MxF Looking for that someone...come join the palace.

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MxF Looking for that someone...come join the palace.

Princess M

What's a palace without a princess?
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Today 6:24 AM
Hello there, my name is Princess M! You may refer to me as Princess if you'd like.

I am not new to the roleplaying world and I would consider myself a seasoned vet, having been in this community for 10+ years now. I am also an English teacher which adds to my favoritism towards writing.

So who am I looking for? I am in search of someone who is seasoned and has enough creativity to capture my heart. I need someone who makes me want to write or else I will simply fall bored. I am into both romance and lust, two things that I love writing about the most.

I mostly write either slice of life or fantasy, so if those interest you then please feel free to send me a private message. However, you may be able to convince me to write something outside of those with a good plot idea!

Just some things to note before continuing:
  • I do not play male characters; strictly female.
  • I am looking for MxF pairings!
  • DO NOT control my character and write actions for them unless otherwise agreed upon. This is one of my biggest pet peeves in writing with partners.
  • I will not tolerate text talk or truly awful grammar.
  • I do prefer longer responses. If the scenes call for shorter replies, that is completely fine. But I typically reply with 2-3 decent sized paragraphs more often than not and I'd hope you'd give me the same!
  • I will not carry all the weight of an RP on my shoulders; you must be willing to work with me.
  • I only play the submissive type characters in relation to smut scenes. Writing a dominant character just isn't my thing.

Here are my more specific plot ideas:
  • A wealthy girl from LA is shipped off to a small town in Washington because of a party gone bad. Her parents are completely done dealing with her antics and decide it's time for her to fend for herself. Arriving in the small, fisherman's town, she meets a local local man (fisherman, lumberjack, bar owner) who loves their job, their town and the people who live in it. Now he's wondering who the hell this socialite thinks she is coming in and completely changing his life. She can't cook without nearly burning the apartment down, she has no idea how to live outside of sunshine and glamour, and yet here she is, making home in his town and in his head. Maybe his job and town aren't the only things he can make room for in his heart.
  • A girl in grad school has her dissertation rejected by her professor. She is completely frustrated considering how much time and effort she had put into it. In comes the tall, handsome, and brooding professor that everyone avoids at all costs. He's grumpy, has a bit of a temper, and demands perfection from his students. Luckily, he isn't on her dissertation committee, so she asks for his help revising her work which he agrees to immediately. After many late nights of rewriting, empty Chinese food takeout boxes, and plenty of beers, the two seem to find themselves falling for one another. They shouldn't work, they really shouldn't. They're completely opposite from one another and yet they can't stay away.
  • A notorious mafia leader finally captures the girl who's been warning his victims that he's coming for them. Now that he has her, he can take her out and use her as a warning. Except for the fact that she is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and can't bring himself to go through with the killing. Instead, he offers her a way out of being tortured: Be his. At first, she would have rather died, but his arms full of tattoos and chiseled jaw somehow make her weak in the knees and she can't seem to say no. Suddenly she's whisked away into a like of danger, money, and death and suddenly she feels like maybe she could get used to this life.
  • Two models who absolutely hate one another. However, due to their professions, they simply can't get away from each other. He just wants to get a good shot and get the shoot over with while she wants to be challenged more on set. Their lukewarm chemistry isn't producing what their agents needs from them, so a plan is set in motion. Fake dating and forced proximity. They have to pretend to like each other in public, go out on dates, and prove to their following that they are madly in love. Which isn't too hard considering fans already think they're together anyway. The longer they're forced to be together, the more they realize that maybe there's more between them than hatred after all.
  • Two rival authors unknowingly rent beach houses next door to one another. They write different genres, have different writing styles, but one thing they do have in common is their distaste for each other. Except, other than them being rivals in the literary world, they have no real reason to get on each other's nerves. So when they keep bumping into each other in the small beach town or catch the other's eye through the windows adjacent to one another, their annoyance starts to dissipate and turns into a little bit more.
  • A no-nonsense, grumpy million/billionaire workaholic needs to hire a maid to keep his penthouse tidy since he works nearly 24/7. When he goes through a cleaning agency, he figured they would send him a woman in her late 50s. So when the doorbell rings the morning she's supposed to start, the last thing he expects to find on the other side of the door is a 20-something ray of sunshine that nearly makes his heart stop. As much as he can't stop thinking about her while at the office, he knows he could never actually be with her. He's ten years her senior, he's never home, and he certainly has no time to date. And then there's the fact that the agency she works for has a strict 'no fraternizing with the clients' rule. She can't afford to lose her job and she definitely doesn't have time to entertain the man who can never bother to smile at her. So why can neither of them get the other out of their head?
  • A regency era childhood friends to lovers. They grew up together, but drifted apart the older they got. He fell in love with her, she fell in love with him, but now a young woman, she is married to another man that her parents had picked out. After reuniting under a specific circumstance, the two realize they are still deeply in love with one another and want nothing more than to be together. Lots of pining, drama, and romance.
*I will be adding to this list as I come up with more ideas!

Here are some generic plot ideas:

Slice of Life Ideas:
  • A simple boyfriend x girlfriend with ups and downs. Some possible drama, jealousy, betrayal, etc.
  • A sports romance of any kind; hockey, football, baseball, etc.; a bad boy quarterback and his sweeter-than-pie publicist? A charming, smart-mouthed hockey player and his best friend's fiery sister? So many options!
  • The sunshine x grumpy trope where the girl is a ball of happiness and the guy is always grumpy unless it comes to her. They do not have to be dating from the start, instead it can be written where they are friends first, lovers later. So many ways this one can go!
  • Childhood friends who were separated, but reunite when they are older; this could be an instant falling-in-love sort of scenario, a boy-pines-over-girl scenario, girl has another boyfriend even though she knows he isn't the right one or any number of things.
  • Enemies; boy hates girl, girl hates boy for whatever reason we can think of, lots of tension, drunk makeout sessions, end up falling in love after lots of build-up
  • Popular girl x outcast boy; the boy does not have to be nerdy, he could be the bad boy type, the punk rock type, etc. Whatever you wish. Kind of like a star-crossed lovers sort of take where they know they'd be made fun of if their friends saw them together
  • A simple neighbors sort of deal; someone is moving in, a friendship ensues, possible parties where they always sneak off together, sit real close to one another, and share their secrets under the stars
Fantasy Ideas:
  • Knight x princess; the cliche of a princess needing saving and a knight comes to rescue her. It's a love story and fairytale all in one
  • A true star-crossed lovers scenario; a princess of one kingdom and a prince from another fall madly in love, but their kingdoms are feuding. Their parents would have their heads on stakes if they found out about their secret meetups late at night; or a princess falls in love with one of the workers in the palace
  • Vampire boy x human girl; he goes to kill her for her blood, but is stopped by her beauty. He cannot stop picturing her face, so he follows her to find out more about her. He finally introduces himself, she doesn't realize he's the one that tried to kill her, they start to fall for each other. Does she find out he's a vampire? Will she care? Will she be conflicted?
*Any of these pairings can be flipped/changed! I am not one to limit anyone to any of these plots, these are simply ones that I like and would not mind doing as long as you are engaging in the roleplay. If you have any ideas, please send them my way. Don't be shy!

Here are my likes and no-gos in an RP:

  • Neck kisses
  • Passionate sex
  • Pet names (receiving; baby, darling, kitten, etc.)
  • Dirty talk
  • Light spanking
  • Oral (giving & receiving)
  • Nipple teasing
  • Shower sex
  • Sex against wall
  • Light hair pulling
Hard No:
  • Toilet play
  • Vore
  • Extreme gore
  • Any bodily fluids (excluding blood from a small injury for example)
  • Furries
  • Incest
Could you be the someone that I am looking for? PM me and let's find out. Don't be shy, I don't bite!

Love, Princess M ♡
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Hey there! I'd be interested in role playing one of the ideas you have posted if you are still looking for partners!
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