You encounter a wild otaku. Do you engage? Y/N

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You encounter a wild otaku. Do you engage? Y/N


Pansexual nerd
Local time
Today 2:24 AM
It's nice to meet you! My name's Amatsu, but you can call me Ama if you'd like!

There's not much for me to say here, I'm terrible at introductions. I'm excited to be here and hopefully start some fun roleplays! A lot of my stories are fandom-based but of course I make sure the main characters are 18+ even if their canon ages have to be adjusted (which most of the time they do).

That being said, I'm mostly into some more obscure, sort of 'niche' anime. I'm also in some gaming fandoms. I love making new characters and chatting OOC, it doesn't have to be roleplay related!

I'm a huge nerd.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! I do hope you love it here and I look forward to seeing you around!
Ooh, chatting out of character is highly discouraged around here, as is making friends ... you also shouldn't attempt in any way to be approachable or kewl, and above ALL else ... do NOT come into the chatroom ... on your own head be it O , O

... erm, wait, no, the opposite of that, welcome!
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