All Low or High Fantasy! (Double Friendly)

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All Low or High Fantasy! (Double Friendly)

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Tomorrow 4:07 AM
What I Am Looking For
I am looking for a long-term high or low fantasy RP with romance and a happy end an Original RP with OC x OC! Double up is always welcomed but not necessary!
I have an entire DOC dedicated to fantasy races, gods, and the likes I made which I would love to use if we chose to go high fantasy. I also already have two continents in that loosely set world, but we can totally make up our own as well. I also love to just throw my ideas into other people's worlds if you already have set up something, I am really not picky! I always love to mix and match, so if you already have ideas then please tell me! We can definitely combine ours!
I prefer to play F, so if you prefer MxM doubling will be necessary. I do not mind if we do FxF, FxM, or FxNB though. Below you can also find pairings and which role I would prefer to take! Also, you can call me Fae and I am 21+!
I love romance, it´s a must for me in every RP. 18+ content in terms of physical intimacy is okay with me as long as they don´t overwhelm the story and is first done after relationships are established.

What I offer
Nine years of roleplaying experience, pretty active (at least one response per day but often more), and when we double I will make an OC exactly to your liking!
When I get very engaged I can end up making maps, family trees, mood boards... etc for our RP. I am very invested once you got me interested.
I write in third person and in past tense. I would say I am an Advanced Literate Novella writer, meaning: I write a LOT. When you are interested, I will send you an example of my writing! I write on average somewhere between 400-2000 words but can easily pump it up to 3000 if given enough to work with.

Be at least 18+, but somewhere between 25-30 would be preferable due to my own age and personal experience. Be LGBTQIA+ friendly, and comfortable with characters not fitting into the social beauty standard. Write in 3rd person and past tense. At LEAST 400 words per message. Be willing to play many side characters as I am going to do the same. Communicate clearly with me. I won´t judge and I expect the same from you.
Once you read ALL of this and are interested, please reach out to me, send me an sample of your writing, and tell me what exactly you are interested in!

Things I Would Prefer To Avoid/Do NOT want to do

  • Slice of Life
  • Modern Time
  • (Main focus on) School, College, Academic Related Settings
  • Slow Burn
  • Isekai
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Steampunk
  • Sci-Fi

Favourite Tropes
Definitely not all of them but this is just something that came to mind!
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Reborn Past Lovers
  • Mutual Pining
  • Comfort
  • Medium-Fast Paced Romance
  • Soulmates
  • Forbidden Love
  • Lowkey possessive/obsessive (or even mild Yandere)
  • Opposites Attract
  • Polyamorous Relationships

Pairing Ideas
The role in bold is the one I would prefer to play. If we do a double-up then I am more than happy to play the bold roles for you by your side of the RP! Pairings can be mixed, matched, and changed to our liking! These were just some ideas popping up in my mind. Feel free to come with your own ideas at me!

  • Bounter Hunter x Bounty
  • Mentor x Chosen One
  • Dragon x Dragon Slayer
  • Summoned Demon x Magical User
  • Non-Magical User x Magical User
  • Knight x Magical User
  • Magical User x Apprentice
  • Knight x Noble
  • Noble x Commoner
  • Noble x Noble
  • Noble x Servant
  • Heir to the Throne x Rebel Leader
  • Villain x Hero
  • Grumpy x Sunshine

Specific Ideas
Witch x Demon
I actually have a starter written for a Witch (my OC) x Demon (your OC) so if that would be of interest to you then I can totally send it over and we can start from there! It´s still rather vague and we can totally discuss any changes to be made there as well!

Research Expedition To The South Pole
I had this specific idea in my mind which I would LOVE to do:

About seven months ago the Aurora set out to research something at the South Pole. The ship and its crew were supposed to return months ago but have not made a return. It appears that they were tragically lost in the ice... or are there still survivors? Now the rescue ship Endeavor is supposed to follow the Auroras path and find the ship... or what is left of it. It will be a perilous journey through the ice, a polar exploration in a frozen wasteland.

The polar winter is approaching fast and the crew will have to work together to survive. However that is not always easy when confined in such a small space, resources might decrease too quickly and the ship might even threaten to get stuck in the ice if the crew is not careful enough. Keeping everyone safe, fed, and warm will be difficult to manage.

Especially when no one knows what is truly out there and how the Aurora and its crew could vanish. After all, the crew of the Aurora was the best one they could have sent, professionals and experts... will the crew of the Endeavor have a chance? And what exactly was the crew of the Aurora supposed to research?

Well, that is the idea I have in mind! Lots of open questions and possibilities to model this idea to whatever we want to make out of it! We can put this specific idea in a high fantasy world or keep it low fantasy placed in our world with a sparkle of fantasy! I am open to either in that scenario.
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