
  1. CalliopeHelene

    Princess Looking for a RP partner <3

    Hi All~ Incredibly new here, but an avid roleplay-er of probably 7+ years! I'm currently in search of someone interested in the more medieval/royalty side of things. I love a very detailed and intense roleplay with lots of dramatics and effort provided by both parts! I'm still working on my...
  2. A

    FxF Gangsters Wife

    In the year 1935, crime was at its prime. cocaine, alcohol, even meat smuggling. and it was all ran by small families. Chicago was a hotbed for these sets of criminals. you were either born into it, forced into it, or for some reason or another, was driven to it. whichever fate you chose.. it...
  3. Roses_thorns

    Roleplay request to all! <33

    Roleplay info and a bit about me! Roleplay Style: Semi Literate-Advanced Literate Preferred Genres Romance, Angst, Fantasy, Medieval I'm sorry but I don't roleplay many fandoms! I usually like to do OcxOc! Sometimes I go through a bit of writers block or I get busy! Please be patient if...
  4. LucidDreams

    Either Needed Neko Pet Shop?

    I have no idea if anyone will be interested in this but let's see. I've been wanting to do a roleplay of nekos in a store living together. Little cute relationships, friendships, getting into trouble, and possible adoption? It seems like it would be fun so this is just an interest check.
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