MxF A Gogo Dream

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MxF A Gogo Dream

Gogo Rae

The Lost Girl
Local time
Today 12:07 PM
Greetings reader, welcome to my request thread! My name is Gogo, and I'll be sharing some information about my writing style, interests, kinks, and pairings. Please stay for a while, ponder the things I share, and reach out if you'd like to potentially roleplay. We can build a story together or just pull from my ideas! Whatever is clever.

About me + Writing Style- "let's make this short and sweet"
~ I consider myself a detailed writer! Most of my postings when in the thick of a roleplay will average between 400 - 2k words. I prefer my partner to do the same.

~ I love darker themes in my roleplays. I love taboo topics. I love plot heavy roleplays. I love smut heavy roleplays. As long as the themes align with both of our interests, I'm up for anything.

~ I perform my best when writing Dark Slice of Life, Dysopian, and Supernatural. I'm not in for the cushiony, sweet roleplays. I want something layered, hot, and meaty.

~ I am a sub through and through. My characters reflect my preferences. They will either be overtly submissive or bratty. I have a hard time being dominant in any way shape or form.

~ None of my kinks are required to be a part of the roleplay in any way. They're just particular things I enjoy that could be included in sex scenes if the situation calls for it.

~ Most of my main characters will be in the 19-25 age range.

Kinks- "try not to look at me differently, ok?"

~ Defilement
~ Sexual Aggression
~ Choking
~ Spanking
~ Dollification
~ DP
~ Toys
~ Public exposure/Flashing
~ Creampies
~ Age Gap (sometimes)

Pairings- "finally! the fun part!"
Prince & Slave- "They can never know about us..."
Soldier seeking Refuge & Enemy Civilian- "Give me one reason I shouldn't gun you down like a dog."
Drug Addict & Sober Childhood Friend- "Now that I'm back, you'll never be alone again."
Serial Killer & Psychopath- "Why are you smiling? Aren't you afraid?"

Step Sister & Perverse Step Brother (Gooner Fantasy heh)- "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"
Robot & Scientist- "I'm so grateful to be your greatest creation."

Plots- "stories? how exciting!"

~ A Twist of the Mind
(Slice of Life: Action/Drama)

Meet Snoh, a twenty-one-year-old girl ensnared in the clutches of a murderous cult. When a compassionate FBI Agent (YC) and his team execute a daring raid on the cult's stronghold, turning the once-quiet farmland into a scene of carnage, Snoh finds herself amidst the chaos. Clutching a bloodied silk dress and a trembling hand gripping a hunting knife, she witnesses the downfall of her fellow cultists, a sight she never fathomed witnessing—their demise, swift and merciless.

In this tumult, YC discovers Snoh, her demeanor akin to a feral cat. Yet, despite her vulnerability, he cannot overlook her striking beauty. Amidst the cacophony of gunfire and smoke, a strange sensation grips him—a compelling urge to protect her at all costs.

Thus begins a tale of redemption as YC takes Snoh under his wing, guiding her back into the embrace of society. Despite warnings from his colleagues to maintain distance, he finds himself growing attached to her. Snoh, despite her harrowing past, retains an innocence that captivates him.

Unbeknownst to Snoh, however, the cult's leader survives, his obsession with her intensifying by the day. As the truth unfolds, YC must confront the looming threat to Snoh's safety. The cult leader's relentless pursuit threatens to shatter the fragile peace they've cultivated.

In the face of danger, what lengths will YC go to shield Snoh from harm?

~ The Evil Among Us
(Modern Supernatural)
In a quaint Midwestern town, traditional values and religious fervor ruled the day. Anything deviating from the norm was swiftly judged and condemned by the tight-knit community. They prided themselves on their perceived moral superiority, scrutinizing anything that strayed from their narrow definition of normalcy. Every household seemed to mirror the next, each family raising their children to fit the mold. They were the embodiment of judgmental sanctimony, parading around on their moral high horses, ensuring conformity at every turn. Yet, even in this picture-perfect town, imperfections lurked beneath the surface, threatening its facade of perfection.

In the midst of this community stood Jolene Wang and her sister, Whitney. Branded as outsiders, they were labeled as witches by the townsfolk. Whitney, with her sharp tongue and bold demeanor, earned the reputation of being a "bitch," while Jolene, quiet and introverted, was the easy target for ridicule. With her head often bowed, Jolene walked through the town square, enduring snide remarks from her peers. Though she never retorted, their words stung, trailing her home as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Despite Whitney's icy exterior, she harbors a fierce protectiveness toward her sister, aware of the potent abilities Jolene possesses and determined to shield her from losing control. With no other known family, they reside in a majestic old farmhouse nestled on the outskirts of town, commonly dubbed "The Devil's Woods" by locals. Few dare to venture into those darkened woods, shrouded in chilling tales and daunting rumors that deter even the most curious souls.

Enters YC, a respected figure in the town known for his compassion and open-mindedness, qualities that set him apart from his judgmental peers. Intrigued by the enigmatic Wang sisters, particularly Jolene, YC found himself drawn to their mysterious aura- despite the disaproval of his church-affiliated family. Their paths crossed unexpectedly one day when Jolene accidentally dropped her belongings, unknowingly leaving behind a journal containing cryptic texts and disturbing images, hinting at powers capable of unsettling the town's fragile equilibrium.

YC, intrigued by the contents of Jolene's journal, chooses to keep his discovery to himself and embarks on a journey to return it to her personally. As he ventures into the foreboding woods surrounding their home, he falls victim to a mysterious spell, losing consciousness in the process. It's Jolene who discovers him, rescuing him from the depths of unconsciousness and nursing him back to health within the sanctuary of her home.

Their unexpected encounter marks the beginning of an unlikely romance, blossoming amidst the backdrop of the town's disapproving whispers. With each passing day, their bond deepens, but as Jolene's emotions intensify, strange occurrences begin to plague the town. Sensing the impending danger, Whitney, ever vigilant and protective of her sister, intervenes, determined to prevent Jolene from succumbing to the overwhelming power of her emotions, which could unleash devastating consequences upon the town.
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Bump! New supernatural plot added! Will soon include a character profile for her. Stay tuned.
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