demon slayer

  1. Ignis

    All Just looking for some fun writing partners

    Howdy there, my name is Ignis I'm currently 31 with about 16 years of roleplaying and writing experience, I tend to be fairly flexible in my level of detail and length but I do love trying to match my partner's level of detail and length in an Rp that being said I'll never write anything less...
  2. Pastelkittenpaws

    All Pastel's Fandom / Rp Search

    Hi, I'm Pastel. I go by she/they pronouns. Thank you for looking at my post. Hopefully, you enjoy your stay here and someone reaches out to me. Anyways, I have been doing roleplay since around 2014, so I have about 10 years of experience under my belt. I tend to enjoy adventure, fantasy, and...
  3. DetailedRP

    MxF Novella Fandom Search

    Hello there! Good evening. Today, I am searching for a novella-styled roleplay. This advert is available only to women. The ideal partner I'm looking for is someone who is patient and enjoys writing a good story, and of course — smutty scenes. Please be advanced-literate and provide some...
  4. Cinnamon Toast Crunch

    All Novella-Fandom roleplay search!

    Hello! The title pretty much spills the beans here. Below are the fandoms I'm interested in! đź’ś = currently craving. Clarifications! And that's basically it! Please, if you have any questions or suggestions, do let me know! Writing Samples: Wrinting Samples!
  5. Destinymoon

    Character(s) Destinymoon's characters

    Hi everyone, here is a shortcut to my ocs for easy viewing. All my characters are 18+ and are being roleplayed in a college/university or corporation-setting world. Arcane [LOL] Attack on Titan Black Clover Black Lagoon Bleach Blue Exorcist Castlevania Chainsaw Man Creepypasta Demon Slayer...
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