MxM Blinds Dates and Frenemies

Currently reading:
MxM Blinds Dates and Frenemies


10 Year RPer
Local time
Today 3:45 AM
Middle-Earth (USA/CA)
All characters are (18)+
Tags: Modern, Romance, Mystery, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: MxM

I would really like my RP partners to write somewhere between 3-6 paragraphs, or 300+ words. I also prefer writing in 3rd person. No offense to anyone who identifies or enjoys 1st or otherwise, I just get extremely confused when trying to write or read in that POV.
YC is a freespirit, growing up in a middle-class family with several siblings and supportive parents. Of course that doesn't mean he is naive in any manner, just that he tends to lean more optimistically. He knows that for there to be Light there must be Dark to balance it. After all, his job was an undercover government official (Spy).

Still. He was the eldest sibling and has always been protective of his family. So, it was inevitable that after hours of begging and promises to pay them back double-fold, that YC agreed to go on one of their younger siblings blind dates that was set up as a dare by their friends. It also was around the time of YC's ex-fiance's up-coming marriage, which he agreed to go to and needed a date for… Two birds with one stone, right?

All the information he got about this date was that it was at some high end restaurant YC couldn't afford on their salary and according to the friend MC was a 'bachelor for life' who was pressured by their own friends to go on a date once in a blue moon.

Imagine YC's surprise when he comes to the date and finds that his date is none other than his Frenemy- someone his work has an information deal with, who never quite crosses the line of good and evil. Who he both loathes and respects. MC, who is the Leader of an extremely powerful, dangerous, and yet considerably neutral organization of assassins, spies, etc. They followed a strict moral code but work in the Underworld, which YC has conflicted feelings about.
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