MxF Looking for Partners! (Long term, Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Flexible)

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MxF Looking for Partners! (Long term, Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Flexible)

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Hello, my name is Sugar and I've been roleplaying for around 5 years now! I'm a decent writer after writing for so long, but I am human so I do make mistakes and I do have a lot to learn! I prefer multi para (even more preferred is 2-3 paras) and I love fantasy and romance (I am willing to try other genres, just ask!). A word of warning I am both in school and currently suffering from my autoimmune disorder. Sometimes I can be slow to respond when the two clash.

I am up for NSFW roleplays, and in fact I have several plots for this listed below! I'm a huge fan of pathetic men (or seemingly pathetic) that dominate women, really gets me going, but honestly any dominance from men works fine with me! I can give you a much more detailed list of kinks and limits if you are interested, but know I'm open for a lot of things (and I understand my main ones don't fit every plot, and that's fine!). The worst I can do is say no. I am also fine with non-NSFW plots, as I am huge enjoyer of romance and just good stories in general. I mostly prefer slow-burn but I'm fine with going the more fast romance route if the plot is interesting.

I have my plots listed below, but I have just a quick couple of words about my plots and then we can get started! I am fine with doing a plot multiple times, even at the same time. However, I can grow tired of them like this, so please note I might not be as interested in starting these. This is because I am fine with changes, in fact, make as many as you'd like. I'm very open and also able to speak my mind, so we will get something we both like. Don't feel afraid to ask! I'm also not limited to these plots so feel free to propose one of your own. Also, warning for some non-con and also mild humiliation kink!

Plot List:

| Demons invaded Earth many hundreds of years ago, and a Great War broke out between humans and those same demons. However, after a humiliating defeat by the humans, demons went into hiding. For the most part. Some demons are discovered in the wild, trying to hide away from humanity after they were trapped on Earth. After being captured, they are studied in labs to unlock better technology incorporating demon magic.

A doctor working for one such demon lab is assigned a very important task. To study a recently caught succubus in a remote lab hidden deep within a jungle. The succubus is more powerful than the research team could imagine, and soon the doctor is the only researcher left alive. He should have died, however, he had a strange condition that was extremely rare. He has the power to send the succubus into heat, which means she will do as he pleases. As such, he has to get out of the jungle with both of them intact to reach their sister facility across the country.

This is made harder, however, that a lustful demon is constantly trying to pounce on him. Even harder than that, is well, not letting her when she's just so tempting. |

|Rouge knights were rare, but not totally extinct. For the most part, their jobs were to fill in wherever their employed counterparts had slack. One knight, a quiet and rugged type who mostly takes on random combat jobs, has recently been summoned to a count's manor to complete a job for him. In this world, this kingdom was known for its enslavement of magical creatures, and the count is no different. He wishes for a succubus, and will pay the knight handsomely to find one and bring it to him. The knight agrees, even if it means dragging a demon on a long journey for his reward. The count sends him after one he knows, as she had previously seduced him before. It can't be any succubus, it has to be THAT one.

It's not hard for the knight to capture her, since succubi have a weakness to the holy gear he has. What isn't easy, though, is to not give into her temptation. With very specific instructions not to sleep with the demon, the knight is finding it harder and harder to deal with a lustful and beautiful being itching for him. It doesn't help that as she grows hungrier, she grows even more lustful and strong. Can he make it all the way there without giving into her charms? |


| The Emperor was a weak prince. In fact, he was so weak, scrawny, and lowly that he was disowned from the royal family and sent to live in a far away nation. In a matriarchal continent, he had no claim to the throne regardless. However, he realized after almost dying he had legendary magical powers, and with those powers he took back over his homeland, becoming the first Emperor known to history. With a new desire to conquer, he decided to take over the entire continent.

However, the powerful female rulers would never go down without a fight. Even if they had no chance of winning. As such, the Emperor now had many women to break in and make his war trophies. |


|The princess was regarded as one of the most beautiful and intelligent women to ever be born into a kingdom of great peace and prosperity. As such, wherever she went men fell in love with her kindness and grace and it made her beloved by all. It was also to be noted she was far stronger than most knights. However, one knight was lucky enough to be the princess's childhood friend and sparing partner, and they were pretty close. Even as they grew older, the young squire and the princess would sneak out and hang out. As such, the knight decided to become her personal knight to protect her and also to confess since he felt she loved him back.

However, he feels betrayed when after he comes back from his two years of knight training to finally become a real knight, there is talks of engagement between the princess and a prince of another nation. However, he felt like he had no right to the princess, as he was a lackluster knight that couldn't live up to his father's legacy. So, before his childhood love is married off, he sneaks to her room to tell her how he feels. What he didn't know was that a group of spies from another nation followed him.

This nation wanted to capture the princess to gain leverage over both countries involved in the talks of marriage. Normally, the princess would have no trouble in fighting back these kidnappers, but in trying to save her childhood friend, the princess gets captured. Both are taking far away from home, waking up in a prison cell together. It doesn't take long for the princess to break them out, but now they are lost deep within a foreign land. From here, the pair has to work together to escape. Maybe, along the way, the princess sees that she never needed some fairy tale prince, and instead needed the knight that makes her happy. |


|In a fantasy kingdom, a young duke's heir is madly in love with his lovely fiancé. She's a master swordsman, and is a natural beauty. As such, he was smitten with her upon meeting her as children. She is also the youngest princess, and so the alliance their marriage would bring would unite two of the nations powers. However, she has a hidden secret, she is actually being seduced by another nobleman and as such she hates her fiancé. She still, however, covets his land and money, and so she set up a plan to have her lover adopted by the duke. There he pretends to be a loving brother and supporter of the heir.

Years later, when they are four years after their coming of age ceremonies when they turned eighteen, and three years after her lovers adoption, the princess raids her fiancés house and labels him a traitor. In his last moments, he confesses he's always loved her but she reveals she was hooking up with his adopted brother. Even worse, he was in on it to get the heir's position. She then kills him, but not for long. He is transported in time to right after the fiancés had come of age, and as such she had yet it be corrupted by her past lover. He is shocked to find out he also has powers to brainwash people, and as such he seeks revenge. |


|A female slave escapes her master for one night, and expects to die right after. However, to her surprise and luck, there is a ship leaving dock. She slips on as a stowaway, and decides she will live well somewhere far away. However, upon the crews discovery of her, the only way she is allowed to stay on the ship is through being a prostitute for the men on the ship. She lived her life like that for years, with the threat of being brought back home being a threat used to keep her there. However, the ship is soon bought by a nobleman's son who wants to sail the world.

As such, the crew has to deal with a cheerful noble who knew nothing of the real world. That is where the pair meet, as she is leaving the servants quarters after serving the crew late at night to sleep at the lowest part of the ship. He was wandering the ship when he ran into her, a women who was once clearly beautiful but now withered. He's entranced by her, since she looks like his estranged first wife. She's burdened by his constant call to his chambers to serve him and his constant insistence she is pampered. Her years of serving and being abused meant she is shy and reserved, and so his loud and cheery demeanor always catches her of guard. It doesn't help that as time passes he seemingly more protective and possessive over her as well.

Maybe, though, one day his curiosity about her turns to love. And maybe she might find him to be bearable after all.|


|Bounty hunters are known for their ability to find and capture almost any person alive. As such, major criminals were known to turn themselves in as soon as they get a decent bounty. However, one space criminal is known for her ability to escape from anyone, being slippery when it comes to bounty hunters especially. Not only that, but she was a knockout, and strong enough to win against men twice her size. However, by sheer luck, a rookie bounty hunter is able to capture her by pretending to be a shy man interested in her a bar. It was her well kept secret she was into weaker and more delicate men.

He has snuck her on his ship after using knockout gas, and then began his trip to become famous and rich. However, his ship is old and when she wakes up she refuses to go down without a fight. At the end of a scuffle, they damage the flight system and cockpit so bad the ships stutters to a halt in deep space. The pair are stuck in far reaches of the universe, with no way to call for help. They do their best to live long enough to be found, but their odds begin to look slim at time goes on. Food begins to get low as well. As their desperate fight for survival continues, they find themselves also fighting their hate turned attraction to each other. |

| Bounty hunters are known for their ability to find and capture almost any person alive. As such, major criminals were known to turn themselves in as soon as they get a decent bounty. However, one space criminal is known for her ability to escape from anyone, being slippery when it comes to bounty hunters especially. Not only that, but she was a knockout, and strong enough to win against men twice her size. As such, the typical methods that many have used against her fell flat. A veteran bounty hunter decides to try a different method than violence, however. He decides to sneak in as a rookie thief and join her small group of known accomplices after catching her attention by helping her in a heist of hers.

This plan works, and he is admitted into her group. From there, his goal is to slowly win her over until she lets down her guard. Then, he can turn her in and finally get the fortune that he has been working towards. The only problem is as he gets to know her, he finds her to be not be the devious criminal he expected, but a kind soul he is worried he might want to stay with instead of turning in. |


| Research into a extremely rare and valuable plant has been the job of a clumsy female botanist for around 5 years now. The current plant she and a group of other experts are looking for is one that can grant immortality, but is hard to find and is wanted by many. Her group is sponsored by a wealthy man who she barley knows, and is accompanied by a group of ex-military that serve as bodyguards. The lead of security is a ex-special forces with a lot of combat experience who she trusts with her life after a couple close calls.

However, once the team finds the plant, a majority of the security team turns on the rest of the group. Scientists and soldiers alike are killed, but the female scientist and the military lead hide. There she feeds him the flower in a panic and by accident turns him into a super solider. He is able to defeat all of the betraying group with his newfound immortality. Now, however, they are both unfortunately on the run, and as they travel the world trying to find some place to hide, they are constantly attacked. The botanist works to find a way to undo his immortality so he can settle down once they are safe. In return, he protects the doctors from the people trying to kill them.

Along the way, they find ways to deal with the gravity of their situation. After all of it is over, they might even chose to settle down with each other. |


| A well known fact in the underground world of the high-tech city of New York in 3032 is there is two people no one messes with. One is a mercenary, stern and powerful. He is ex-military and known for his merciless killings along with lack of morals. The other is an assassin known for his obsession with his wife, a whiny and self absorbed woman that most people found intolerable. No matter what she does, though, the assassin showers her with affection and praise. It was one of the greatest mysteries on the underworld, how the pair even got together in the first place. The assassin was also known for his lethal abilities and sharp wit. However, the two titans cross paths on opposite sides and the assassin is killed. The mercenary thinks nothing of it until he is attacked in his home by said obnoxious wife.

Though the assassins wife is by no means weak, she was in no way comparable to the mercenary who quickly kills her too. However, in shock he watches as she revives, as good as new. He discovers why the assassin found her so precious, as she is both immortal and fiercely loyal to her dead husband. The mercenary is then thrown into the world the very assassin he looked down upon faced. Government tracking, constant surveillance from rivals in the underground world, and a mystery of the very founding of the universe and all life in it.

Most of all, he is forcibly bound to the woman by the simple fact she refuses to leave him alone until she kills him. |


| The last thing he could remember was donating blood and then suddenly he woke up in a strange white room. The intercom was the only other thing there, and it simply stated, "Welcome, thank you for your contribution." The college student was confused, and scared, since he had no clue how he had ended up there. He just assumed it was another mean spirited prank, since he was known as a social outcast and was constantly bullied even in his college years. Suddenly, a girl was pushed in the room, but unlike any other girl, she had two cat ears poking out of her head and a long, bushy tail. In fact, she had several other cat-like features, but was still pretty.

She seemed equally as scared and confused, but seemed to adjust quickly. Like she had been in a similar situation before. On top of that, she seemed sickly, panting and clearly red. "Commencing heat containment procedures." Unknown to the college student, he was chosen by his genetic disposition for high stamina to help aid the exteriments in a lab with their heats. These human-animal girls faced extreme desires to mate, and so he had quite the job cut out for him as he grows a harem and tries to escape his confinement. Maybe, though, being the designated heat container might not be the worst thing to happen to him. |


| He was considered one of the best assassins on Earth. That was in his short time working, of course, but changing now that space travel had become more common over this time served. There had been major development to other planets, of course, before the mere five years he had worked there. Space travel had become known more than 30 years ago, with minor moves to deeper space. However, with how crowed Earth had before, ten years ago it became the better option, and development was accelerated. To the point where the other planets in the solar system were now densely populated. His employers had tried everything to get him to take missions on other planets or stations, but he was stuck in his ways. That was, until he is assigned a partner, though he was completely against it. She's more than he can handle, and she takes him along for the ride on all of his missions. She a whirlwind that is extremely skilled, and even manages to wrangle him up into space. From there, they continue their missions with an increased connection. He also has to learn to adapt to a whole new environment for work. Maybe, they could end up being partners in life, too. |


| A young king, only having taken over the kingdom upon coming of age a few years prior, is faced with a disastrous situation. The empire, Alvon, which has become a powerhouse unknown to mankind, is set on taking his land full of precious gem mines. With the kingdom's power, the king stands no chance against the hundreds of thousands of Alvonian soldiers. It is spring, and he has until winter to somehow find a way to defeat the empire. The only thing he can think of is to find a legendary being, most coveted would be a kitsune. The legendary fox demon with powers to produce fires powerful enough to burn down forests, the power to shapeshift into any beast, and even more terrifying the sheer power they had. They were known to rip people in half like it was nothing. However, no mythical creatures, including the kitsune, had been seen in decades.

In an attempt to distract himself from the problems he faced, the king decides to go on a small hunting trip. While there, he sees a white fox whose pelt he felt the need to get his hands on. However, when shot with an arrow, the fox instead turned into a beautiful woman, and scared the king greatly. He had inadvertently found a kitsune, and immediately beseeches her help. However, she hates humans and refuses to help him when she does awake from her injuries. With no other choice, the king forces the kitsune to serve under him as a warrior.

Unfortunately for the king, the kitsune is actually quite useless. The flames she can produce barely light a candle, she can't even control when she turns into a fox, and her physical strength is weaker than normal women. Basically, the woman is useless to the king, who suspects she might be doing it on purpose. Due to this suspicion, he decides to trick the fox spirit into loving him, that way she might reveal her powers and help him. It's his only choice.|

| As any nerdy college student would dream, a social outcast gets hit by a truck and is teleported to another world full of magic and wonder. Thrilled, he tries to use his powers, but instead realizes he's actually just a powerless half-demon child, considered lowly and eventually forced into servitude. He works under a kind elderly widowed countess, however, and realizes that life isn't as bad as he thought it would be. Just as he settles into his role and gets content with his peaceful life, the daughter of the woman he serves returns from war.

She is a powerful knight known across the country. Their first meeting isn't supposed to be anything special, but at that moment he discovers a secret demonic skill that he has! He has the power to seduce any woman over an insanely high level, meaning that any ultra-powerful woman falls madly in love with him, including this knight. However, he has grown past the want of adventure and action, and instead wishes to quietly live out his life. Now, he has a powerful knight madly in love with him, that would do anything to marry him and keep him by her side for the rest of her life.

It's not just her either, as important figures come to visit her, they end up falling for him too. They all are naturally possessive due to his power, and so instead of the peaceful life he wanted, he is now in the middle of a war to win his heart and hand in marriage. It's his job to fight for the right to remain single and work peacefully until he dies! |


| It's a classic story: A virus was released by a lab and it brought on the end of the world. However, not through zombies or high mortality rates. The virus doesn't even affect a majority of humans. Instead, it infected animals around the globe, mutating them to beyond recognition and causing them to lose their senses. It made them aggressive out of fear and powerful enough to wipe out a huge chunk of the world population. What little survivors are left wander the world in search of the few living people who can keep them safe: humans affected by the virus.

Unlike animals, humans who catch this virus keep their sanity yet still get the helpful mutations. One of these wanders is a college student, who has survived solely by her survival instincts and sharp wit. One day, however, she runs into a beast she can't outsmart (or outrun). She assumes that will be the end, however, a mutated human saves her life. He's handsome, but has a dark aura she can't place. However, he asks her to travel with him, and she has no reason to refuse.

While he acts kind towards her, she just can't seem to shake he's hiding something. One night, she decided he can't be trusted after all and tries to escape. She gets away, but unfortunately it doesn't take long for him to track her down. It's then that she sees his true nature, and learns that mutation does indeed affect the sanity of humans as well. She's forced to stay by his side, as his initial attraction warped into a twisted obsession. With no one to help and no where to flee, she must find a way to reach freedom. |


|Superpowers are rare and powerful mutations that allow the humans affected to do incredible things. No one knows where these powers are sourced from, however these powers are used for good to save lives and fight for people. That is, however, until the S virus, which only infected those with superpowers two years ago. This virus warped those super powers into fearful mutations and a unstable mental state. Most who caught the S virus became aggressive and began to hurt others and themselves.

Superhumans around the world banded together and killed or jailed all of the infected, eliminating the threat. That is, minus one powerful ex-hero who used to have the power to transform into animals. Now, she is unable to fully transform and hungers for human flesh insatiably. Due to her expertise, though, she was able to avoid being caught and now works for a simple office job to hide her identity. Though there is an unusually high rate of animal attacks in the area, nothing is there to give her away.

That is until a hero bumps into her while she is feasting. Though this would usually be game over, the hero is basically a nobody whose years in the field have gotten him nothing but mockery. He has the ability to regenerate his body extremely quickly, but has no other skills and nearly always loses his fights with villains. In his desperation, he asks her to train him to be a hero, in hopes of becoming useful. She agrees on the count she gets to feed off of him and he keeps her secret. How long can their twisted deal last?|

Thank you for your time, and feel free to shoot me a message! If you sent me a message and I never responded, you might've just caught me at a bad time, feel free to send another!
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