Unspecified Looking for Adventures (4/16/24)

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Unspecified Looking for Adventures (4/16/24)


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Today 4:24 AM
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UPDATED 4/16/24: Added new plot ideas.

Hello! My name is Arietta! You can call me Ari. I've been roleplaying for many years now, and have been a sanctum dweller for some time. I am also an avid tabletop gamer, and have 3 different games each week. Outside of RP, I enjoy music, gardening, and gaming.

Plot Ideas:

MC is a royal afflicted with a curse. The details of this curse can be worked out. Something that gives them power at the tradeoff of doing harm to their body. YC has been assigned to aid them on their quest to find a cure for this curse. Come to find out, both of them are in for the long haul as they are swept into a much bigger event than either thought possible.

MC is betrayed in the highest regard. Perhaps a royal cast out by their own kingdom for unearthing a conspiracy, or an adventurer left for dead and abandoned by their own party for selfish reasons. YC finds them at their lowest point. Whether YC has good intentions or not is up to you. MC will be setting out to finish what has been started, whether that involves bringing justice to the party or stopping a war.

MC is an unsuspecting healer, mage, or witch who stumbles upon YC, a wanted criminal. MC, none the wiser, aids YC in healing, only to be caught in the middle of YC crimes catching up to them. Chaos ensues.

MC is a professor at an esteemed magical university. When students start to go missing and strange events begin happening at the school, MC teams up with YC (another professor, school official, bodyguard, or otherwise) to get to the bottom if it.

  • I love when the main focus is on plot/character/world development.
  • I like to communicate with my partner to build up general plot ideas and make them more detailed.
  • I prefer to worldbuild with my partner to create something fantastical. I like to make maps!
  • I love gore! Gore is great. Blood is great. All of it. Do it.
  • I like romance a lot, but slow-burns are the best! My ideal Story/Smut ratio is 95/5.
  • I prefer high fantasy, but I'm alright with Medieval, Historical or Slice-of-Life. I tend to base my characters and their races around D&D or Pathfinder fantasy races/classes.
  • I can always promise to post at least one substantial paragraph, but I usually write more. It will vary greatly depending on dialogue.
  • I can play female, male or any roles. I no longer have a preference.
  • My roleplays usually stay in Poe's Corner. Sex is fine, but it should be plot relevant or not interfere with storytelling. If there is any, I would like 95% Plot and 5% sex.
  • Please do not send me your f-list or kinks unless requested.
  • One-liners are a no-go. I'd love at least one paragraph per response, but I understand if, given certain circumstances or impact, you couldn't.
  • Please let me know in advance if there is a situation that non-con/sexual assault will occur. I just need a warning that it is coming is all...
  • Please collaborate with me!!! I don't want to be a player in a D&D game (as much as I love it), I want to write the story with you.
  • My activity is usually pretty sporadic... Sometimes I'll be inspired and be able to write several replies a day. Other times, I won't be able to reply for a few days due to being busy. I am a teacher, so sometimes school events can get in the way. I can promise 1 response a week at least. I will let you know if/when things come up. I would appreciate the same.
  • If you ever need/want to end the roleplay or take a hiatus, please let me know. I would like an honest reason, if at all possible. If you don't like my style, I totally get it. If you have other obligations, I'll understand. Just be honest instead of ghosting me. I'd rather you give me some good old constructive criticism! (Note: This does not apply to IRL business! Do what you need to do, as real life comes first.)

I like a few different pairings, so I can leave those here. I am comfortable with any role, but I can note my preferences. I have no preference of gender/sex/genitalia for my characters or your characters.
  • Royal x Royal
  • Royal x Commoner
  • Royal x Knight
  • Knight x Healer
  • Witch* x Knight
  • Adventurer x Adventurer
  • Powerful Spellcaster* x Brutal Melee User
Thank you so much for your interest. I look forward to playing with you!
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Hey! Big dnd fan and would love to stretch my legs on this forum as I'm just getting started here. I'm usually a pretty consistent one post a day per RP I'm in. Would love to do some roleplay and not really fussy about the era but enjoy fantasy aspects. Big fan of magitek whether its medieval or modern world. Would you be interested in getting something rolling?
Hello! I ALSO love worldbuilding/plotting/character devlopment and don't like roleplaying sex scenes, and I don't usually seek out fantasy but I love the dragons and tieflings and creatures from DND! (Though I've only played like once lol) I'm also pretty lax about replying times.
I thought maybe something like a dragon-folk RP could be cool, but thats just an idea! I used to love the Warrior Cats books as a kid and thought of Warrior Cats but dragon people lol? Anyways yea! I'm definitely looking for a 1 on 1 RP partner if you're interested!
Hey, I would love to write with you! I'd be down to do a high fantasy/medieval styled roleplay. :)
Hey, if you're still looking for partners I'd love to roleplay with you! From reading your request thread I feel like we'd get along just fine. ^^
Um hi, I don't know if you're still offering but I'm are you still accept request?
If you're still looking for something good and gory, I could definitely go for a spin on that powerful spellcaster x brutal melee user pairing.
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