You seem to have picked up another stray...

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You seem to have picked up another stray...


Teacup Terror
Local time
Tomorrow 2:31 AM
I'm Tasia, Tazzy, Taz, or whatever version of the name strikes your fancy. I write multi-paragraph roleplay only, and can take anywhere from twenty minutes to 24 hours (any longer and I'll warn you) to get a reply to you depending on how busy I am at the time. I am generally on a UK timezone but, as with most internet dwellers, I'm bad at keeping a decent sleeping schedule and so I might be on at weird times.

Always happy to talk or roleplay
Hi Taz! Welcom welcome! So I don't mean to alarm you, but I love the name Taz because I totally named a pet on Sims that....
Hi Taz! Welcom welcome! So I don't mean to alarm you, but I love the name Taz because I totally named a pet on Sims that....

lol I am not alarmed, I love it! All pets should have awesome names like mine.
welcome and enjoy your stay, if you have any questions or simply would like to talk i am but a PM away.
Hello and welcome to the sanctum! We like strays here, the more the merrier!
And sleep is for the week!
... Or was it sleep is for a week...
Either way, welcome!
Welcome to the sanctum, and multi-para huh? Would love to write with you sometime if you're ever lacking a story~
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