Either Needed Set Sail! A Fantasy Pirate crew search!

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Either Needed Set Sail! A Fantasy Pirate crew search!

Should I add personality to the character sheet?

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Moistened Eyeballs
Local time
Today 9:56 AM
The Backrooms

"I seek my fortune out on the endless horizon. Unbound by the land, the sea will carry me to wealth, and greatness. I ask that you join me in aid to search for such glory."
-Some dead pirate

This story begins on the Sigvid Isles, a cluster of 5 small islands connected by long rope bridges, or manatee-paced ferries ambling their way through the tranquil waters. Here, the skies are always bright, and sunny, the water salty, and clear, and the people happy, and free. Some believe that the Sigvid Isles were created by the oceanic gods to be the safest place across the great waters, and that to live there would mean to need no longer. This, however, does not stop some residents of the isles from wanting more once al their needs have been met. With the isles being such a fruitful, and safe place, it has also become a haven for docking ships looking to rest from their voyages across all the Great Azures. Ships of all class and sizes come to the isles bringing with them foreign goods, and stories of places alien to the locals. Animals, foods, plants, and creatures they've never heard of were just outside their reach over the blue horizon, just a boat ride away from their safe home.

Tales of "giant black sharks", and "gray humans" weren't enough to get them to leave the white shores of their beloved home. In fact, they seemed to pay no mind to those coming to trade exotic plants and show off their colorful beasties. It was those hoarding loads coin and adorned with the shiniest of jewels the garnered the most attention. Those on the island didn't care to explore the world beyond their heavenly shores to see what they were missing, no. They wanted to leave in search of treasure.

Those wanting to leave the island were mocked, ridiculed, and sometimes shunned for their foolishness and greed, but it didn't take long before others were lured and aroused with the idea of leaving the island. Some outlanders were quick to pick up on the surge of wannabe sailors and explores. It didn't take long before shops were popping up across the islands. Boats, weapons, tools, gear where all offered or loaned- for a price of course. With the bustle of upcoming sailors, and foreigners coming to live on the land, the islands grew in both size and popularity. Docks became strips of seaside pubs, and bars stretching across the coast, closing in the landbound public to the center of the islands as the shorelines became congested with rowdy pirates, drunk sailors, and sketchy hermits.

The Sigvid Isles are a haven to its locals, and those who step onto its shores, just be cautions of the rickety docks, and its bars less you be pulled into some sailor's story circle, or get your coin stolen from you by a shady merchant.

▌═════❖═════ ▌

This idea is heavily inspired by the anime One Piece, but a novice pirate looking for a crew is where the similarities end. I hope for this story to be full of adventure, trials, tears, blood, battles, bodies, and booty! The shiny kind of course. With the initiate plot of this story being the search of a decent crew, I don't expect everyone to be hailing from the mentioned place above. I just needed a starting point to build the story from, and get things started.

  • It's nothing you've haven't heard before. I expect decent grammar, and punctuation. I don't expect everything to be perfect, I know my work isn't pristine, but I at least need to understand what I'm reading. There isn't a specific word count, but I'd appreciate +2 paragraphs per posts. It can be less if the paragraphs are CHUNKY. I just ask that you give everyone something to work with so we're not filling in blanks or questioning what happened.
    There will be blood, gore, violence, drugs, booze, nudity and many more explicit things. Things even Jack Sparrow wouldn't do. If you're uncomfortable with it, I'm sorry I could not meet your needs, or make this tolerable for you.... Now scoot!
    This is including; but is not limited to: Controlling other writers' characters. Controlling time itself (Timeskips must be agreed upon). Untouchable characters. Character be able to read other's thoughts (Uness you're the narrator, that's their ability, or it is agreed upon by the relative writer) Forcing emotions on other characters (Unless this is their ability, is agreed upon by the relative writer, isn't overused / powered). Killing other writers' characters. ECT

    If you agree upon the posting list, you have up to 4 days to respond before your turn is skipped. You will be given so many missed turns before a discussion will have to be made. This is of course different if you have a viable excuse to missing your turn. Vacation, sick, work, not feeling it, hiatus, this list goes on. If you're unable to post, please let the group know a head of time, especially if the scene if high action, and we're sitting on a cliff hanger.

    Explicit Scenes?
    Hot shit, but we're not all into that. If you wish to have a pair perform lewd, or intimate acts with one other it will have to fade to black on this thread, but your more than welcome to act out you're wild desires elsewhere, and even share the thread with the group if you wish to do so.
  • You can play up to 3 characters. NPC don't count if they don't make an impact on the main storyline.
    All creatures are allowed if you can make it fit into the main world. This isn't that type of fantasy so fairies, dragons, and gnomes wouldn't go, but if you were to have say... a species of bipedal catmen I suppose that could work if you can make it make sense!
    Superpowers are very limited in this world. Nothing like telekinesis or phasing through walls. This won't become JoJo levels of insane, but bodily transformation (if related to the species), increased strength, flight (if they have wings of course), increased speed etc. If you're unsure what is allowed, please ask me.


(If obviously not human or isn't announcing what they are name here. If they have the outwardly appearance of a human label human)

(None of your business unless asked geez)
(None of your business unless asked!)
(We'll find out unless you're announcing them)

(Are you a cook? A navigator? A doctor? First mate? Bed mate??)

You don't have to tell me everything! I want to get to know your character! Make things natural, funny, awkward, and genuine!​
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I feel like I'm forgetting something. I'll figure it out once I've woken up. It's 3 in the morning wth..
Oooo…maybe it's cuz my gf showed me a Captain Jack Sparrow tik tok this morning, or maybe the universe was telling me something trough that lolol—but this sounds like fun! I'm in!
Oooo…maybe it's cuz my gf showed me a Captain Jack Sparrow tik tok this morning, or maybe the universe was telling me something trough that lolol—but this sounds like fun! I'm in!
Heck yeah! I feel the same I've been looking at a lot of Jack Sparrow stuff (mainly because I can't escape it 🥲)
I am speculatively interested in joining such an RP, it sounds pretty interesting. I tend to like adventure-centric rps more so than slice of life, though a mix of both is certainly fun.

I haven't yet decided on what existing OC/Muse or new character(s) I would bring to the table yet, but I am certainly on board as it were (pun not intended but certainly acknowledged).

I may wait until I see the other characters being brought to the table before I over-saturate a niche or mismatch tones. But I would very much like to participate, even if I am not strictly decided on what char to use.
I am speculatively interested in joining such an RP, it sounds pretty interesting. I tend to like adventure-centric rps more so than slice of life, though a mix of both is certainly fun.

I haven't yet decided on what existing OC/Muse or new character(s) I would bring to the table yet, but I am certainly on board as it were (pun not intended but certainly acknowledged).

I may wait until I see the other characters being brought to the table before I over-saturate a niche or mismatch tones. But I would very much like to participate, even if I am not strictly decided on what char to use.
Glad to hear you're interested! I plan on posting my character sheet sometime today, so hopefully that would help in your submission.
Is there anything else we should know about the world before we get too attached to an idea, or can we add some stuff to it with where our characters are from and such?
Is there anything else we should know about the world before we get too attached to an idea, or can we add some stuff to it with where our characters are from and such?
I also have a similar question. Also curious about the general tone/mood.
Is there anything else we should know about the world before we get too attached to an idea, or can we add some stuff to it with where our characters are from and such?
I also have a similar question. Also curious about the general tone/mood.
The only solid thing in place is the Sigvid Isles. Anything else can be added to the world such as places, technologies, people, religions, history, etc.

I want this to be a bright, comical, and adventurous story upfront, but darker, and serious themes later on once we get to know our characters.

The only main thing I can think of is that there isn't electricity, but there are trains, and guns. If you can think of some bizarre reason for them to have lights or refrigeration go for it. I might brain storm myself

EDIT: My dumbass forgot wind and water power wtf?! Never mind we got plenty of both of those things!
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Excellent! I'll be back later once I'm home to post a bio! Speaking of which, do either of y'all have a character/avatar creator you use or like? I found the league of legends one, which is awesome, but just wondering about other recommendations.
Excellent! I'll be back later once I'm home to post a bio! Speaking of which, do either of y'all have a character/avatar creator you use or like? I found the league of legends one, which is awesome, but just wondering about other recommendations.
I've never used a character creator before so I can't give you an opinion on that, but that sounds like something I'd like to try. That's a game right?
I've never used a character creator before so I can't give you an opinion on that, but that sounds like something I'd like to try. That's a game right?
Yeah it's an online game but you don't have to play to create an avatar and save the image! It's a nice creator too!
hey! after reading through, i would be very interested in joining. i'm intrigued with the idea you came up with, as well as the direction you want to take it in.
hey! after reading through, i would be very interested in joining. i'm intrigued with the idea you came up with, as well as the direction you want to take it in.
Glad to hear it mate! Hope to see your character soon! Do you have any questions or concerns in the meantime?
i do have one question. if we use a picture for our character, what style would you want it in? ie animated, drawn, digital art, etc.

totally meant to reply to your comment, but made a whole new one instead on accident 😭
What kind of detail are you looking for in a character sheet? I ask as I want to try but I stink of creating a character sheet. Not my greatest skill.
i do have one question. if we use a picture for our character, what style would you want it in? ie animated, drawn, digital art, etc.

totally meant to reply to your comment, but made a whole new one instead on accident 😭
That's a good question. I'd hate to limit it since that would mean you probably won't be able to find your match
What kind of detail are you looking for in a character sheet? I ask as I want to try but I stink of creating a character sheet. Not my greatest skill.
Just basic details of their appearance is the main requirement. Everything else is just to get the personality of your character.
What does personality you want or how you describe it? Not trying to sound dumb but someone were to ask me to describe my personality I wouldn't know how to say it.
What does personality you want or how you describe it? Not trying to sound dumb but someone were to ask me to describe my personality I wouldn't know how to say it.
I'm sorry I don't understand your question.
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