NoraVonSanctum's Characters

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NoraVonSanctum's Characters


“Is there any tea on this spaceship?”
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:19 PM
Atlanta, GA
(I will continue to post more as they come along!)

Name: Alexandra Bidrell
Time Period: 1929-onward
Age: 23-27
S/O: Bisexual
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 170cm // 5"5
Weight: 111 pounds
Eyes: Green-Blue
Hair: Black
Skin Colour: Fair with freckles
Appearance: Alexandra has your ideal flapper body type--she's lithe, has long legs, delicate hands, and a mischevious gaze. She tends to sport unconventional styles of her time (the 1920's-30's), as she'll wear trousers out in public and her hair is cut in a cute little bob that is beginning to become a little long.

Abilities: Alexandra has a quick wit and brilliant mind. She's also fairly athletic; she was a member of a secret fencing league for women and she has taken up hiking.

While Alexandra can appear seemingly demure, classy, and ladylike, she has an unmistakable panache and a rebellious streak of fearlessness fit for a flapper. Alexandra has always had a thirst for knowledge and adventure, but she manages to keep it all neat and tidy for society's sake.
Perhaps Alexandra is exceptionally bohemian because of her liberal parents and brother, to whom she is fiercely loyal. Her loyalty and high sense of honor go hand in hand with her kindness and morality.
Alexandra is not without fault--she can be shy around newcomers, she has a bit of a temper and sense of pride, and she doesn't seem to be very public with her boldness. She has kept many secrets that she won't soon indulge.

Backstory: Alexandra's story begins with her rags-to-riches father and mysterious late mother, who were both liberal social climbers that hung around eccentric nobles and socialites. Henry Bidrell became a logging tycoon that somehow managed to stay afloat when the recession of 1929 hit, and her mother died when Alexandra was eight. Alexandra's brother, Edward, suffered trauma during WWI and he still struggles with PTSD and depression.
Alexandra was bright beyond her years growing up, and he was quick to set her up with the best teachers. At the age of 17, her thirst of for knowledge lead her to NYU in New York City, where she quickly fell into the flapper scene. Despite her love for jazz, secret parties, and scandalous books, she kept her studies her first priority. Her desire to learn and explore lead her to study archaeology, something that was mostly unheard of at NYU. She graduated just as the economy fell into ruin, and she was urged by her father to come back home to their mansion and help him run his business.
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The Witch
Cassandra Hawker-Webster
Age: 23-27
S/O: Straight
Species: Human (witch)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 111
Eyes: Green
Hair: Ash blond, thick, wavy, and past her waist. (Typically kept up in a bun, braid, or other up-do)
Appearance: Cassandra has a certain ethereal aura to her. Her casual wear consists of leggings, boots or booties to add to her height, longer tunics, and darker jackets. At work, she tries to act perfectly normal, so she typically wears sheath dresses, midi skirts, simple blouses, and a pair of simple heels.
She's rather delicate looking with willowy arms and legs and pleasing facial features. Most people take note of her long hair and green eyes when they first meet her, but not many get to see the gap in her front teeth when she smiles.
Abilities: Cassandra is a gifted botanist and mediocre witch. She has a penchant for potions and spell-casting, but she never truly managed to keep her enthusiasm for craft alive. Strangely enough, she can have very intuitive dreams, but she can't completely control that fleeting psychic ability. Even worse, her psychic ability makes her prone to nightmares and astral projectors that are looking for anyone else on the spiritual plane. She has issues sleep-walking and staying asleep some nights.
Other than that, she's a contract database and workflow specialist, so she has to travel to different parts of the town to make sure that teams and departments can properly do their jobs in a timely fashion. She's good at her job, but she's recovering from her committal issues (read: family problems) and she doesn't seem interested in joining one of the businesses that is interested in hiring her on a permanent basis.
Personality: Cassandra is a sweet individual, but she's very quiet and secretive so she can come across as rude or fleeting. She's easy to fluster and scare off since she doesn't really know who to trust. She is very Type A, however, and she is great at planning, tracking things down, and organizing systems.
Despite the fact that she left her family behind, she's very loyal and considerate. She has a bit of a doting streak for those she loves, but she's had to put her foot down on those that have taken advantage of her in the past. In fact, she has a bit of a silver tongue for those that are a little disrespectful or rude.
History: Cassandra was born into a white-magic coven that wasn't exactly "controlling," but they were extremely cautious. Cassandra kept to herself as a kid, but she detested her lack of freedom and the reminders that the world was a "terrible place for their kind." Even though she went to public school and had friends, she was still considered a weird "outsider" among her peers because she was forced to be so secretive about her family. After she went off to college in Chicago and graduated, she spent one year back with her family before she called it quits and decided to move back into the city. Now, she's trying to assimilate into normal society, but she's never truly able to let her guard down.
Other facts: Smells like various herbs and essential oils. Has various crystals around her house and a cat named Héremes. Is a holistic-cooking nerd and is vegetarian.

1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?

Alexandra: "My brother is about 8 years older than me and I don't have any cousins, unfortunately. We were never close, but he always looked out for me."

Cassandra: "David isn't really a family member, but he was a family-friend? But he isn't part of my family. His mom is just tight with my mom… So yeah, no."

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother like?

Alexandra: "I remember my mom being very sweet on me. She used to read to me often and she was always kind. She was the devil if you disobeyed her, though." *laugh* "I was upset when she passed away. I still miss her from time to time."

Cassandra: "My relationship with my mother is… Strained. We're on good terms, but we don't talk. She was always sweet to me, but she was very cautious and I think that messed me up."

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their father like?

Alexandra: "My father once screamed at a colleague that told him that I should "learn my place." It's quite a good relationship, I think! I love Father very much."

Cassandra: "Same with my mom. I think he instilled a lot of good morals in me, but he didn't like it if I ventured too far out."

4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?

Alexandra: "When Edward came back from the war… I was devastated. He was so shaken, afraid, and reclusive. Yes, he looked scary, but it was only at first! He's still my brother. The war didn't take my brother, but it didn't give him back, either."

5. On an average day, what can be found in your character's pockets?

Alexandra: "Probably some matches, lipstick, and a hankercheif."

Cassandra: "A tumbled garnet stone and jade stone. Oh, and some mint leaves and peppermint! I could go through my purse, but it wouldn't be the same."

6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?

Alexandra: "I see a lot of trees in my dreams. That, or I'm back in New York or Cairo. Sometimes I'm in a field or a park."

Cassandra: "Uh, I don't think I have dreams as much as I do nightmares?"

7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?

Alexandra: "In frightening dreams, there are a lot of shadows and moonlight. Sometimes I'm in a tomb and the bodies come back to life."

Cassandra: "Oh god, yes. I keep seeing shadow people when I suffer from sleep paralysis. Sometimes I dream that I'm walking down the road at night, and I wake up afraid that I've been sleepwalking again."

8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?

Alexandra: "Father once had me shoot a gun when I was twelve! I aimed for a hawk that kept going for the crows, but I hit a tree branch instead."

Cassandra: "WHY THE FUCK WOULD I HOLD A GU- Oh right, guns are legal everywhere else except for California. Haha, yeah, no. I'm never touching a gun."

9. Is your character's current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?

Alexandra: "I understand that means are tighter, but it's all just business, really. Now the main difference is that I'll be running things."

Cassandra: "I don't think it has changed, honestly. The only difference is that I live on my own and not with bunches of other people."

10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?

Alexandra: "More clothing, unless I'm at a speakeasy."

Cassandra: "More clothes, 100%."

11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they've ever been?

Alexandra: "When my mother died, when I almost fell in front of a train in New York, when I almost died from heat stroke in Cairo, when Edward left for the war, when Edward came back to the war, when I thought the Beast was going to kill my father and brother…"

Cassandra: "I once thought that kids at school actually thought that I was a witch, I once almost drowned, when Helena died…"

12. In what situation was your character the most calm they've ever been?

Alexandra: "My boat ride back from Cairo was strangely calm. I quite enjoyed being at sea."

Cassandra: "I find myself at peace whenever I do yoga. I understand that it's a very hippy thing, but I think it gives me something to focus on."

13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?

Alexandra: "PFFFFFT, blood. Please. I suffer from "flea bites" once a month, you know."

Cassandra: "Well, I don't like gore."

14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?

Alexandra: "I would think both, honestly."

Cassandra: "Neither are an issue for me."

15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?

Alexandra: "God, I would hope not. I realize that I do have a lot more than most these days."

Cassandra: "I don't think so. I make a good amount of money for myself and I'm really proud of what I do."

16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?

Alexandra: "Success of sorts can bring one happiness."

Cassandra: "You can't really obtain happiness. It just comes to you."

17. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?

Alexandra: "I had some beautiful dolls, but I loved books the most. I once got a hold of a gardening shovel and had a lot of fun digging!"

Cassandra: "I didn't have a lot of toys, really. I jumped around and did things like gymnastics."

18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?

Alexandra: "I equally admire both."

Cassandra: "I admire wisdom the most."

19. What is your character's biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?

Alexandra: "I think… I think I get too hopeful. That is my biggest flaw."

Cassandra: "I… Um… I'm sure that I can be a little harsh. I broke up with someone that I loved very much because I knew it wasn't meant to be."

20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?

Alexandra: "Well, I don't need to compare myself to anyone."

Cassandra: "I find myself comparing myself a lot to my friend Emily. She's very sweet and open; I want to be able to share my life as easily as she does."

21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?

Alexandra: "I will admit that there is a lot that I have done that has caused me strife. Many of my misgivings have been my own fault. I don't feel better about things, but I have to take responsibility for my own actions."

Cassandra: "I think there are two sides to every story, but I'm not about to just deny stuff that I've done! Like, if someone tells me something is wrong, I'll own up to it. Still, I don't know if I deserve… What's happening right now."

22. What does your character like in other people?

Alexandra: "I value valor, intelligence… And lately, kindness. But anyone that has a good story will always have my ears."

Cassandra: "I like it when people show understanding, even when they don't ask questions. I think it's a sign of kindness that is very under-valued."

23. What does your character dislike in other people?

Alexandra: "I don't like… Well, I am a lady, but my sex does not determine if I am weak or not!"

Cassandra: "I hate it when people overstep boundaries. Ugh. Just… Ugh."

24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?

Alexandra: "I would say that I approach people with a cautious optimism."

Cassandra: "Not at all, no way."

25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?

Alexandra: "I am very observant, so I'll notice things before they do."

Cassandra: "I kind of always have to be on alert. It comes with the whole territory of being me, you know?"

26. How does your character behave around children?

Alexandra: "Children are darling! Their minds are so open and they're always to eager to ask questions, when allowed."

Cassandra: "Kids are cute when they're young and not mine!" *laughs* "I always try to be sweet to kids."

27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?

Alexandra: "I think I deal with it… Quietly."

Cassandra: "I admit that I still have trouble with it, but I have gotten better over the years. I still get a little nervous, though. It's hard!"

28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?

Alexandra: "I'd much rather not use violence of any sort! Goodness!"

Cassandra: "If I'm threatened for my life or backed up, fuck everything. I'm going for their eyes and their teeth. I'll punch a hole through their sternum. I don't give a fuck."

29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?

Alexandra: "You know, I wanted to explore new places when I was a child. I was able to do that!"

Cassandra: "I… This sounds pathetic, but I just wanted a normal life where I could be free."

30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?

Alexandra: "I can't stand leeks or onions."

Cassandra: "I really don't like meat. Like, I feel like I should have been over a vegetarian diet when I left my coven, but meat… Just… Grosses me out."

31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.

Alexandra: "In an arm chair with a drink or cup of tea and swapping conversation with an interesting person."

Cassandra: "Sitting at home or in a park when it's quiet."

32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.

Alexandra: "Debutant balls."

Cassandra: "Gross and loud clubs."

33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?

Alexandra: "… I'm defensive, I'll admit, but I'm always willing to be better!"

Cassandra: "I want to improve… But I'll admit that I may put myself down first."

34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn't work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?

Alexandra: "I may try once or twice more."

Cassandra: "I'll typically try again."

35. How does your character behave around people they like?

Alexandra: "I'll chat them up, of course! I'm happy they're around—why wouldn't I want to see how they are or what they're thinking?"

Cassandra: "I tend to be mom-ish. I can't help it! I just want to take care of them!"

36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?

Alexandra: "I try to be cordial. Well, I try."

Cassandra: "I don't even fucking bother, dude."

37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?

Alexandra: "My honor is directly connected to my family. I'll protect it with all of my life."

Cassandra: "I don't know if there's an honor or status to protect? Well, I have to protect the fact that I'm a witch."

38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?

Alexandra: "I will remove a threat."

Cassandra: "I used to run away. Not any more."

39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?

Alexandra: "Fortunately, no."

Cassandra: "I haven't, actually."

40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?

Alexandra: "Well, they're doing me of service. I would hope that they're treated well!"

Cassandra: "People that are rude to waiters or waitresses piss me off."

41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?

Alexandra: "If I worked for it, then I should have it."

Cassandra: "I don't take anything that I didn't earn."

42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?

Alexandra: "Not that I can recall, no. I was always lucky to have father."

Cassandra: "No, but my dad was always a good dad, despite his issues."

43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?

(Nada for both)

44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?

Alexandra: "If I mean it, I will certainly say it."

Cassandra: "I think it would be harder for me to say if I didn't feel it."

45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?

Alexandra: "Death doesn't scare me, honestly. I hope that my choices will allow me to leave my family behind with good means."

Cassandra: "I'm not afraid of dying as much as I am afraid of how I will die. There will be several things that happen when I do die, though. It's difficult to explain."
This was for an RPG that twisted everything in Phantom of the Opera. THIS IS NOT YOUR AVERAGE CHRISTINE.

Christine "Chris" Daae
23-28 (depending on the ages of others)
Appearance: Christine has dark brown, thick and straight, a little past her collar bone. She typically keeps it in a tight bun. When she "lets her hair down," she really does let it down. She has upturned hazel eyes and defined eyebrows. Her small nose was broken once and the septum deviated, but you really have to be looking at her straight-on to notice. Her lips have a prominent cupid's bow and teardrop. She's extremely limber with the typical body of a dancer; she's outstandingly flexible and has been known by her dancing peers as an "intimidation stretcher" at audition. Her waist is prominently small as well.
She doesn't have a lot of clothing, but she tends to choose things with soft and humble fabrics; the fashions she wears are typically more suited for a casual look.
Personality: Christine is a sweet individual, but she's very quiet and secretive so she can come across as rude or fleeting. She's easy to fluster and scare off since she doesn't really know who to trust. She is very Type A, however; she's dedicated and determined to do things perfectly.
Despite the fact that her family situation is kind of up in the air, she's very loyal and considerate. She has a bit of a doting streak for those she loves (with a tendency to be too forgiving at times), but she's had to put her foot down on those that have taken advantage of her in the past. In fact, she has a bit of a silver tongue for those that are a little disrespectful or rude. She can also be quite merciless once in a blue moon and she's very nasty when she's mean.
She does have a love for reading and poetry, but she keeps it pretty hidden. She often writes in a small diary that she keeps on her. She hasn't exercised her singing ability, but it is a very pleasant sound when she does sing... To a certain volume.
History: Christine's mother walked out on her family when she was a small baby; her father had to work hard to provide and Chrstine was often left with her grandmother, who was a retired ballerina. Christine always danced with what her grandmother taught her, and when her father came home from working, he would play the violin and she would dance. Christine's father always tried to make her sing, which she did, but her real passion was in dancing. Christine's father died suddenly on the way home from work, and her grandmother handed her off to her old student Mme Giry to take care of for a week while she handled estate affairs. However, she died of a heart attack right before she could pick Christine up and Mme Giry was left to adopt Christine. Christine, being what she thought was "kicked out" by her grandmother once her father died, became terrified that Mme Giry might cast her out as well, so she worked to be a girl that was worth keeping around. She trained harder than any other student and worked to be good to Meg (to whom she became very close).
When Christine became of age, she started a courtship with Raoul de Chaugny. While the courtship was steady and the two had good intentions, it was passionless; Christine admitted that she cared for Raoul like a family member and the two amicably parted ways.
Meg then started seeing Raoul. Christine greatly approved of the pairing (Raoul was kind and good to Meg and Meg was in love with Raoul), Mme Giry became judgemental of the pairing. From here, the relationship between Meg and Chrstine became troubled despite Christine's unwavering support. Christine has been feeling lonely without her sister and best friend, even though she still has Mme Giry as a mother figure (and a new friend that she'll gain!)
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