FxF Demi's Little Shop of Ideas

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FxF Demi's Little Shop of Ideas


"A Demi walks into a bar..."
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 12:22 AM
The Empire of Bael Turath
Little Shop of Ideas Ambiance

A pleasure and delight to all who begin a journey through my humble thread. As I am new here do look over the about me section, so you find out a little knowledge about who I am, a little sneak peek into my life!

And as always, do enjoy the read, as much as I loved to write it all

Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

Aha! Well, most folks call me Demi. I work as a Chef with a schedule full of new and interesting challenges that my work brings. I'm 29 and love to write in my spare time. I practice Archery at my local club. It's why I am a HUGE fan of the English Longbow, a beautiful and simple design of warfare. I've always wanted to get into fencing or try the traditional longsword but for now, the bow will have to do.

I've been writing for a few years it all started with a group of friends and then I went solo, but in my heart, I am a group roleplayer so I do look out for those, especially fantasy or DnD type groups. Love those!

In all my years of writing, I've come to enjoy pretty much anything genre-wise from fantasy to dystopian universes. It's all about the storyline for me and if it's interesting, then the setting merely adds to the flavor. A big thing for me is Romance if I could find a Mr Darcy or Elizabeth then I would be fully invested in all stories come rain or shine.

I love to chat OOC especially between posts to discuss all kinds of things from the RP itself to fantasy interests that could enrich the story 🥰

I'm open to MxF but I typically like to play the female role.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?

My reply length varies from 300 to 1000 words unless I am feeling inspired and controlling multiple NPCs to fill the world with life, then it may go up to 3k but that is usually for starter posts only. And my schedule I tend not to post regularly on weekends but during the week it may be 2-3 posts a week.

Unless I am busy then I'll send a message if I haven't replied for a while just to keep my fellow writers in the loop.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?

Incredibly high I'm certainly not against explicit descriptions of gore or violence during a battle scene.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

Of course! what is romance without carnal desires? there is no spark, no passion to build between characters.

On that matter, I do not typically place a limit on how much smut is involved in a story. If it feels natural at that moment between two characters in love or simply desiring one another. I allow my character to be swept up in the moment. This is purely for story-driven plots unless it is specifically a more smut-heavy RP then it will be present more often (Percentage wise story focused RPs would be 20-40% as a rough estimate, and smut-focused it will vary)

Spontaneity is the spice of life after all!

As for being a dom or sub many of my characters will be a switch and depending on personality they might lean more towards a dom or sub.

Creampies, light bondage, master/slave, face-fucking, Oral (giving/receiving) Anal (giving/receiving) toys, collars, public sex
Vore, water sports, scat

All of my ideas below are flexible, so both writers can add their thoughts on how they'd like to see the stories unfold and have fun playing around in the worlds that are built. In terms of gender pairings and roles I don't mind playing any mentioned, or switching up an MxF with an FxF pairing none have a concrete idea in mind in regards to characters.

If none of the plots below are of any interest I'd love to hear any original story thrown into my PMs, I'm always open to discussing people's worlds and ideas!

Craving Concepts

Heist in a modern or fantasy setting
Protagonists are stranded together and have to rely on each other for survival
Overthrowing Tyrant Kings/Queens
Protagonists discover they wield powers in a world that has never seen magic or hunts those that are gifted (Medieval, Edwardian, Victorian, or modern works here)
Dragon Riding or anything with Dragons as the main threat
Golden Age of Piracy In a High-fantasy Setting or Supernatural
Sinbad type adventures
Mythology God interference (Kratos style protagonists)
DnD Style RP (Focused on Ravnica)

Dark Paradise
(Supernatural - Evil vs Good)

In a simple home with a simple family trying to make a good life in the suburbs of Georgia. The father decides they should move to a new home and start afresh after the family goes through hard times. With, a new home and farmland given to them in a will after the father's grandmother died. They uprooted and began their journey into this new life without knowing an evil sat waiting in their home. The grandmother hadn't lived in it for many years after her husband suddenly passed away. Once they arrived and settled in, strange things began to happen moving furniture, walls groaning and footsteps heard. Until their only daughter of 18 was nearly killed in a freak accident. It was then a medium arrived, spoken to in secret by the mother's sister who knew the woman could help. That is when true evil began to show its face...

A Garden of Roses FxF (open to MxF)
(Romance - Drama)

Within the Scottish highlands, a young writer lived a solitary life. Her brother was an incredibly wealthy man, who recently got engaged to a woman she had never met before. The news of his engagement came as a shock, the woman was never mentioned in any letter or phone call. Then out of nowhere, her brother invited himself to the little hamlet. A hundred days before Richard was to be married the couple visited his solitary sister in the little hamlet she called home. The woman had never known companionship or love until she set her eyes upon the very woman soon to be wed to her older brother. She was bewitched in mind, body, and soul, by a woman she had only weeks to truly get to know...

For this story, I'd love to play the writer who struggles with her growing love for her brother's fiance, but I would play the other role happily as well.

This drama would be focused on romance, and mutual pining in a modern setting. I'd be open to making it MxF with the brother being changed to an older sister and the fiance a man.

Secrets of the Crypt FxF or MxF

(Medieval - High fantasy)

In the dark corners of Tamiria, two souls were taken from their beds in the dead of night. Upon awakening, they find themselves in a tomb collapsed and ancient with a black orb brimming with dark magic sitting in the center of the room. The characters are either imprisoned or another helps them escape only to sacrifice themselves to save the characters. But they are unaware of the disaster awaiting them outside. Where they would find many creatures born of flesh and bone, appearing as mutations of man and beast have taken over villages nearby. The characters would find upon their skin marks that appear runic but burn painfully when near undead. It is up to them to discover why they were taken and fight their way through dark elves, wraiths, and other races aligned with those that placed the mark upon their flesh...

A distant town called Helgar needs their aid and quickly becomes an important piece to the puzzle...

The main focus would be on exploration, adventure, and action. There are no set character roles for this, and it can be either FxF or MxF. I would most likely play a noblewoman who would later be a fighter or cleric. Possibly a bard!

The T'saar Treasures FxF
(Medieval - High Fantasy - Heist)

A small group of thieves were called together from across the world to undertake a mission for the T'saar's Treasure. Their patron wanted something very specific from the Archmage's lost vault and offered a handsome reward that rivaled a king's bounty. The catch they would have to find the moving tower that held the vault and bypass all manner of defenses alone. But the competition was fierce and many of the thieves were secretly plotting against the other to win the reward and claim for vault for themselves. For the characters to survive and even find the vault they would have to work together and watch each other's back...

No Escape FxF
(Sci-fi, Action, Survival)

Not all bounties are straightforward forward a lesson learned by the Phoenix crew that was transporting criminals to a triple max prison within a dark moon. When their vessel was fired upon forcing them to land in a frozen wasteland of a planet. On crash landing the prisoners escaped, all but one who might prove more valuable as a friend while the remaining survivors of the crash worked together to get off the frozen rock. But that was not their only problem the stealth vessel that shot them down was not done with the crew yet, not until all aboard were dead or captured...

I'm leaning towards playing the prisoner for this story but would be fine with switching to the bounty hunter role (This could take place in a Star Wars setting or original both work here)
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Cave Crawlers
(Vacation, Slice of life, Exploration)

A new caving system in Utah had recently been discovered near the Nutty Putty cave. A group of experienced cavers had been permitted to map out the underground routes for adrenaline junkies, and explorers. Their lead caver had taken a couple of attempts only to name a particular route the devil's dive. A narrow passage that required the crawler to wiggle a few inches at a time to even move in the tight space, with sharp turns that made movement nearly impossible. With their lead expert deeming it unsafe for the time being, the group of cavers went home. But among them was an enthusiast, character A went on a country-wide vacation to go through the different caves, with a close friend Character B. After a long road trip and adventuring through the different cave systems. Character B wanted to try to go through the Devil's Dive unaware of what they would find starting a new chapter in their life with their discovery.
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