Challenge Submission you would have liked it here too

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Challenge Submission you would have liked it here too


Comic sans is the best font, fight me
Local time
Tomorrow 11:29 AM
Dear Aiden,

Hey so I know we haven't talked in a while but I've decided to keep writing these letters because, well, they make me happy and I hope they make you happy too. Anyway remember the plans we've talked about regarding starting a community in the local library? Well, I talked to the librarian and she thought it was a good idea! Not sure whether it'll actually be a thing but I will update you.

With love,

Dear Aiden,

Tough week honestly. There's been a lot of push back from parents saying an lgbt friendly space would be a bad influence on the children. WELL NEWS FLASH, THE CHILDREN HAVE A SEPARATE SECTION IN ANOTHER PART OF THE BUILDING!! Vent aside, it seems that despite the pushback, there's also been support from unexpected corners. Some teachers and community members have stepped up, offering to volunteer their time and resources to make this space a reality. It's been heartening to see people come together for something they believe in.

But I won't lie; it's been exhausting too. Dealing with the negativity and the doubts can take its toll. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth all the effort, if it's worth putting myself out there like this. But then I remember why we started this in the first place so I'll just keep it going

With Love,

Dear Aiden,

Guess what? Something exciting actually happened. I met someone. Her name is Maya, and she's one of the volunteers who offered to help out with the project. Kind of stupid but now I understand how you kept on rambling about your gazillion boy crushes. Anyway, we exchanged numbers, and she even suggested grabbing coffee together sometime

I'll keep you updated on how things progress, I just wanted gush to someone about this.


Dear Aiden,

Our little community project at the library is really starting to take shape. With each passing day, more and more people are getting involved, and it's kind of crazy to see the support pouring in from all corners of the community.

Then june came along and... well... remember how I mentioned the pushback from some parents and community members? Turns out they decided to start a rally. There have been protests outside the library, people holding up signs with hateful messages, shouting obscenities. Man I just wish they'd all take their middle fingers and shove it up their asses. Kidding, kidding. At least the librarian has been an absolute angel through all this.

With love,

Dear Aiden,

The protests have finally died down.

It wasn't easy, and there were moments when we considered shutting the whole thing down but I'm glad we didn't. The turning point came when we organized a community open house event. We invited everyone—supporters, skeptics, and even those who had protested against us. We shared our vision, our stories, and our commitment to creating a safe space for everyone. Many of the skeptics saw the genuine positivity and the importance of our cause. It was heartwarming to witness minds and hearts begin to change.

Since then, the protests have gradually faded away. More and more people are coming together to support us, and the community we've built is cementing itself as a permanent thing. It is exactly what you wanted it to be. I just wish you were still around to see it; you would have liked it here too.

With love,
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