
  1. Sethren

    It is I! Sethren!

    The God of Chaos! MWHAHAHAHA. I say that because I chose my name (FtM trans here) via my love of Egyptian Gods and I fell in love with Set, whose English version of his name is Seth. I also happened to like the meanings behind Ren so I added the two together and viola! Any whosers, figured it...
  2. BorrowerStarlight


    Hello, I'm an artist who has always had the passion for fantasy Rp, Elder scrolls rp, anime, and other things. I've always been into paragraph style rp. I have many interesting characters to share, and hopefully show!! I also like gentle Giants, and Borrower rps. If you have any questions feel...
  3. Cyybork

    More about me

    About me: I'm Cyy, I've been roleplaying for 8 years so I have some experience under my belt. I'm an artist and I also love all sorts of music! I'm pretty blunt so don't expect me to sugarcoat things but I make a great friend. I'm pretty much available at all times but that does not mean I'll...
  4. Animis Medicinam


    Hello there my fellow roleplayers!, It's wonderful to meet you. Animis Medicinam here!, but you can call me An, or Med, or AM, or whatever nickname of your choosing as long as it isn't, you know, something rude. :) I'm a roleplayer with several years of experience in groups roleplays, as I...
  5. Sylessae


    Hi there! My nickname is Sylessae, and I'm 23 years old. I'm a roleplayer of twelve years, but I've been in the writing game for even longer - probably since I could hold a pen. I love breathing life into characters in fantastical worlds and then dropping loads of drama into every scenario. The...
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