FxF Dark Calling

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FxF Dark Calling


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Tomorrow 5:02 AM

Hello beautiful stranger wandering these unearthly lands,
turn around and flee back into the light lest you wish to face the darkness lying ahead,
slumbering in her eternal dream woven between the threads of the worlds.

Whispering voices tell a tale of a woman ...

  • I am 25yo (she/her), been roleplaying on and off for about 8 years
  • I play only FxF (I am willing to try FxFuta) as the main characters but I can play anything and anyone if the situation in the storyline requires it, It´s no fun when there are only our characters in the whole world and I like using various npc´s to animate it
  • I am not from an English-speaking country. My English will never be 100% correct, but I take great care when writing my posts to make them fun and with as few grammar mistakes as possible. When I am in the rush I might end up with shorter posts, but always expect at least 2-3 paragraphs. Give me time and something to work with and I can easily do 1000+ Oh and I love reading long posts.
  • I like romance in all its forms and versions. Soulmates across time and universe, corrupted hero falling for the source of their corruption, turning the one you hate the most into your lover? I am down for anything though I will always steer towards the darker romance and if you have something truly twisted, hit me up!
  • Drama and Angst are my favourites. Betrayal, fear, hatred, sorrow, something that makes your heart ache for those poor souls and then makes the fluffy light scenes even more delightful.
  • More often than not I do slow/medium-burn with realistic characters who each have their desires, fears, hobbies, likes and dislikes. There can be exceptions, especially if we plan to do more smut-focus rp but I will always find a way how to spice things up and won´t make too easy for our characters.
  • Give me anything monster, supernatural, non-human related and I am yours! Fantasy settings are my favourite but I can be very flexible with other themes as well - sci-fi, ancient times, history settings, history times eldritch horror, dystopian.
  • I don´t play a slice of life.
  • I Enjoy a variety of things - some plots will be truly extreme and brutal and others will be tender, fun and loving. Don´t be shy to share any ideas you have! I don´t bite unless you ask nicely.
  • When there is dom/sub dynamic (my all-time favourite, I am addicted), I love playing as a sub but don´t ever expect a mary sue. I like to keep MC strong-willed, fierce and brave (all that also depends on the plot, I can be very flexible). I will also gladly play a switch or dom for the right partner. I don´t require BDSM, D/S, master/slave or similar dynamics to be part of the story but it´s strongly preferred

... who had a dark side ...

My limits: you would need to try really hard to reach them, take it as a challenge if you dare. Seriously though, let me know your own limits (both for smut and story). I wouldn´t want to make you uncomfortable.
If you wanna dip your toes into these dark waters I am your girl: power play/fighting for dominance, dub-con, non-con, whips, fingers into the mouth, bondage, biting, anal, public humiliation, verbal sparring, experimenting with various settings, locations, toys, improvised toys, gangbangs, public use, torture and there´s plenty more - don´t be afraid to get creative! And tell me your kinks, I will gladly incorporate them into the story. Both of us should be heaving fun.

... hidden deep inside her head

Here are my plot ideas, feel free to come up with one of your own. We can brainstorm together or start something that´s been sitting in your head for some time!
I am in need of Siren/Mermaid/Sea monster RP right now. If you pick from mine or have your idea write to me, please.
Bold is my preferred role

Siren x YC
Story: Siren parts are extremely valuable and insanely expensive. The biggest problem preventing global trade is the necessity to harvest the parts from freshly killed or even a living creatures. Not to mention that sirens are dangerous and encountering even a single one could mean the death of the whole unprepared crew.
This have been MC's first face-to-face meeting with humans and it went exactly as the legends say - horribly wrong. Deep underneath the surface, she received a plea for help from her whale companions. The pod was under attack by the hunting ship and as usual, MC came to the rescue but this time whale oil and meat weren't of any interest to the hunters. Unbeknownst to her she was swimming straight into the well-constructed trap. Captured and safely secured inside a tank on the deck the crew has a reason to celebrate. From the bounty they will receive for her they could live comfortably for several years.

Prompts: ocean secrets, deep seas, violence, dark, ships, monster hunting, human hunting

YC – plenty to choose from, each idea has its own potential so pick anything you would enjoy playing!
sea-faring thug charmed by the promise of the heavy pouch of money
hopeful mage apprentices aiming to prove themselves to their mentor/coven
a runaway noble seeking exciting adventures
a pirate captain with huge debt on her shoulders and the promise of gallows hanging over her head
The werewolf pack took residence in the woods terrifying all citizens and bandits alike. One snowy night they ambush a supply wagon but instead of food, they find a beautiful woman accused of witchcraft trembling inside. The Alpha takes a liking to the soft creature and her alluring charm but the girl´s dark past shows up knocking on their doors faster than anyone expected. Perhaps it would have been better if they let her burn while they still had the chance.

Prompts: survival, creatures of the dark forest, violence, on the run, tainted soul, poly
Her last arrow was meant for you. Strung up and pointed at the heart, there would be no escape from its whistling tune. Life and death separated by a single breath. And yet, much can change in such a short moment when the hands move faster than thoughts and the arrow is flying free. But not to plunge into your chest but to save the life of another. Raider goes down without a sound and the pounding of bare feet signals the escape of their target.

No defences left, only the will to survive and to protect.

You see a leader, she never got to be, and a potential wasted along with the whispered pleas echoing through the battlefield. Yet her voice does not plead with them. The fire in her eyes in not burnt out despite the horrors they now mirror and will do so for the rest of her life. How long will that be? Seconds? Decades? It´s not her decision and never was, though the young soul used to dream and hope for a future forever lost.

The steel in your hand is singing its dreadful tone, tainted with crimson and mud just like your soul. What will you do now, when the Fates have already begun cutting her thread?

Prompts: spoils of war, conquest, defeat, revenge, dark
The world is being torn apart by rampant magic, mages exploding from unstable mana overload, monsters born from the depthless rifts, the law of the fittest, raiders, slavers, plagued lands and cities in ruins ...

Perhaps YC is searching for a solution, for a way to redeem the world and reverse the apocalypse. Did they help to set it into motion? Was it a prophecy that made them believe that the world could be saved? Or something completely different? Maybe it´s just something smaller like trying to save a beloved person or keep a promise...no matter what, MC is the key to their problem.
Transformed during one of many mana surges she is infused with volatile mana. But instead of turning into a mindless monster like so many others, she retains a part of her humanity.
I am open to suggestions from your side on which type of monster she shall become depending on your tastes. The general idea is a creature infused with wild primal magic that grants her either the strength and reflexes of a beast or control over one of the elements.
I am also playing with the idea that the transformation never truly stopped but was only slowed down and as the days tick by she is growing stronger and stronger while losing her human side bit by bit. It could be an interesting concept where YC would witness her gentler nature when they meet and later would be the only person able to stop her from losing all of her humanity.

Because I am a sucker for drama, YC could lie to MC, promising them help with getting rid of their affliction...while in reality, the only known way to get rid of it is dying/being sacrificed. It´s considered a mercy anyway, the ones who hunt the mana monsters either hate them or pity them. MC´s human part still clings to the foolish hope so it would be a good enough reason to follow a stranger across the continent. And YC needs her alive until they reach their final destination.
Of course, this ugly truth will be revealed in the worst possible moment.

They will gain new abilities along the way or lose everything, save or destroy the cities, support and betray each other in their maddening pursuit of near impossible goal.

Open to suggestions and ideas!
The spoils of war go to the victor and so does MC as the greatest weapon of the defeated armies. She is strong and ruthless a perfect killing machine who´s been treated as such for her whole life. Unbeknownst to her she was created for a different reason years ago by the head scientist of the winning nation. Stolen and raised to be a monster now she is finally returned to her maker who is set on giving her back her original purpose - providing pleasure not death.

Prompts: improper use of killing machines sex toys, finding home, fitting into society, sex-addicted, sci-fi or fantasy
If a majority believe that hunting Elves for sport or valuable parts is right, do you find the strength to oppose?
MC is an Elf, broken from a horrible torture she didn´t deserve. She is happily hidden in her mind, shielded from the horrors of the outside world. Always smiling, always obeying her current master, major of the Hinderbring town. The word goes that she was the cause of the Great Fire that consumed half of the town last year and she must be punished accordingly. She should have been burned alive, but the Mayor with the main priest decided that she is to be offered a purification. A test by the God himself. The date of a test is nearing while MC, oblivious to the outside world is taking good care of her master.

I give you a free hand here. YC can be anyone. A bard who wandered into the city and inspired by the rumour decided to write a ballad about the Hinderbring Elf and the destruction they caused / A daughter orphaned by the Great Fire who, encouraged by her friends, breaks into the major´s home to punish that Elven vermin. A foreign mage in need of a new slave/test subject because Elves are hard to come by even on the black market / Or there´s this plot idea:
YC is a hybrid of 1/2 dark elf and 1/2 light elf, a disgrace in her elven heritage as both clans have their respected kingdoms, but it's an identity she takes up proudly. Elves took to hiding away from the humans, establishing a territory and truce between them. Sadly, one of their own (a light elf princess) was separated from its light elf clan. Knowing no one else was brave, or foolish enough, to go get her she was forgotten. That is, until MC grew up and established her shoppe. Pay up, and she'll do just about anything. It seems it's time to recover the parent's little princess. Using a potion, she turns herself human and sneaks into the town.)

Prompts: mind break, submissive character, healing from trauma, angst, seriously so much angst, finding home
Dragon shapeshifter x stable girl
Kingdoms are going to war and dragon riders urgently need more dragons. Those who serve now are not enough and there is no time to wait till the babies grow up. In order to fulfil the wish of a king, several wild dragons were captured in the wild and brought to the training centre. The orders are clear - tame the dragon and prepare it for a battle. Nothing more nothing less. No one expects that there could ever be established a bond similar to the bond between the dragon rider and his dragon raised from the egg. Wild dragons are considered unstable and are mostly used for breeding. This is an emergency situation and the king hopes that wild dragons can become something like warhorses - used in battle and then tossed away.
MC seems untamable so far. The word goes that she will soon be used in the newly established breeding program if she won´t cooperate.
YC is a newbie in the training centre and is currently taking care of cleaning the cages and preparing training equipment and food (which is then used by the dragon trainers) Strangely MC will come to accept her presence and soon they will have to face consequences of their fragile companionship.

Story ideas: Because of the dire situation on the battlefield, YC is turned into a rookie dragon rider and forced to ride with MC to battle. All other dragon riders come from prominent houses and rich families and many were training their whole lives while waiting for a chance to bond with a dragon hatchling. An unwelcoming environment would be an understatement...

Prompts: dark, war horrors, first time on the battlefield, army bullying, violence, fighting for freedom, betrayal, secret identity
Additional ideas that can be incorporated into the plot: power bottoming (MC realizes she is trouble when her faked obedience starts feeling good)
As a warlord, you have so little to fear. No one who dares to oppose you lives long enough to tell the tale. You brought whole nations to their knees and made them your slaves. Peasants and seasoned soldiers alike tremble at the sound of your name.

And yet, there is a time when you whimper like a little girl when you beg for mercy with waterly eyes and scraped knees. When you scream out your anger and fear until your lungs burn and your voice loses its volume. Or until she rips out your tongue with her bare hands...She comes to you often in your sleep, destroying each and every pleasant dream and turning them all into one neverending nightmare. Sometimes she simply tortures you, sometimes she plays with you, gives you a chance to escape and then crushes you like a bug, sometimes she shows you horrible and twisted images of your past. Sometimes she is gentle and caring and makes you feel safe and perhaps even truly loved...but never for long and after these sweet times she is the cruellest, she humiliates you in every way possible and then lets you bleed to death...finally...You always wake up drenched in sweat, trembling, afraid and confused. Until the rage comes. You have no idea how is it possible for this woman to torture you in your dreams and the fact that you can´t do anything to her in return is more than frustrating. Thankfully they are only dreams, right? They are not real, nothing more than a fragment of your cruel imagination...aren´t they?

One day a group of nomad artists wander into your land. They are exceptional, the crowd adores them and their performances are one success after another. They can make people laugh or cry, tremble in fear and awe. Their fame spreads like wildfire and soon reaches the walls of your palace. Soon they are here in person - ready to present their greatest show so far! What a shock will it be when you spot a familiar face during the performance. There she is - the plague of your dreams smiling innocently at the audience and swinging to the beat of the music.

Prompts: end of the world, apocalypse, epic journey, dark,

Pairing ideas
Sea serpent x pirate/sailor
Corrupted hero x villain
Witch x dragon
Demon x Nun
Demon x Hunter
Predator x Prey
Gladiator x Noble lady
Monster x human
Eldritch horror x human
Master x slave
Lonely siren
x Drowning lady
Experiment x crazy Scientist

Characters waiting for their spotlight


Rue is a gladiator adorned by the Roman crowds, capable and handsome. Used to being shown off at parties and spending nights inside the beds of Roman nobles. This year the greatest games of all time are about to be held in Rome. Spectacle so grand that it is believed that even gods themselves would attend and grant their blessings to the victors.

By buying her from her master it would allow Rue to experience Rome from a completely new perspective. Her monotonous life inside Ludus interrupted only by playing the puppet at the parties and during the fights in the arena could never truly satisfy her. Born as a wild child among the trees and clouds. Raised in the rhythm of music and cracking fire she longs to be free again but even a small act of kindness can go a long way. YC would show her off and use her as a political advantage and source of income but while doing so she would grant her more freedom and importance than Rue had since being dragged to Rome. Battling between the natural hatred she should feel towards the noblewoman and the growing fondness and even respect she is in for an emotional rollercoaster.
All gladiators from various masters are usually held inside the Ludus most of the time but because of political intrigues and later personal interest YC is taking her outside more and more frequently. Not everyone inside the Ludus is happy with that, leading to some interesting confrontations and dangers lurking behind every corner.


A prideful young dragon who already went through several Riders and all of them ended up either dead, wounded or strongly refused to work with her anymore. She is spirited, cheerful and notoriously bad at following commands. There seems to be something wrong with the "Bonds" she created with them as she never felt the same desire to obey and respect them as other dragons did. Too valuable to kill or send to the breeding centre but too powerful to leave unattended on the battlefield. She is loyal to the kingdom and there´s no malice behind her accidents and mischieves.
She only wants to do good...it´s not her fault that her independent and creative plans fail so often...and that humans are so fragile when compared to her...not her fault at all!​
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I would love to give this a go. I am more than happy to play supernatural beings we agree on. I would also like to work through how they meet in details. I am happy to play one or more characters.
As for my limits they are
Scat, site rules, anything with sexual content involving rotten corpses.
Everything else is up to negotiation.
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