FxF Be Gay, Perform Rituals

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FxF Be Gay, Perform Rituals


The None, The Nonely
Local time
Today 10:19 PM
Down Under
she, her
Hello, hello! Welcome to the wonderful world of Lydia Lovelace, Sapphomancer extraordinaire!

...oh wait, no one's here...


I go by Lydia Lovelace on this site, despite my handle telling you the exact opposite (lies!!!). I am a seasoned though unpublished creative writer in my earlier years on solo projects, and got into RP during college and such, though I joined this site about two years ago. I write in a literary style, dabble in poetic and flowery language, and create lore and magic-systems like a crazed gremlin.

I am organized in many ways, and equally as disorganized in others. The amount of effort I dedicate to documenting and developing lore for my existing RPs, is the effort I am unable to summon for coming up with plots from scratch. Do note, that I find myself eerily able to alchemically transmute smaller plot-snippets, concepts, or even just pairings, into more refined story-ideas, like Nicolas Flamel of yore.

I write almost exclusively in the fantasy genre, specifically high fantasy, but am not opposed to writing magical realism with some tooth to it (in the sense of having avenues for exploring lore), or low-fantasy, sci-fi, and hybrid science-fantasy as well.

Though my general preferences are to write Fx? stories with myself as the former, where ? is a wild-card for anything you care to substitute, this RT is specifically looking for femme characters for some sapphic fun-times. Looking for some combination of narrative, romance, and smut, to be discussed in PMs if you are interested in talking shop.

As I am already getting back into the swing of things, I would humbly request that any non FxF pairings be withheld from suggestions, but I won't absolutely object if there is some ambiguity, or you have a killer idea (it should be good enough to catch my attention, I won't go out of my way to develop a story idea from this RT if it is FxM).

I am perfectly comfortable writing one-muse or multi-muse stories, where I might be taking the role of either a single anchor character and an ensemble cast, or a larger harem or polycule (usually the former, as far as past experience, but open to the latter as well, though logistically it might be a bit complex).

As far as how I define FxF, I am specifically stating it as an antithesis of FxM, so any transfem, futanari, or gender-ambiguous characters of androgynous features are welcome here <3

Any past partners of mine who see this, know that I am almost certainly open to continuing our prior, hiatused stories, or starting a new one if the moment has passed.

Looking forward to many lovely suitresses to my TBD FMC(s)!

Brimming with Anticipation,
~Lydia Lovelace
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