All The Band (Signup and OOC)

Currently reading:
All The Band (Signup and OOC)

Oti: "This is Galather Faltoris. I have called upon him as a friend and ally in our time of need-"
There is a loud THUNK noise and Morga starts wiping brains off her mace
Morga: "Thanks dude, I knew I'd missed one of those bandits!"
I have frequently posted many many words! XD it's why I am making an effort to not overdo it. But seeing as I am actually in good company in that regard... I might be holding back unnecessarily.

Playing board games with my sibs late into the night tonight. Excellent posts and Uther will address the newcomers and Morga's questions tomorrow.
I hate to be that guy and I worry that I'll be branded a flake because of this, because I DO hope to return sometime in the future, but I gotta step away for the time being. Something bad has happened for me and I need to focus on IRL stuff.

Less than Five

I hope that everyone has a better start to 2024 than I.
:( Take what time is needed. I'm sure we'll all still be here when you're able to return.
It's okay, Five—please take care of yourself. Hope things get better.
I'm not sure if this is active or looking for more characters but this concept gained my interest so i just want to ask if you are looking for more people
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