MxF cautious request thread

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MxF cautious request thread

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Today 9:30 PM
Here's my little request thread, which I will be keeping updated when my search status changes, my muse shifts, or I come up with new plot ideas.

My posting is pretty inconsistent due to 1) life being insane in general and 2) health problems. If you're looking for a consistent partner, I'm not your gal. I try to get at least one reply back per week. At my best, I can fire off a few in a day.
If you're interested in writing with me, please DM me a bit about yourself and what you'd like to write.

Am I currently looking for a new roleplay:
Yes, just one!

What I'm looking for…
I'm only comfortable with writing with other women who are 21+.

I'm hoping to have fun and better my writing, so I'd love to write with people around my level/a bit better than me.

I'm naturally very direct/to the point, which translates into my writing. I'm trying to increase my word count without feeling like I'm writing filler, but currently my posts range from 150-800 words and average around 400. Of course, my responses vary depending on where the plot is (ex: something dialogue-heavy will be short). I'm not picky on length if my partner gives me something to work with.

Life is crazy. I totally understand if you can't post for extended periods of time, but I'd appreciate a heads up.

Chatting OOC isn't necessary but I'd at least like to discuss plot ideas.
ROMANCE <3 All my stories center around it and I like to be as dramatic as possible within the context of the story. I prefer MxF pairings and usually write from the male perspective, but I can do either.

I'm a planner so before the initial post I like to have a general plot outline and basic character sheets with either a realistic face claim or a written description. That's not to say I'm not flexible; I love to discuss subplot ideas and details along the way.

Plot Ideas
When MMC reached the Premier Football League, he mourned all he left behind by finding comfort in the arms of… well, anyone who would have him. And it turns out that a lot of women are interested in having a professional athlete, even if only for a night. Years later, he's still primarily recognized as a young, hotshot superstar, even now that he's established himself as the one of the best midfielders in the league. Now that he wants to trade the media circus for a normal dating life, it's impossible to do anything without being on constant display. The details of even the most-boring dates are leaked, hookups find their way onto at least one front page, and every woman he interacts with becomes a subject of speculation.

So when a woman bumps into him and no recognition flashes across her face, he spends hours relishing in the normalcy she provides. Before they've even left the bar, social media is flooded with photos of him and his mystery woman and comments about how he looks to finally be settling down and happy with a woman… a very private one, no less. MMC can't help but think that if the public would speculate that based on a few blurry photos, maybe a long-term relationship would be enough to change his image completely.

FMC knows who MMC is — in fact, she was recently asked to investigate for a tell-all piece about the real man behind the persona. She also knows he's not likely to open up to someone who will run to the media, so her best bet is to pretend she doesn't recognize him at all. If she's successful, she could be promoted from writing columns about vacations she'll never get to take to researching and writing front-page articles. So when he suggests a PR relationship to revamp his image, she's secretly thrilled... until the lines around their fake relationship begin to blur.
Based on the book series "The Selection" by Kiera Cass

The Prince of Illea (MC) has to get married and he isn't happy about it. He'd been (reluctantly) engaged before, but his bride-to-be passed away a few weeks before they were to be married. Since then, he's only become more disillusioned by the idea of falling in love and living happily ever after. The last thing he wants is a palace full of women harboring the misguided idea that he wants a fairy tale with one of them.

Knowing the country would only view their son as grieving and fiercely loyal, the King and Queen reluctantly allowed him to put off the Selection as long as possible. That ended after the King suffered a health scare, causing them to fear their reign ending.

A month later and there are thirty-five women suddenly living in his home with the intention of winning his heart, and with it, the crown. None them know he plans to select a partner based on very specific criteria that have nothing to do with love. YC is the opposite of what he is looking for, yet for some reason he finds himself unable to send her home.
YC (FMC) and MC (MMC) have been in the same friend group for years, giving YC a firsthand look at why she could never be with him. Sure, there are some feelings; after all, he's good-looking, charming, and sweet when he wants to be. But he's also never had a girlfriend and their other friends, being guys, are always eager to hear about his conquests in painful detail. It doesn't help that her brother happens to not only be in the friend group, but he's also be MC's roommate. So when she and MC share a perfect, drunken kiss, she knows she needs to pull away before she wants to and act like she regrets it.

MC has never not been interested in his best friend's sister but there were always a million reasons preventing him from acting on it, so he was content with being her friend. Sure, he might be a bit of a dick to any guy she brings around, but it's natural to be protective of their only female friend. Especially when she has such shitty taste in boyfriends. But when her lips met his, he knew he didn't want to go back to being nothing more to her than anyone else in their group. He decided he'd break his no-girlfriend streak if she asked, but instead she made him promise he'd never tell anyone. As they pretend it never happened, they both find it increasingly difficult to remain just friends.
...I'd be happy to build a story from scratch or look at your plot ideas! Here are some themes that typically resonate with me.

-New Adult (ex: college, profession world)
-Historical (I have the most experience with Regency era)
-Anything based on dangerous/action elements (ex: dystopia, mafia, military, superhero world, etc)

-Fake dating
-Forced proximity
-Enemies to lovers
-Friends to lovers
-Forbidden romance
-He falls first
-She falls first but he falls harder
-Grumpy x sunshine
-Good girl x bad boy
-Power/age gap (celebrity crush, wealth desparity, etc)
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Hey! I like your ideas! I've never read the Selection but I'm familiar with it, so I don't know how willing you'd be for that one, but honestly the sports one caught my attention more. Depends on which one you're craving most.
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