Sanctum
Inner Sanctum Nobility
250 Posts!
It's pretty simple really ---Depending on your definition---
Im a seasoned writer of nearly... let's see... 15 years or so (Probably more, but my memory sucks) and Ive been all over the place writing whenever I could find time or inspiration to do so. Im a big fan of a great many genres, both to read, as well as to write, but have a few preferences that are born of a different nature. My love for DnD. I prefer to write third person, omniscient, past tense, and usually dont veer away from it unless I have to. Generally finding it better to control a narrative or a sequence of events while writing alongside one or more partners in an RP.
I enjoy all facets of writing, but indulging in fantasy/dark/pseudo-historical, and light rpg oriented rp's catches my attention first and foremost. Mainly due to, as stated before, my love of a certain d20 system and its possibilities.
Im not a romance, mushy, touchy feely writer, unless the plot calls for it, or its meaningful in a particular rp. Though I do see the usefulness in developing characters, I simply am not as good at it as many others are. So instead of limiting my partner due to my lack of initiative and ability, I simply state it ahead of time...
Uhm.... So yeah...
Hello, since I didnt say it before, My name is V
Im a seasoned writer of nearly... let's see... 15 years or so (Probably more, but my memory sucks) and Ive been all over the place writing whenever I could find time or inspiration to do so. Im a big fan of a great many genres, both to read, as well as to write, but have a few preferences that are born of a different nature. My love for DnD. I prefer to write third person, omniscient, past tense, and usually dont veer away from it unless I have to. Generally finding it better to control a narrative or a sequence of events while writing alongside one or more partners in an RP.
I enjoy all facets of writing, but indulging in fantasy/dark/pseudo-historical, and light rpg oriented rp's catches my attention first and foremost. Mainly due to, as stated before, my love of a certain d20 system and its possibilities.
Im not a romance, mushy, touchy feely writer, unless the plot calls for it, or its meaningful in a particular rp. Though I do see the usefulness in developing characters, I simply am not as good at it as many others are. So instead of limiting my partner due to my lack of initiative and ability, I simply state it ahead of time...
Uhm.... So yeah...
Hello, since I didnt say it before, My name is V