alternate universe

  1. Jason Anderson

    MxF how far would you travel through the vastness of Time and space for true love

    Hello I got a couple different sci-fi time travel alternate universe scenarios rolling around in my brain. How far would you go for your one true love? Would you invent a time machine and go back in the past to relive those precious moments and cherished memories? Would you travel across the...
  2. Karabunny101

    ~Hello There~

    Hello All! I hope that you are having a wonderful day thus far! I have not been on here in a while due to personal reasons. However, I am slowly coming back and with a strong craving! Now, I haven't done too many Star Wars RP's. That being said, I am very open to time frame, AU, Cannon...
  3. FebruaryGemini

    MxF A prompt for Red vs. Blue and a prompt for Halo.

    Chex Mix Hey! I'm a Tex looking for a Church. The version of Tex that I want to play comes from this very complicated "Regular Earth" AU that my sister and I created. It started as a fanfiction about Doc as a photographer and Donut as his muse. Now, it's a soap opera with five different plots...
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