World Baby it's cold outside.Big Chill OOC

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World Baby it's cold outside.Big Chill OOC

Okay so I'm not 100% sure how are we including our newcomer into the events, I was assuming that the engineer boots was a reference to Mouse or Tyler, but IDK?
Maybe we find them passed out on the side of the trail as we're heading to either find Cork or a vehicle and the characters with a good sense of morals drag him along to fix him up, and he starts talking about the unmanned bunkers so we all head there after the current adventure to find loot?

And The Pilot could still prove to be useful even when shot by helping us in some way?

Just a suggestion.
I had thought Cork could find him... As punishment for flouncing off. :D

Since I wasn't sure where he was located...
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I like the idea of finding him on our way to Cork, the only problem being that might take a while for us to get to that bit seeing as we need to bunker down for the night. If Zee doesn't mind waiting a little it could be a good idea.

Otherwise Mouse could find him and Tyler could revitalise him do he's in the plane with us?
He would be dead a night outside, we need to bring him in... Oh bear... Use the dog... Drisa
Just write it that Bear won't settle and is going pure skizzy about something and drags Muriel out, the boots... Let's call it a hallucination.
That's a brilliant idea. Do you want me to edit my last post to include it?
Dr except we can't check in with everyone each time we write something, there's no guarantee Cork would risk picking him up when he is pushing For a new hide out. Too many variables to check on with everyone.
We can wait for Zee if everyone wants to just double check he's good with everything, but I feel like he gave us a bit of a creative opening when he wrote that his character collapsed (and subsequently found) by an anonymous character.
Tell you what, I'll write in Muriel finding Fly, but if Zee comes back and says that it isn't what he wanted I can just delete it afterwards, if that sounds okay?
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