FxF A Ranger's Ideas

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FxF A Ranger's Ideas


A Rotating Cast of Lesbians
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Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
Hey I'm Kes, I've been writing for 18 years give or take (math's not my strong suite) and I like to write sapphic pairings with a good blend of story and smut alike.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
My reply lengths vary depending on what my partner has given me to work with and what feels right for the moment within the story but I'll never give you less than a decent paragraph. My schedule on the other hand can be sporadic as life can get in the way and writer's block is always a possibility. But I will endeavor to never simply disappear on you without some kind of warning.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
I don't mind some violence and mildly explicit descriptions of the damage done by such, but I'm not interested in playing out serious or intense depictions of broken limbs or disembowelment and things of that nature.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
I absolutely do write sexual content. I tend to lean towards some flavor of BDSM, but I put my limits on any kind of filth play and the like. I'll dabble in the lightest forms of petplay but rarely the serious stuff, and generally prefer to simply go where the characters lead in these regards (with proper negotiation between the players to make sure everyone's comfortable of course) than laboriously plan out what their dynamic will be.

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)
I do and I have. I've done RWBY characters, Life is Strange, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Netflix She-Ra, and Star Wars as well as a few others when the mood strikes. But I also enjoy a good original rp as well.

Template in the posts below is by Riff, thanks for sharing your cool stuff with us!
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Elske Van Helsing is from a long line of Vampire Hunters, a line so dedicated to the cause that they may not be entirely human themselves anymore. But the secret about the supernatural came out to the rest of the world when she was younger and now peace sits on a blade's edge as humans and the creatures they once dismissed as myth eye one another from across the negotiating table. In a bid for a stronger alliance, her family was all but ordered to make themselves useful and now Elske finds herself in service to a beautiful Vampire woman who is of great importance to their society. (a noble or politician or something) They'll have to set aside their natural distrust of each other in order to navigate the political minefield and keep things steady, and maybe they'll discover they have more in common than they'd thought along the way. (sub-leaning switch, gay) TAKEN
Ceri Gwynn is the sort of girl to pursue her curiosity at any cost, even when it leads her to places she shouldn't go. When said pursuits bring her to a mysterious castle she finds herself trapped there by strange magic with her only company being the Lady of the home. (a little bit of beauty and the beast with maybe some fae or vampiric elements?) (sub, mostly gay may be bi for the right partner)​
Mads has managed to escape the lab where she's been held, now out in a world she doesn't remember she has to learn how to navigate among regular people and how to control the vicious abilities she was given. In a high tech world of massive skyscrapers and gene modification, violence may be the only thing she's qualified for. So when she gets the attention of one of the gangs that run the city she has to try to bargain for a job and protection from her former masters. (sub, gay) TAKEN​
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Born to a long line of powerful magic users in New England, who only escaped the witch burnings because of the massive amounts of money they already had, Annis is a disappointment because she's a familiar rather than a witch herself. She gained some small freedom from her family by attending college, getting her degree in Art History because she enjoyed it and doing one small thing for herself, before she got the news that a witch had been found for her. Now she's been packed up and shipped off to someone she's never met, to be bound to them by magic. (sub, mostly gay may be bi for right partner)​
Dylan takes great pains to avoid others, living in a one-room cabin she stumbled through building herself out in the woods and generally taking what she needs from the forest around her. But just because she chose this life doesn't mean she's lonely. And a lone, untrained wolf like her is liable to draw someone's attention someday. Whether that's a hunter, a pack, or just a curious enthusiast is anyone's guess. TAKEN (sub-leaning switch, gay)​
Aren Drake is a mystery, drifting through social circles of all sorts with a quiet smile and reserved demeanor. She has a habit of taking girls back to her latest apartment for nights of mutual pleasure, with her in charge of course, before disappearing for places unknown. As a freelance spy she can't make long lasting connections but that seems to suit her just fine. But what happens when one woman in particular just keeps crossing her path? (domme, gay)TAKEN​
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Kore's life has never exactly been simple, as a slave trained in the arts of spycraft, assassination, and thievery; but it just got a hell of a lot more complicated. While on a mission from her master, the man is killed mysteriously and when she returns she finds herself set to be sold along with other assets of his in order to consolidate his estate for his heir. Of course, no one knows exactly what he bought and trained her for and so prospective buyers just see her as a pretty house slave. When a beautiful Lady wins the auction Kore finds herself in the company of someone who seems to know far more than she lets on. (sub, gay)​
Kai doesn't stay still long, traveling as a mercenary wherever the job might take her. This is defense against her own thoughts and the Empire alike, as the less she stays in one place the less likely she is to get recognized by someone. Though the galaxy is a big place, so the idea of anyone actually realizing that the hardened mercenary is the same as that bright eyed Padawan from the Clone Wars was pretty thin. Still, better to be safe than sorry. Until the day she's hired to guard and transport a woman who definitely has ties to something bigger than just your run of the mill spice smuggling. Whether she's Cartel or Rebellion, Kai doesn't care. She just wants to finish the job and get away before she gets caught up in bigger things. But the Force seems to have other ideas. (sub-leaning switch, gay) TAKEN​
Ellis Quinn didn't have a very long childhood, she was only eight when a trip to the city to visit the aquarium for her birthday turned into a disaster. At the train station something went wrong, an explosion rocking downtown and killing most in the station. Ellis was buried in the rubble, terrified but somehow unharmed. When first responders tried to dig her out after discovering she was there, her fear at the sound of shifting rubble triggered something in her. The energy she'd unknowingly absorbed to survive the explosion burst from her in a wave of concussive force. More people died, and she was found huddled in the epicenter without a scratch. That's when the military swooped in, covering up the incident and making the child disappear. She grew up in a secret military compound, training every day to control and use her abilities. Now, as an adult, she serves as the government's sanctioned hero. Fighting those they deem villains, until one starts to make her question things she never thought to question before. (sub, gay) TAKEN​
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Bunny, affectionately called such by her parents for her excitable nature and tendency to 'hop' from one interest to the next, is a survivor of a post-apocalypse world. The earth turned on humanity, tides rising and temperatures shifting, and those who survived the initial changes now are trying to keep communities together in the aftermath. Bunny wasn't alive for the Drowning, as the locals call it, but she lives in the ruins of the old world with the rest of her community. She's a scrapper and tinker by trade, always happiest when she's up to her elbows in old machines and grease. But even in the undesirable coastal city she calls home, half-drowned as it is, there's always dangers. From raiders to illness to wildlife, one never knows what's going to happen next. (sub, bi)​
Born the younger of two children to a border noble, Mirielle knew from a young age that her only worth to her father would be in how large her eventual dowry would be. She watched her elder brother struggle under their father's weighty expectations and was grateful no such things rested on her shoulders. Not that she looked forward to her own fate, but at least she could mostly spend her days unbothered by people other than her tutor. Until the day a strange creature appeared at their home with a message for her father. He had upset the powerful witch/fae who lived on the edges of their lands with his attempts at expansion and now must pay a price. She asked for his daughter, to be her prisoner and prize. And now Miri is to be sent to live with someone she was taught to fear as the bogeywoman of her childhood stories. And she has no idea what may be in store for her. (sub, gay)​
Jess Daniels never really had an easy life, and every rough patch or hard turn left its mark on her. Now she's in her late twenties, a self-taught musician who finally caught her big break after moving across the country to LA five years previously. But the music she makes is haunted by what she left behind to do so. In her past there was a whirlwind summer romance with a music student on the east coast, one that got so intense so fast that Jess got scared. She disappeared with only a note left behind, breaking her lover's heart as well as her own, and has closed herself off to romance ever since. But what happens when her ex girlfriend shows back up in her life unexpectedly? Can the music bring them together again like it did before? (switch, gay)
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Currently Open:
Annis Vione Bancroft - a familiar without a witch, and an heiress who disappoints her family through her very existence
Kai Daron - an ex-padawn turned mercenary just trying to survive in a galaxy that would like her dead
Ellis Quinn - a young superhero trained since childhood by a secret goverment agency, she's never known a life outside of the cause
Ceri Gwyn - a curious and nomadic young woman in a world of magic, choosing to pursue knowledge of the world around her wherever it takes her
Kore - a Slave trained as an assassin and spy, suddenly bereft of her master and set to be sold once more. With no idea who her new owner might be or what they may ask of her.
Bunny - scrapper, genius, survivor; this young tinker is always happy to get her hands on something new in a world that's more dangerous than she likely realizes
Mirielle - a studious young noblewoman sent off to be the possession of a powerful magical woman who was insulted by something Miri's father did.
Jess Daniels - a rising star in LA's music scene while nursing a broken heart of her own making, about to find her life once more intersecting with the great romance of years past.
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Star Wars (especially EU)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Canon Character Plots:
Blake Belladonna (RWBY):
No Beacon AU, White Fang agent Blake infiltrates the Schnee household as Weiss' new maid with the plan of getting information on the SDC's operations and expecting the Schnee heiress to be a nightmare she'll have to endure. Instead she finds Weiss a quiet tragedy with unexpected similarities to the things she herself is trying to escape despite the differences in their individual tormentors. (I would play Blake, need someone to play Weiss please)
Faith Lehane (BtVS): Post-series, Faith has been roaming the US helping new slayers as she finds them and avoiding Buffy and the others as much as possible. Despite things ending between them on a higher note than usual she still doesn't think it's a good idea for her to spend time around them. Between her still lingering feelings for Buffy and the history between her and the group it just seems best for her to keep her distance. (Looking for a Buffy or a Willow for this, though a Cordelia or a somehow still alive Tara could also be fun)
Plots Without Set Characters:
1. (F/F only please) MC is a dancer/server at a club that doubles as tantalizing burlesque and semi-nude strip joint. YC is in a highly ranked position in the local mob/gang/criminal empire with a controling interest in the club and becomes interested in MC after taking a more direct hand in the establishment. More can be fleshed out later but that's the general gist.
2. (F/F only please) Scifi setting could be Star Wars or an original one, MC is a stowaway on a smuggling ship who gets caught partway into the journey. YC is a member of the crew who takes pity on her and starts teaching her how to make herself useful on board for the rest of the trip. The relationship can blossom in a few ways from there.​
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