Dame of the Moon's Darkness

"How long are you going to sit there and watch her?" Marcos asked with a frown, "Why are you saying it like that? You make me sound like a stalker!"
"You aren't?"
"Hell no!!! I don't follow her home or know her daily schedule." Marcos gave Cain a look of disbelief, "Dude just the other day you asked to go to the movies because you wanted to see 'The Bride Again'. That's not anything either of us ever want to watch and low and behold we ran into Talia. Don't know her schedule, my ass!!!!" Cain frowned, "So I might have overheard her friends and her planning to go see that movie." Marcos groaned, "Just go confess! You've had a crush on her since the year started! Go. Tell. Her. You're about to drive me insane!!!"
Cain's frown deepened, "It's been longer than that."
"What?" A faint blush covered Cain's cheeks, "I've liked her since we were kids." Marcos' jaw dropped, "W-wait, you didn't tell me you were childhood friends!" Cain shrugged, "I thought you knew." Marcos rolled his eyes, "Yeah I can totally read your mind bro…"
Marcos glanced over to see Talia tossing a ball back over to a baseball player. "We are in college now, you are lucky you got into the same college as her. It's going to be too late to confess if you don't do it now. Why haven't you?" Right as the words left Marcos' mouth Talia leaned in kissing a girl that was been next to her. "Ohh…"
"She is bisexual, but she prefers women..."
"Dude, you need to confess to her at least, even if you get shot down. Perhaps you can move on."
"I don't want to." His friend raised a brow, "Why?"
Cain sighed, "If I confess it'll make it weird between us. If I confess…. she'll start to avoid me, I'll lose her. I've already come to terms with the fact that she holds little to no interest in guys. It hurts but I can manage and I just want to be there for her. I love her and her happiness alone is what counts, so long as the girl makes her happy. I'm happy." Marcos stared at his friend, "You need help."
"No, I don't."
"Yeah, you do!!! That kind of affection isn't healthy! Do you have any idea how crazy your love for her sounds? Shit, you best hope no one tells her about this! Somebody does, She's probably file for a restraining order." Cain shook his head, "Nah…she might ask me about it and then I could say I love her like a brother."
Marcos stared at Cain, "You can't be serious. A brother? You want to claim it like that?" He nodded, "Why not, I've seen others do it." Marcos groaned, "Bro they never actually got caught stalking their 'family'! You need to tell her and get it off your chest." Cain seemed to get a bit irritated, "No! It's fine the way it is, plus I can be there for her if something were to happen to her lover."
A chill raced along Marcos' spine as he noticed the smirk play across Cain's face. It wasn't normal, there was nothing normal about his friend's affection for Talia. He had thought it was normal for a moment, but now… It felt like Talia's girlfriend was in danger, he had never seen Cain like this before. Marcos sighed, "Hey, I forgot something I need to ask the professor. I'll be back soon, but you can head home if you want." Cain nodded, "Go for it, I think I will go ahead and go home."
Marcos watched Cain head off, he was worried about his friend and about Talia now. He had no idea Cain's love had been hidden for that long, no he hadn't even known they were childhood friends. Now that he thought about it, what did he truly know about his friend, it wasn't like he ever talked about himself or his family. Cain's words about as long as Talia's girlfriend made sure she was happy hung in his mind. What had he meant by it and by something happening to her? Surely Cain had just been joking, he shook his head heading off to go for a walk and clear his mind.
A Few Days Later
"Sophie, what are you talking about?" Talia asked her girlfriend who was trembling, "I-I heard rumors that those who date you just vanish. I don't want that to happen to me!" Talia frowned, "What are you talking about, my last girlfriends just broke up with me because they got tired of me or they were cheating. One of them even had to move and we decided a long distance wasn't gonna work." Talia took a step closer and Sophie stepped back, "H-have you bothered trying to contact them?"
She sighed, "Why would I contact my exes? I wouldn't want to give you any possible reason to think I was cheating. Besides, I don't hold any feelings for them anymore. Why would I need to check up on them.." Talia was confused as to why Sophie would even mention something like that. "I don't know what you are on about. Do you think I'm cheating on you or something?" Sophie shook her head, "I just…I don't think you and I should be dating anymore. Or maybe we need to take a break from each other." Tears pricked Talia's eyes, "Sophie, we've been dating for a month now, I don't understand where this is coming from. Did I do something wrong?"
Sophie shook her head, "No it's not that, I just… I don't know, I have this really weird feeling that someone has been watching me. It didn't start until after we started dating. I thought maybe I was just being paranoid, but last night on my way home I saw somebody's shadow behind me and I heard their steps. I can't deal with that kind of thing. I'm sorry." Talia stared at her, "So…what, that's it? We're done? Just like that?" Sophie nodded and a tear slid down Talia's cheek, she wiped at it in anger, "FINE! I don't even care, it doesn't matter if I want to try and be happy…whatever." Sophie frowned but didn't bother trying to take back her words or move in to comfort Talia. She turned, leaving Sophie alone, her phone started to ring and she pulled it out to see Cain's number, "Hey! I got us some tickets to that art museum you've been wanting to go to for a while now! They finally had a few for sale! I know you probably don't want to go with me, but I thought perhaps you and Sophie could go together."
Talia choked as he mentioned Sophie, "You okay? You sound like you're crying? I didn't mean to catch you at a bad time if I did?" Talia took a few breaths, "S-she broke up with me…something about being followed and…and she thinks it's my fault. Can we meet, our usual place?"
"Oh, Talia…I'm so sorry. Of course, we can. I'll bring your favorite ice cream?"
"Thank you, Cain, you've always been there for me through everything…"
It didn't take her long to meet Cain at their spot, it was the place they would go to and just chill at a small abandoned house out in the woods, not too far from one of the main parks in their town. When she arrived Cain was standing there with a bag that held snacks and drinks that she liked the best. His arms wide open, she rushed into them, "I don't know what I keep doing wrong…" She cried as she buried her face into his chest, "Nothing…you aren't doing a single thing wrong, they are. I don't know why Sophie seems to think she's being followed and to blame it on you? That's just ridiculous…" Talia's grip on Cain was tight as she tried to take in calming breaths and stop crying. He simply held her, brushing her hair, "It'll be okay Talia…maybe you just haven't found the right person yet." His voice was gentle as ever, but she couldn't see the grin on his lips. She nodded slightly, "I don't know…I mean…I thought I preferred girls, I didn't know dating them would cause me so much pain. I…it's not that I'm not attracted to guys. I…I don't…maybe I'm just scared?"
Cain wiped the grin from his face as she pulled back, a solemn look filling his expression, "Are you scared of me?" Talia paused for a moment, "No." He gave her a soft smile, as he wiped away some more of her tears, "Then why be scared to date a guy?"
"You're different from other guys, I've known you since we were in diapers. You've always been there for me, you know everything there is to know about me. It's just… I don't know, I just I know you…" Cain shrugged, "So it's not the other guys you are scared of, it's opening up."
"Or maybe I was just missing the right guy?" Confusion filled Cain's face, "What do you mean?" Though even as he played confused, the look on her face made his heart race, was she planning to use him as a bounce back? He'd be fine with that, they'd be together. Talia blushed, "I…" She sighed heavily, "What if…I don't want to possibly make this weird. But what if you and I started dating? I know it seems rushed, but I-I just feel like no one loves me…my parents are gone and my foster parents don't give a damn about me. And the girl that I thought loved me just tore my heart out without any hesitation…and she even placed the blame on me for something I don't even have control over and I don't even know if it's related to me. I just feel alone."
Cain's heart felt like it might explode, he wasn't sure if he should be thankful to Sophie or not. But either way, since she had hurt Talia, she would pay. "I…I never really thought about the two of us dating." He said, doing his best to play it cool.
Talia shook her head, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned it, just forget it!" She turned to leave and he grabbed her hand, "I didn't say no, you just caught me by surprise. I wouldn't mind giving it a shot and if things don't work out…we could still be friends. Right?" She nodded, a soft smile crossing her lips, "Of course! I didn't think you'd agree. Like I said, I know it's super sudden. I just feel like I might fall apart if there's not someone there for me and you've always been there and I feel like you will forever be there."
"Of course, I will…" He said pulling her back towards him, he wanted to hug her and kiss her. Chain her down so she could never leave his side, she had just opened up a path for him. One he would walk down as quickly as possible, but as smoothly as possible, he didn't want to scare her off. "We can take things slowly, I won't rush. I've never dated anyone before so I may not fully understand if I'm rushing or not. Just let me know." Talia nodded, "That's right, you've never dated before. Why is that?" He shrugged, "Just never really found anyone I thought I could open my heart to, but with you….I think it could happen." Talia giggled, "Did you always have a way with words? Thank you. It really does mean the world to me."
"Anything for you Talia, you are the person I cherish most." His words caught her by surprise, but it made her feel better.
The Day After
Sophie was walking home in the dark, she had been studying and lost track of time. She hadn't even made it halfway home when she felt it again. A chill racing down her spine, she stopped glancing back but saw nothing. "Why is this still happening…I thought…" She shivered, pulling out her phone and dialing Marcos, "H-hey…are you nearby? I know it might be weird calling you and such after breaking up with Talia, but I really could use someone with me right now." Marcos' voice filled her ear, "Where are you?"
"On 20th and Sunset…" Marcos chuckled, "Well I'm actually at the soup shop on that road, come here. I'll buy you a meal and take you home."
"Can you come to me…I just…" Marcos was silent for a moment before she heard him shuffling around, "Keep walking and I'll be there in five. Stay on the phone…" She nodded, "Thank you Marcos."
She didn't get very far when she heard footsteps closing in on her, she turned to see a familiar figure, but he held a bat, she screamed back away but tripped. "C-Cain please!!!" There was a thudding noise and Marcos panicked, "Sophie? Sophie!!! Shit!!!" Everything began to click together, the long nights Cain stayed out. The moments when he'd buy cleaning products and claim it was for someone else who needed them. Marcos ran, but by the time he had gotten to where Sophie should have been there was nothing there, not even her phone. "You should have kept out of it." Marcos spun around seeing Cain with a bloodied bat, "H-hey…dude we are best friends…come on…" A slight smirk crossed Cain's lips, "Well…friends stay out of other friends' business and I'm afraid you know way too much…" Marcos jerked backward trying to avoid the bat as Cain swung it. It clipped his forehead making him dizzy, but he didn't have time because he had to run. He headed for the alleyway, knowing a shortcut there, but as he got there he found Sophie's unconscious body there. He didn't have time to think twice about it when pain exploded into the back of his head, the world going black.
When he came to, he found himself strapped to a chair, the smell of old wood, metal, and mold filling his nose. But what truly terrified him was watching Cain as he tortured Sophie. She was awake and would have been screaming if she weren't gagged. "Oh, you're awake now? Good. I really didn't want to drag you into this Marcos, but I have to say I'm in a pretty good mood. Talia and I are dating and the best part is, she walked right into my arms thanks to Sophie here." As he said it he sliced into Sophie's arm, fresh blood pooling out from the wound, "Which is why I'll make this quick for both of you." Fear filled Marcos, he wanted to scream for help but he was also gagged. "All Talia will need to know if you both moved, I mean I did hear you were planning to move away here as soon as it was. Perhaps a car crash…you lost control on your way to the airport? No one would know if you went flying off that cliff, you know the one Talia's parents drove off." Shock filled Marcos and Sophie's eyes, everyone knew about Talia's tragic past. It was something Talia had shared with everyone one night when they had been drinking together. "For now..just sleep…both of you. I can't have either of you possibly ruining my chance… After all, every single thing I've done till now has always been for her. Even if she decides after we go on a few dates I'm not the one for her. I'll still set her free from all of her problems. I don't care how many people I have to kill."
He hadn't noticed that Talia had come to their favorite place, he hadn't even heard when she had crept down the steps of the old storm shelter. She was glad the steps were made out of stone, but she felt sick. She had been recording it all, her hands trembling. And now she was upstairs waiting for the police to arrive, tears spilled down her face and she puked. Everything…every horrible thing that had happened in her life was due to Cain?!? She didn't notice when the police arrived, she didn't even hear when they rushed her asking if she was okay. Or as they rushed down the steps of the storm shelter, what she did hear was Cain's voice, "Talia!!! Talia, what are you doing!!! Why did you do this to me? What did I do so wrong?!?! TALIA!!! I did this all to make you happy!!!" Cain screamed at her over and over again, but she couldn't speak or even look at him. Every single thing she had thought she'd known was a lie. "I'm so sorry…" She whispered as they wheeled Sophie by her and then Marcos, she climbed into the ambulance, thankful that the doors shutting blocked out Cain's angry pleading voice.
A Few Hours Later
"Breaking news, this morning a call from 24-year-old Talia Vanter led to the arrest of 25-year-old Cain Balst. It was found that he was connected to the disappearance of four other people and the murder of Talia Vanter parents. While the bodies of the four people have not been found, they are still missing and assumed to be dead. Cain Balst almost claimed two more victims this morning, 24-year-old Sophie Haven, who is in critical condition, and 26-year-old Marcos Lanzo, who has a major concussion but is said to be in better shape than Miss Haven." Talia pulled her knees up to her chest, shutting off the tv and glancing at Sophie. "I'm sorry you guys had to go through this." Marcos glanced over at her, "I'm just glad you found us when you did, and as you already know Sophie doesn't blame you. She even said she wants to give a relationship with you another chance." Talia nodded, "I…don't know…I'm too scared to even think about that after this." Marcos reached over patting her hand, "I'm sure Sophie is scared just like you, but I think the two of you just need to comfort each other. He can't reach any of us anymore, so don't be scared and move on. If you don't you might miss something."
Talia nodded, with a soft smile, "Thank you Marcos…I'll try."
"You aren't?"
"Hell no!!! I don't follow her home or know her daily schedule." Marcos gave Cain a look of disbelief, "Dude just the other day you asked to go to the movies because you wanted to see 'The Bride Again'. That's not anything either of us ever want to watch and low and behold we ran into Talia. Don't know her schedule, my ass!!!!" Cain frowned, "So I might have overheard her friends and her planning to go see that movie." Marcos groaned, "Just go confess! You've had a crush on her since the year started! Go. Tell. Her. You're about to drive me insane!!!"
Cain's frown deepened, "It's been longer than that."
"What?" A faint blush covered Cain's cheeks, "I've liked her since we were kids." Marcos' jaw dropped, "W-wait, you didn't tell me you were childhood friends!" Cain shrugged, "I thought you knew." Marcos rolled his eyes, "Yeah I can totally read your mind bro…"
Marcos glanced over to see Talia tossing a ball back over to a baseball player. "We are in college now, you are lucky you got into the same college as her. It's going to be too late to confess if you don't do it now. Why haven't you?" Right as the words left Marcos' mouth Talia leaned in kissing a girl that was been next to her. "Ohh…"
"She is bisexual, but she prefers women..."
"Dude, you need to confess to her at least, even if you get shot down. Perhaps you can move on."
"I don't want to." His friend raised a brow, "Why?"
Cain sighed, "If I confess it'll make it weird between us. If I confess…. she'll start to avoid me, I'll lose her. I've already come to terms with the fact that she holds little to no interest in guys. It hurts but I can manage and I just want to be there for her. I love her and her happiness alone is what counts, so long as the girl makes her happy. I'm happy." Marcos stared at his friend, "You need help."
"No, I don't."
"Yeah, you do!!! That kind of affection isn't healthy! Do you have any idea how crazy your love for her sounds? Shit, you best hope no one tells her about this! Somebody does, She's probably file for a restraining order." Cain shook his head, "Nah…she might ask me about it and then I could say I love her like a brother."
Marcos stared at Cain, "You can't be serious. A brother? You want to claim it like that?" He nodded, "Why not, I've seen others do it." Marcos groaned, "Bro they never actually got caught stalking their 'family'! You need to tell her and get it off your chest." Cain seemed to get a bit irritated, "No! It's fine the way it is, plus I can be there for her if something were to happen to her lover."
A chill raced along Marcos' spine as he noticed the smirk play across Cain's face. It wasn't normal, there was nothing normal about his friend's affection for Talia. He had thought it was normal for a moment, but now… It felt like Talia's girlfriend was in danger, he had never seen Cain like this before. Marcos sighed, "Hey, I forgot something I need to ask the professor. I'll be back soon, but you can head home if you want." Cain nodded, "Go for it, I think I will go ahead and go home."
Marcos watched Cain head off, he was worried about his friend and about Talia now. He had no idea Cain's love had been hidden for that long, no he hadn't even known they were childhood friends. Now that he thought about it, what did he truly know about his friend, it wasn't like he ever talked about himself or his family. Cain's words about as long as Talia's girlfriend made sure she was happy hung in his mind. What had he meant by it and by something happening to her? Surely Cain had just been joking, he shook his head heading off to go for a walk and clear his mind.
A Few Days Later
"Sophie, what are you talking about?" Talia asked her girlfriend who was trembling, "I-I heard rumors that those who date you just vanish. I don't want that to happen to me!" Talia frowned, "What are you talking about, my last girlfriends just broke up with me because they got tired of me or they were cheating. One of them even had to move and we decided a long distance wasn't gonna work." Talia took a step closer and Sophie stepped back, "H-have you bothered trying to contact them?"
She sighed, "Why would I contact my exes? I wouldn't want to give you any possible reason to think I was cheating. Besides, I don't hold any feelings for them anymore. Why would I need to check up on them.." Talia was confused as to why Sophie would even mention something like that. "I don't know what you are on about. Do you think I'm cheating on you or something?" Sophie shook her head, "I just…I don't think you and I should be dating anymore. Or maybe we need to take a break from each other." Tears pricked Talia's eyes, "Sophie, we've been dating for a month now, I don't understand where this is coming from. Did I do something wrong?"
Sophie shook her head, "No it's not that, I just… I don't know, I have this really weird feeling that someone has been watching me. It didn't start until after we started dating. I thought maybe I was just being paranoid, but last night on my way home I saw somebody's shadow behind me and I heard their steps. I can't deal with that kind of thing. I'm sorry." Talia stared at her, "So…what, that's it? We're done? Just like that?" Sophie nodded and a tear slid down Talia's cheek, she wiped at it in anger, "FINE! I don't even care, it doesn't matter if I want to try and be happy…whatever." Sophie frowned but didn't bother trying to take back her words or move in to comfort Talia. She turned, leaving Sophie alone, her phone started to ring and she pulled it out to see Cain's number, "Hey! I got us some tickets to that art museum you've been wanting to go to for a while now! They finally had a few for sale! I know you probably don't want to go with me, but I thought perhaps you and Sophie could go together."
Talia choked as he mentioned Sophie, "You okay? You sound like you're crying? I didn't mean to catch you at a bad time if I did?" Talia took a few breaths, "S-she broke up with me…something about being followed and…and she thinks it's my fault. Can we meet, our usual place?"
"Oh, Talia…I'm so sorry. Of course, we can. I'll bring your favorite ice cream?"
"Thank you, Cain, you've always been there for me through everything…"
It didn't take her long to meet Cain at their spot, it was the place they would go to and just chill at a small abandoned house out in the woods, not too far from one of the main parks in their town. When she arrived Cain was standing there with a bag that held snacks and drinks that she liked the best. His arms wide open, she rushed into them, "I don't know what I keep doing wrong…" She cried as she buried her face into his chest, "Nothing…you aren't doing a single thing wrong, they are. I don't know why Sophie seems to think she's being followed and to blame it on you? That's just ridiculous…" Talia's grip on Cain was tight as she tried to take in calming breaths and stop crying. He simply held her, brushing her hair, "It'll be okay Talia…maybe you just haven't found the right person yet." His voice was gentle as ever, but she couldn't see the grin on his lips. She nodded slightly, "I don't know…I mean…I thought I preferred girls, I didn't know dating them would cause me so much pain. I…it's not that I'm not attracted to guys. I…I don't…maybe I'm just scared?"
Cain wiped the grin from his face as she pulled back, a solemn look filling his expression, "Are you scared of me?" Talia paused for a moment, "No." He gave her a soft smile, as he wiped away some more of her tears, "Then why be scared to date a guy?"
"You're different from other guys, I've known you since we were in diapers. You've always been there for me, you know everything there is to know about me. It's just… I don't know, I just I know you…" Cain shrugged, "So it's not the other guys you are scared of, it's opening up."
"Or maybe I was just missing the right guy?" Confusion filled Cain's face, "What do you mean?" Though even as he played confused, the look on her face made his heart race, was she planning to use him as a bounce back? He'd be fine with that, they'd be together. Talia blushed, "I…" She sighed heavily, "What if…I don't want to possibly make this weird. But what if you and I started dating? I know it seems rushed, but I-I just feel like no one loves me…my parents are gone and my foster parents don't give a damn about me. And the girl that I thought loved me just tore my heart out without any hesitation…and she even placed the blame on me for something I don't even have control over and I don't even know if it's related to me. I just feel alone."
Cain's heart felt like it might explode, he wasn't sure if he should be thankful to Sophie or not. But either way, since she had hurt Talia, she would pay. "I…I never really thought about the two of us dating." He said, doing his best to play it cool.
Talia shook her head, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned it, just forget it!" She turned to leave and he grabbed her hand, "I didn't say no, you just caught me by surprise. I wouldn't mind giving it a shot and if things don't work out…we could still be friends. Right?" She nodded, a soft smile crossing her lips, "Of course! I didn't think you'd agree. Like I said, I know it's super sudden. I just feel like I might fall apart if there's not someone there for me and you've always been there and I feel like you will forever be there."
"Of course, I will…" He said pulling her back towards him, he wanted to hug her and kiss her. Chain her down so she could never leave his side, she had just opened up a path for him. One he would walk down as quickly as possible, but as smoothly as possible, he didn't want to scare her off. "We can take things slowly, I won't rush. I've never dated anyone before so I may not fully understand if I'm rushing or not. Just let me know." Talia nodded, "That's right, you've never dated before. Why is that?" He shrugged, "Just never really found anyone I thought I could open my heart to, but with you….I think it could happen." Talia giggled, "Did you always have a way with words? Thank you. It really does mean the world to me."
"Anything for you Talia, you are the person I cherish most." His words caught her by surprise, but it made her feel better.
The Day After
Sophie was walking home in the dark, she had been studying and lost track of time. She hadn't even made it halfway home when she felt it again. A chill racing down her spine, she stopped glancing back but saw nothing. "Why is this still happening…I thought…" She shivered, pulling out her phone and dialing Marcos, "H-hey…are you nearby? I know it might be weird calling you and such after breaking up with Talia, but I really could use someone with me right now." Marcos' voice filled her ear, "Where are you?"
"On 20th and Sunset…" Marcos chuckled, "Well I'm actually at the soup shop on that road, come here. I'll buy you a meal and take you home."
"Can you come to me…I just…" Marcos was silent for a moment before she heard him shuffling around, "Keep walking and I'll be there in five. Stay on the phone…" She nodded, "Thank you Marcos."
She didn't get very far when she heard footsteps closing in on her, she turned to see a familiar figure, but he held a bat, she screamed back away but tripped. "C-Cain please!!!" There was a thudding noise and Marcos panicked, "Sophie? Sophie!!! Shit!!!" Everything began to click together, the long nights Cain stayed out. The moments when he'd buy cleaning products and claim it was for someone else who needed them. Marcos ran, but by the time he had gotten to where Sophie should have been there was nothing there, not even her phone. "You should have kept out of it." Marcos spun around seeing Cain with a bloodied bat, "H-hey…dude we are best friends…come on…" A slight smirk crossed Cain's lips, "Well…friends stay out of other friends' business and I'm afraid you know way too much…" Marcos jerked backward trying to avoid the bat as Cain swung it. It clipped his forehead making him dizzy, but he didn't have time because he had to run. He headed for the alleyway, knowing a shortcut there, but as he got there he found Sophie's unconscious body there. He didn't have time to think twice about it when pain exploded into the back of his head, the world going black.
When he came to, he found himself strapped to a chair, the smell of old wood, metal, and mold filling his nose. But what truly terrified him was watching Cain as he tortured Sophie. She was awake and would have been screaming if she weren't gagged. "Oh, you're awake now? Good. I really didn't want to drag you into this Marcos, but I have to say I'm in a pretty good mood. Talia and I are dating and the best part is, she walked right into my arms thanks to Sophie here." As he said it he sliced into Sophie's arm, fresh blood pooling out from the wound, "Which is why I'll make this quick for both of you." Fear filled Marcos, he wanted to scream for help but he was also gagged. "All Talia will need to know if you both moved, I mean I did hear you were planning to move away here as soon as it was. Perhaps a car crash…you lost control on your way to the airport? No one would know if you went flying off that cliff, you know the one Talia's parents drove off." Shock filled Marcos and Sophie's eyes, everyone knew about Talia's tragic past. It was something Talia had shared with everyone one night when they had been drinking together. "For now..just sleep…both of you. I can't have either of you possibly ruining my chance… After all, every single thing I've done till now has always been for her. Even if she decides after we go on a few dates I'm not the one for her. I'll still set her free from all of her problems. I don't care how many people I have to kill."
He hadn't noticed that Talia had come to their favorite place, he hadn't even heard when she had crept down the steps of the old storm shelter. She was glad the steps were made out of stone, but she felt sick. She had been recording it all, her hands trembling. And now she was upstairs waiting for the police to arrive, tears spilled down her face and she puked. Everything…every horrible thing that had happened in her life was due to Cain?!? She didn't notice when the police arrived, she didn't even hear when they rushed her asking if she was okay. Or as they rushed down the steps of the storm shelter, what she did hear was Cain's voice, "Talia!!! Talia, what are you doing!!! Why did you do this to me? What did I do so wrong?!?! TALIA!!! I did this all to make you happy!!!" Cain screamed at her over and over again, but she couldn't speak or even look at him. Every single thing she had thought she'd known was a lie. "I'm so sorry…" She whispered as they wheeled Sophie by her and then Marcos, she climbed into the ambulance, thankful that the doors shutting blocked out Cain's angry pleading voice.
A Few Hours Later
"Breaking news, this morning a call from 24-year-old Talia Vanter led to the arrest of 25-year-old Cain Balst. It was found that he was connected to the disappearance of four other people and the murder of Talia Vanter parents. While the bodies of the four people have not been found, they are still missing and assumed to be dead. Cain Balst almost claimed two more victims this morning, 24-year-old Sophie Haven, who is in critical condition, and 26-year-old Marcos Lanzo, who has a major concussion but is said to be in better shape than Miss Haven." Talia pulled her knees up to her chest, shutting off the tv and glancing at Sophie. "I'm sorry you guys had to go through this." Marcos glanced over at her, "I'm just glad you found us when you did, and as you already know Sophie doesn't blame you. She even said she wants to give a relationship with you another chance." Talia nodded, "I…don't know…I'm too scared to even think about that after this." Marcos reached over patting her hand, "I'm sure Sophie is scared just like you, but I think the two of you just need to comfort each other. He can't reach any of us anymore, so don't be scared and move on. If you don't you might miss something."
Talia nodded, with a soft smile, "Thank you Marcos…I'll try."