
  1. Indoraptor

    Any A Niche Idea to Ease Myself Back Into Writing

    After a rather difficult event in my life recently, I lost my will to write anything. However, I want to get back into it. Right now I'm looking for what I can only describe as "comfort writing"—genres and ideas that make me happy to write about, especially if it's something I know well. It's...
  2. Indoraptor

    All Jurassic World: Swift Thieves (story-focused xenofiction)

    First and foremost, this RP is intended to be non-erotic. This is a RP I tried pitching in 2022 (and forgot about) that unfortunately had no takers. The basic premise is simple: a RP set in the Jurassic Park/World universe centered around Velociraptors. In terms of writing, it would take cues...
  3. Zepharius

    Female(s) needed Dinotopia[A Movie Classic] - [Female Characters Needed]

    After recently watching through some old favorites, I found a classic series. Dinotopia. I would love to create an rp with an original storyline about a small group of friends who get stuck on the island. Adventures, dinosaurs, fantasy, and fun! If there is enough people interested, I will...
  4. IndoWriter


    Yeah, I loved Jurassic World. Sue me. I'm Indowriter, and kinda sorta just so happened to find this place by browsing the big wide world of Google. I hoped to make quite the impression in this place, or otherwise just make some really great stories!
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