Character(s) Yimara’s Play Things

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Character(s) Yimara’s Play Things


Dragon Rider
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Today 1:06 AM
this post is a work in progress, also PLEASE DONT POST HERE. If you like one of my characters and want to talk about an rp you can pm me, or check out my plots thread which is linked in my signature.


▋▍x Introduction x ➸







Important Physical Traits:

▋▍x Deeper Details x ➸





▋▍x O T H E R x ➸
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(He only has the single, top set of horns and his hair isn't quite as long)

Name: Dravian Blackstone (Dray-VEE-anne)
Age: 26 (physically, he never talks much about his actual age)
Race: Half-Demon
Occupation: Bounty hunter, former soldier and queens guard
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 170lbs
Basic Appearance: (see above) Dravian is fairly tall, his battle worn body corded with muscle. His skin is a pale lavender with various red, warriors tattoos scattered about its surface. Many scars, some small and some large, mark his body, the two most notable being the parallel ones on his back, running from his shoulder blades, down to the middle of his back.

His stark white hair hangs down just below the tops of his shoulders, it's roots parted by two horns atop his head. Their black surface smooth to the touch, but marred with a few chips here and there along their length.
Personality: Dravian is not what one would call warm and inviting, he tends to be fearless, cold and rather blunt. His past has lead him to become the man he is today, his never ending work as a bounty hunter keeping his emotions and feelings for anything at bay. His self preservation is all but non existent, leaving him the perfect hireling for those who have reckless jobs in mind. Though, under his icy exterior, Dravian is a strong protector of those he forms a bond with, his demon genes longing for companionship to fill the void that leaving his hoard created in him.
History: Dravian grew up in the city, his family working exclusively as guards for the castle, and expendable warriors, under the promise that their kind would not be completely wiped out. He trained from the time he reached adolescence, soon becoming one of the strongest fighters in the kings army. Being called up to the position of queens guard, he found himself in the midst of a lot of shady dealings, vowed to silence and his work, unable to shut down the corrupt activities that were performed before his Very eyes.

During one of his guard shifts, he witnessed the king abusing the queen he had vowed to protect, and unable to contain his rage, he attacked, leaving the king bleeding out on the castle floor. The queen, horrified, though secretly grateful, had him banished. Upon being banished and removed from the guard, he had his wings magically stripped from his body, leaving him wounded and broken in the outside world.

Having never known anything else, Dravian quickly took to sell swording. It is typical for demons without a hoard, or their wings, to waste away into nothingness and die, their ability to survive impeded by their instincts to be in a group. However, Dravian did not waste away, he became cold and fearless, his recklessness fueling him to survive, the thrill of the hunt sustaining him.
Typical apparel and weapons:
(His helmet does not have horns, but instead slots for his own horns to fit through)
He wields a black bow and duel short swords, with red "dragons eye" gems, embedded in the hilts. He also carries a small black steel shield on his back. His gauntlets have extendable claws (see original appearance image), Their tips typically coated in poison. His armor is crafted from a black dragons hide, it's appearance similar to that of metal, but upon closer inspection, one would notice that it is comprised of small scales. Unlike metal armor, it allows for great maneuverability and stealth.


name: Alia (Al-eee-ah) Blackstone
Age: 26 (physically, she never talks much about her actual age
Race: Tiefling (half demon, half elf
Occupation: Bounty hunter, former soldier and queens guar

Height: 5'9
Weight: 145lb

Personality: Alia is not what one would call warm and inviting, she tends to be fearless, cold and rather blunt. Her past has lead her to become the woman she is today, her never ending work as a bounty hunter keeping her emotions and feelings for anything at bay. Her self preservation is all but non existent, leaving her the perfect hireling for those who have reckless jobs in mind. Though, under her icy exterior, Alia is a strong protector of those she forms a bond with, her demon genes longing for companionship to fill the void that leaving her hoard created in her

History: Alia grew up in the city, her family working exclusively as guards for the castle, and expendable warriors, under the promise that their kind would not be completely wiped out. She trained from the time she reached adolescence, soon becoming one of the strongest fighters in the kings army. Being called up to the position of queens guard, she found herself in the midst of a lot of shady dealings, vowed to silence and her work, unable to shut down the corrupt activities that were performed before her Very eyes

During one of her guard shifts, she witnessed the king abusing the queen she had vowed to protect, and unable to contain her rage, she attacked, leaving the king bleeding out on the castle floor. The queen, horrified, though secretly grateful, had her banished instead of killed. Upon being banished and removed from the guard, she had her wings magically stripped from her body, leaving her wounded and broken in the outside worl

Having never known anything else, Alia quickly took to sell swording. It is typical for tieflings without a hoard, or their wings, to waste away into nothingness and die, their ability to survive impeded by their instincts to be in a group. However, Alia did not waste away, she became cold and fearless, her recklessness fueling her to survive, the thrill of the hunt sustaining he

She wields a black bow and duel short swords, with red "dragons eye" gems, embedded in the hilts. Their tips are typically coated in poison. Her armor is crafted from a black dragons hide, it's appearance similar to that of metal, but upon closer inspection, one would notice that it is comprised of small scales. Unlike metal armor, it allows for great maneuverability and stealth. She is trained in basic field medic knowledge, and often carries various tonics and supplies in her bag of holding. (A magic satchel that allows its user the carry an innumerable amount of items.)
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Name: Saria (Sar-EE-Ah) Elric
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Forest Dragon
Height/Weight (Humanoid): 5'5 and 140lbs
Height/Length [in feet] (Dragon): 15' and 20'
- Shape Shifting (Between Dragon and Humanoid Form)
-Telepathy (in dragon form)
- Flight (in dragon form)
- Standard Druid abilities (in both forms) [Ie; communicate with animals, plant identification/growth/manipulation/etc]

Name: Rayelle Sheear (Ray-EL She-ARE)
Age: 23
Height/Weight: 5'6"/135lbs
Key Personality Traits: Confident, Intelligent, Sarcastic, Independent and Mischievous
Brief History: Being born in an Amazonian like tribe of feline like people, she grew being trained as a warrior. Though on a routine patrol she was captured by slavers and brought to the mainland where she was chained and treated like livestock. She's been passed between many buyers, none willing to deal with her ferocious nature.

(Two face claim choices)
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This version of the character always has feline like physical traits and only holds one form. She is strong, fast, and dangerous, but holds several weakness that one might expect from a house cat. Such as specific touches relaxing her, and she is easily distracted by shiny things and oddities that peak her curiosity.

unnamed (1).jpg

This version of my character has two forms, one being human and the other being full feline. A magic collar that was put around her neck keeps her from shifting (unless it is removed), but she has some inhuman characteristics, such as enhanced senses, slightly sharper than average teeth and nails and she is quite agile. Her weaknesses are that of a normal human.
Name; Alia (Al-EE-Ah) Blackstone

Age: 25

Sexuality: Homosexual

Height/Weight: 5'8"/145lbs

Race/Class: Half Demon/Rogue


Personality: Alia is not what one would call warm and inviting, she tends to be distant and rather blunt. Her past has lead her to become the woman she is today, her never ending work as a bounty hunter keeping her emotions and feelings for anything at bay. She's intellegent and stealthy, her years of training holding strong. She tends to value her own wellbeing over that of others, and would rarely stick her neck out for someone. Though, under her icy exterior, Alia is a strong protector of those she forms a bond with, however rare those instances may be. In her spare time she likes to wood carve, draw, or read.


Brief History: Alia grew up in the city, her family working exclusively as guards for the castle, and expendable warriors, under the promise that their kind would not be completely wiped out. She trained from the time she reached adolescence, and after a few years she was called up to the position of queens guard, where she found herself in the midst of a lot of shady dealings, vowed to silence and her work, unable to shut down the corrupt activities that were performed before her very eyes.

During one of her guard shifts, she witnessed the king abusing the queen she had vowed to protect, and unable to contain her rage, she attacked, leaving the king bleeding out on the castle floor. The queen, horrified, though secretly grateful, had her banished from the kingdom instead of killed.

Having nothing and no one, she left that particular kingdom and after a long bout of traveling, took up mercenary work. She now roams place to place, never staying anywhere for very long, drowning herself in alcohol and woman.


Other: She wields a black long bow and duel short swords, as well as hidden daggers In her boots. She often has hand crafted poisons in her satchel, and wears a thin silver necklace. Her armor is crafted from dragons hide, it's appearance similar to that of leather, but upon closer inspection, one would notice that it is comprised of scales. Atop her armor she typically wears a mask and cloak, their purpose to conceal her identity during shady contracts.


(Revised version)

Zelora Faldeyr

▋▍x Introduction x ➸

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Drow Elf/Demon

Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Hunter/Tracker

Height/Weight: 5'4 & 130lbs

Important Physical Traits:
-Scar across abdomen (above belly button)
-Heterochromia (left eye light blue, right eye emerald green)

▋▍x Deeper Details x ➸

-Duel weapon fighting
-Wood carving
-Basic survival skills
-Exceptional botanical and wildlife knowledge

Personality: Zelora, having grown up feeling incredibly out of place, is very independent. She finds herself reluctant to get attached to others, and loathes the idea of depending on another for anything. Due to her rocky upbringing, Zelora gained the sense that she doesn't fit in amongst society, even Going as far as believing she is an atrocity that shouldn't have existed in the first place. She enjoys her time alone in the forest, where she has practiced the art of hunting, for the purpose of selling the meat and hides to butchers and townspeople.

Despite her reluctance to get close to others, anyone who is fortunate enough to gain the woman's trust and loyalty will have it indefinitely. She is very dedicated to those she holds close, even if those people are few and far in between. She's skeptical of romantic relationships, having been treated poorly in the past by near everyone, but hasn't entirely ruled out the possibility of future lovers, just suppressed such thoughts by focusing so heavily on her line of work. Truthfully she would benefit from having someone close to her that she could lean on, having spent so much of her life alone, but she lacks the strength to admit that to herself.

She has little regard for laws, using her own morals as a compass. That's not to say she is criminal, but more of a true neutral. She make decisions that feel right to her, regardless of laws or traditions. Going along with that train of thought, she isn't afraid to admit when she's been bested, or in over her head, unless of course it comes to protecting a loved one, in which case, she would willingly give her life in their place.

Bio: Zelora was born to a drow mother, and up until the age of five was raised in a drow village. When she turned five her and her mother were cast out, because the other villagers feared her to be some kind of spy, or worse yet, a demon spawn of some kind. However, her mother didn't wish to leave her drow village and took Zelora to her fathers town, a demon sanctuary, leaving her there at its gates with little to no information on how to find her father.

It took the young Zelora several days to locate her father, but once she did she remained happy with him until she turned 15, when the demon sanctuary elders found out she was a half blood. They too voted to cast her out, much to her fathers dismay, but as a member of the council he was not willing to leave his comfortable life in the sanctuary. He didn't cast her out defenseless though, having plead with the rest of the council, buying him enough time to teach her the basics to live on her own. She was allowed to remain until she turned 16, in which time he trained in important life skills, archery and wielding two short swords.

From that point on Zelora was alone, the only thing she held to remember her family was a broken medallion, that she wore as a necklace, her mother having made her promise to never get rid of it, her armor, and her weapons, hand crafted gifts from her father. At first she was heart broken, lost and afraid, but as time went on she grew to find comfort in being alone.

▋▍x O T H E R I M A G E S x ➸



Bow and Quiver:
Name: Captain Jason Hawkes (Widely known name - Captain Hawk)
Age: 26
Height: 6'3"
Important Physical Traits:
-Tattoo the length his inner right forearm reading "An infamous bird of prey, destined to uncover a treasure of immeasurable worth."
-Numerous tattoos and scars scattered around his body
-Always wears several necklaces and/or rings


Kamir, God of Chaos and Destruction

▋▍x Introduction x ➸

Age: Unknown (Appears to be Mid 20's)

Gender: Male

Race: Lesser Demon + God

Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: God of Chaos and Destruction

Height/Weight: 6'2"/185lbs

Important Physical Traits:
-Scarification "Tattoos" Across his upper torso, back, and arms
-Numerous piercings, often holding silver jewelry
-Off black horns, much like a rams, adorned with silver tips
-Wears a multitude of rings, earrings and bracelets
-Has a key necklace that he rarely takes off, and never lets out of his sight

▋▍x Deeper Details x ➸

-Physical strength (though not out of the ordinary)
-Minor fire magic
-Exceptional at manipulating others/lying
-Resides in his own plane of existence that he can alter as he sees fit

-Unable to leave his plane of existence without being granted permission by the higher gods
-Weakened/burned by holy items (ie holy water, blessed crosses, etc)
-Should he ever go to the mortal plane he'd lose his status as a god and his abilities
-Emotionally Fragile
-Has difficultly forming genuine connections

Kamir is first and foremost driven by his status. He's a god, he flaunts the fact to nearly anyone who'll listen. Though, his obsession with his title stems deeply from the fact that he's incredibly lonely. He's Surrounded by servants, sacrifices, and worshippers, but he feels alone, and to compensate he puffs up his ego by making a big deal out of the fact that he's a god. His upbringing, being raised by his succubus mother before being handed off this his god father, left him with some attachment issues, making it very hard for him to form proper connections with those he does come in contact with. He can be cold and abrasive at times, not trusting anyone enough To let them in, which he likes to claim is because he's too good for everyone, though that isn't the truth. Beneath his icy, uncaring exterior is a genuine, soft hearted, lover man, one that not a single soul has been lucky enough to unearth.

▋▍x O T H E R x

Notes: None at the moment
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Name: Eliza Walters
Age: Immortalized at 24
Occupation/Species: Noble Vampire
Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual Female
Personality: Like one would expect, Eliza is not a happy ray of sunshine. Generally speaking she is a deceitful temptress, using anything and everything at her disposal to get what she wants. She prides herself in her vampiric status, and absolutely loathes disrespect of any kind Toward her and her authority. She cares little for the lives of others, much preferring to save herself. However, she does have a fierce loyalty hidden deep down, something That isn't freely given to anyone. When she does allow herself to care, it's an all or nothing affair for her.
-Heightened Senses
-Increased Speed/Strength/Agility
-Can compel humans to obey her (doesn't work on humans who've been trained to resist it)
-Authority over lesser vampires
-Can create Lesser Vampires
-Fast healing (her blood is capable of healing others as well)
-Doesn't Age
-Wooden stakes can both kill (in the heart) and weaken (anywhere else) her
-Blessed/Holy items
-Can't enter a living persons home without being invited in at least once
-The sun burns and can kill her (without her ring)
-Needs blood to survive
Short history: Turned several centuries ago, Eliza doesn't dwell much on her past. Prior to being to being turned she was a barmaid, living alone and struggling to make ends meet. After being turned she climbed her way through the vampiric ranks, outliving most of the other wretches that were turned along with her. As she aged, she grew in power, eventually acquiring wealth along with it. Now she has a seat on the vampire council, one that she holds great pride in, as she's worked so hard to get there.
-Always wears this ring, as it protects her from the sunlight.

Name: Quinn Alodres
Age: 195
Race: Harpy
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 4.8m (15'9") in harpy form, 5'7" in human form

Important Details: Large claw mark scratch scars diagonal across her back

Likes: Warm weather, music (listening to it), flying, sweet food, and birds

Dislikes: The cold, deep water, thunderstorms, large felines, and spicy food

Relationships: TBD

Typical Clothing: Her chest is usually covered by a thin cloth wrap, the garment covering just enough to keep her decent, while a black silk cloak drapes across her shoulders And extends down the entire length of her back, tapering off just above her knees in a feather like design, fastened around her throat by a ornate silver clasp. Her lower half is covered from her waist to mid thigh by a simple hide skirt, much like her top it conceals just enough to keep her somewhat modest.

Description: Quinn is tall woman, even among her own kind, standing at a staggering 15 feet 9 inches. Her body is toned with muscle, though not entirely unfeminine. Pale sage green skin dotted with uneven mocha brown patches defines her complexion, stretching down to her lower thighs where smooth green skin gives way scaly black, bird like lower legs. Instead of humanoid feet, Quinn has clawed toes much like an eagle, four long digits each equipped with a sharp talon akin to any large bird of prey.

Her arms, similar to her legs, hold resemblance to a bird. Starting just above her elbow a row of feathers extend outward, creating a small set of wings that grow up until her wrists Where they abruptly stop, giving way to humanoid hands. These hands are nearly identical to that of a humans, long fingers tipped with sharp nails stretching out from a smooth palm. However, one distinct difference is the number of fingers the woman holds, each hand only possessing three fingers and a thumb, instead of four.

The harpy, Unlike folklore, is not a hideous beast. In fact, her features are quite beautiful to most. Pointed ears sit on the sides of her head, just below her deep ebony hairline. Her hair is often pulled up in a messy bun, Keeping the shoulder length tresses out of her face. Full, naturally peach colored lips conceal a fairly normal set of teeth, aside from her two canine teeth with are sharp fangs, though they do not extend out past her lips. Piercing silver gaze stands out against her pale skin, and well defined cheek bones complete her eye catching features.

Personality: Sharp talons are accompanied by a sharper tongue, Quinn's words often spilled with little regard for others feelings. The harpy is much as one would expect from her kind, which is both blunt and uncaring. She cares not for the woes of others, and will say what's on her mind regardless of how it might make those around her feel. Her honesty is both a blessing and curse for those close to her, but for better or worse she is brutally honest.

Along with this honesty is a fierce loyalty. Not necessarily just to her people, but to any who she deems worthy or otherwise important to her. To cross someone Quinn cares about, is to put oneself at the end of her claws. That being said, getting close to the harpy is a task in and of itself. She is not exactly a warm ray of sunshine, and she doesn't seek to gain anyones favor unless it benefits her, meaning those who have found themselves within her circle have earned their place.

As a high ranking soldier in her peoples army, Quinn is brave and intelligent, needing to possess a certain set of traits in order to fight for her people and execute careful battle plans. She doesn't fear death, nor does she shun killing, though she tries to avoid doing so outside the throes of battle. She acts largely for her own benefit, not inherently evil nor good, her Choices swaying based on the situation.


Flight: The wings that grow from Quinn's arms allow her to fly, though her body isn't designed to fly large distances like migratory birds, and she tires easily if she's flying in unideal conditions.

High pitched Screech: Much like a bird, Harpies can emit a powerful screech which is loud enough to distract, frighten, or even temporarily deafen her enemies. Those with better hearing are more susceptible.s

Wind Control: Quinn can control the wind to her will, however, she is not immune to it's effects meaning she can knock herself out of balance, And can easily over exert herself if she creates too strong a gust, or uses the power too much.

Enhanced Vision and hearing: Like most birds of prey, Harpies are gifted with incredible hearing and eye sight both in the day and at night. However, this isn't something that they can turn on and off, meaning she is prone to headaches and is very sensitive to bright lights And loud noises.


Deep water: Quinn cannot swim, her bird like attributes only hindering her in the water, therefore deep bodies of water make her nervous.

Land travel: While harpies can walk on land, she is not designed for that kind of travel and cannot achieve very high speeds on the ground.

Cold: Quinn isn't equipped to withstand incredibly cold temperatures, snow being the most detrimental, having the potential to ice up her feathers and prevent her from flying properly.

Name: Katherine "Kat" Walters
Age: 29

Family Info;
Mother - Little to no contact
Father - Little to no contact
Brother - Deceased - Tragic car accident several years prior
Emily Miller - Best Friend - Tend to hang out on the weekends and go clubbing

Brief Overview: Having grown up with her older brother and parents in a small town in Vermont, it was always Kats dream to move to the big city and pursue her career in art. Her parents always disapproved, insisting she went to medical school like they both did, and like her brother was. While she did eventually enroll in a college in New York, Under her parents constant pressuring, and go through two years of schooling, she never completed her degree. Her brothers sudden passing hit her hard, and she realized she didn't want to spend her life doing something she hated When she could potentially die at any time.

After dropping out of college, losing her relationship with her parents, and struggling to make ends meet with her small savings, she settled into a job at a small inner city cafe. Her time is generally spent working, sketching, painting, or going out with her best friend Emily.

▋▍x Introduction x ➸

Name: Aldric Gilden

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Lesser Demon + Elf

Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: First Prince of the Shattered Cove

Height/Weight: 6'0"/207lbs

Important Physical Traits:
-Golden tattoos adorn his face, neck, chest and shoulders
-Black bull horns sprout from the sides of his head
-Light charcoal colored skin
-Notably more muscular than his brother

▋▍x Deeper Details x ➸

-Physical strength (More than is normal)
-Politically Inclined
-Light oriented magic
-Is very skilled at creating and fixing things

-His magic is canceled out by Shadow magic
-Sensitive and weak to the cold
-Tends to loose himself in his work
-Doesn't always realize his own strength

Tormented by his heritage Aldric is disgusted with himself for his demonic appearance. He worries that he isn't fit for love and affection, including that of his potential subjects. He's worked his whole life on his studies, learning the ins and outs of the king life, and politics in general. He's a gentleman at heart and never acts out in aggression unless it's a necessity. While he is a warrior like his brother, he detests killing for the sake of it, and only fights when he has no other choice. He is hurt by the rumors that have spread across the kingdoms about his brutality, knowing they are rooted in lies, and while he has always needed someone for support he's never sought out a long term relationship, knowing that one day he'd likely get married via a political arrangement.

▋▍x O T H E R x

Notes: None at the moment


▋▍x Introduction x ➸

Name: Kamir Gilden

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Lesser Demon + Elf

Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: Second Prince of the Shattered Cove

Height/Weight: 6'2"/185lbs

Important Physical Traits:
-Scarification "Tattoos" Across his upper torso, back, and arms
-Numerous piercings, often holding silver jewelry
-Off black horns, much like a rams, adorned with silver tips
-Wears a multitude of rings, earrings and bracelets

▋▍x Deeper Details x ➸

-Physical strength (though not out of the ordinary)
-Shadow oriented magic
-Exceptional at manipulating others/lying

-His magic is canceled out by light magic
-Easily loses his temper
-Emotionally Fragile
-Has difficultly forming genuine connections

Kamir is first and foremost driven by his status. He's a prince, he flaunts the fact to nearly anyone who'll listen. Though, his obsession with his title stems deeply from the fact that he's incredibly lonely. He's Surrounded by servants, power hungry women, and borderline worshippers, but he feels alone, and to compensate he puffs up his ego by making a big deal out of the fact that he's a prince. His upbringing, being raised by his succubus mother before being handed off this his king father, left him with some attachment issues, making it very hard for him to form proper connections with those he does come in contact with. He can be cold and abrasive at times, not trusting anyone enough To let them in, which he likes to claim is because he's too good for everyone, though that isn't the truth. Beneath his icy, uncaring exterior is a genuine, soft hearted, lover man, one that not a single soul has been lucky enough to unearth.

▋▍x O T H E R x

Notes: None at the moment
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Name: Katarina Silverglow
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race/Species: Wood Elf
Height and Weight: 5'5' and 130lbs
Primary Skills: Archery, Basic Medical Care, and Knowledge of a vast amount of plants.

Saphielle "Saphi" Loraven
(Pronounced Saf-EE-Ell)

▋▍x Introduction x ➸

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Eladrin (High Elf)

Occupation: Scholar/Mage

Height/Weight: 5'7"/165lbs

Important Physical Traits:
-Shorter than Average Elf Ears
-Crystal blue eyes
-Roughly a four inch diagonal scar on her chest just above her left breast

▋▍x Deeper Details x ➸

Notable Skills/Strengths:
-Minor magic (is working on learning more)
-Is a good artist, often sketching Along with her notes
-Quick at learning New information
-Can be very persuasive/deceptive if she needs to be
-Singing/music is her secondary passion

-Her skills in nature are severely lacking
-Somewhat aloof, always looking for new curiosities and not paying much attention to her surroundings
-Tends to be too trusting
-If she over exerts herself by using her magic too much, or attempting Something she hasn't practiced enough, she is prone to exhaustion and fainting
-Cares immensely for Morel and doesnt think twice about endangering herself on his behalf

Brief Personality:
Saphi has always been fascinated by the idea of undiscovered knowledge. Even as a child she could be found reading, writing, and seeking out information. However, her thirst for knowledge isn't always great, leaving her somewhat careless and naive about the safety of her surroundings. Outside of her learning, she is a total sweetheart, her kindness knowing no bounds when it comes to those she associates with. She is often described as bubbly and fun by those who've gotten to know her. She's never thought much about settling down, enjoying her time traveling place to place and soaking in knowledge, though admittedly she enjoys her one night stands and short flings that she engages in during her travels. As far as she's concerned the only one she needs in her life for good is Morel, her bond with the bird unbreakable.

Saphi grew up with her mother and a man who she thought was her father, and she had two siblings, both younger than her. Her life was what she could only describe as perfect until her late young adult years, when things took a drastic turn. It came to light that Saphi was illegitimate, her father not being the man she grew up thinking he was. When Saphi's mother was confronted, she confessed the truth of having had an affair with a traveling merchant, a human, resulting in Saphi's conception.

Being of a wealthy family in a high elf settlement, Saphi was immediately looked upon as an abomination. Months passed and the young half elf's treatment only grew worse, escalating to the point where an attempt was made on her life, resulting in the scar on her chest. After this experience, she decided she was no longer safe, gathering her belongings, bidding her family farewell, and setting out on her own, seeking nothing but knowledge. Hoping to one day settle down somewhere where she could teach others all that she had learned.

During her travels she met many interesting people, all who taught her something new. Some about religion, others race, practical skills, far away lands, some even new magic. However, the most prominent part of her journey was stumbling upon an injured and lonely owl chick. Nursing the babe back to health, intending to set it free, she found that once the bird was healed he didn't wish to go. Thus her relationship with Morel was born, the bird accompanying her on her travels.

▋▍x O T H E R x ➸

-She has a pygmy owl, which she jokes is her familiar, named Morel.
-Has a satchel filled with supplies and journals that she always carries

Alastar Girend

▋▍x Introduction x ➸

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon

Humanoid Height/Weight: 6'4"/215lbs

Important Physical Traits (Humanoid Form):
-He has large black dragon wings
-One set of Horns that resemble the ones he has in his dragon form
-A scar across his right eye (Both forms)
-Bright Amber eyes (both forms)

▋▍x Deeper Details x ➸

-Experienced in hand to hand Combat (short sword and unarmed)
-Can shift between dragon Form and humanoid form at will
-Fire breathing (dragon form)
-Wilderness survival skills
-Stealth(human form), strength, and enhanced senses (both forms)

Personality: He is not what one would call warm and inviting, he tends to be aggressive, cold and rather blunt. His past has lead him to become the man he is today, his time alone in his dragon form keeping his emotions and feelings for anything at bay. Though, under his icy exterior, he is a strong and possessive protector of those he forms a bond with, his dragon side longing for companionship to fill the void that being riderless leaves him with.

▋▍x O T H E R x ➸
He is currently unable to shift back to his human form, seemingly forgetting how after so long, leaving him agressive, confrontational, and a bit feral (Will change throughout the rp)
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Aryanna "Arya" Leitray


▋▍x Introduction x ➸

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Orientation: Bisexual

Height/Build: 5'4" - Slender with natural curves and some minor muscling

Brief Synopsis: While some hear the word princess and think of a soft, sweet demeanor, Arya is anything but. Having grown up as a middle child she was almost always over looked, her sisters sporting the same striking red hair and piercing hazel eyes. Her eldest sister was always the favorite, her young sister the baby that everyone doted on, leaving poor Arya to make herself seen anyway she could manage. Unfortunately for her dear parents it was in some of the least ladylike ways possible, including, but not limited to archery, drunken brawls outside the castle Walls, and perhaps their least favorite, frequently bedding commoners and the palace staff.

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N/A for now
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