
  1. BusyBuzzyBee

    Bard Hello!

    Greetings all! I am Bee, lover of video games and roleplaying! I want to make friends and roleplay here so lets get to it! Video games I enjoy: Pokemon, Undertale, Wizard101, Minecraft, Subnautica, Oxygen Not Included, Graveyard Keeper, Stardew Valley, and much much more! TV shows I like...
  2. Hexx

    Novice Hello

    New to the site, not new to roleplay. I've been roleplaying for many, many years. :) I'm interested in a wide variety of things I'll no doubt post up soon.
  3. Tristessa

    Princess Hello there!

    Hi there! My name is Tessa. I am 33 and have been writing for about 20 years. I used to be really big into fanfictions (still am, depending on my muse), and I've roleplayed on just about every medium. Chat rooms, numerous forums, Discord... I even ran a few forums on Invisionfree and Proboards...
  4. blondebabe29

    Novice Hello !!

    Hello everyone !! Welcome to my thread . My name is Zoe . I have been roleplaying for around 20 years now and love to get myself into a good piece of writing . I must admit I am very closed off to different roleplays as I feel I’m not great at them . My prefered area is Modern / Slice of...
  5. luneblue

    Druid hello! looking for someone to rp with!

    my name is lune, i go by she/her, and i love to read & write :D
  6. First.Bow

    Druid Hello

    Hi, I am new here, but not new to writing at all. I have been doing rp since the year 2020. I don't really have things that I specifically like to write. I can write everything. Well specifically only mxm. But otherwise (kink and storyline) I am completely open. You can always message me if...
  7. blackrosedying

    Warrior Hello.

    I'm new here, though I'm not new to writing. I enjoy dark themes, horror, erotic thriller, dark romance, enemies to lovers, medieval settings, revenge, etc. I don't like furry and similar sort. I don't like half done things; I want the roleplays to last until the end with consistency. If...
  8. H

    Artisan Hello

    Hi A mate of mine recommended role-playing games to me and this is where I found via Google, that. Clicked Artisan for to get this Hello written but not stuck on it. And incase I forget, Hello
  9. Katarn

    Rogue Hello Strangers!

    My name is Katarn, and as a few might be able to guess, I pulled it from Star Wars. It shouldn’t be a big surprise, but I did come here to roleplay. I’d consider myself a veteran since I’ve been roleplaying for somewhere around 7 years. At this point in my career, I value variety. In a perfect...
  10. Viper

    Druid Hello, hiss hiss and such

    Hi there! I'm Viper. I started rping about twenty years ago on Neopets, which is just an insane thing to type. I spent about 10 years off and on proboards. I've been out of the RP game for dang near a decade and am super excited (albeit a little confused lol) by the open world concept! I used...
  11. J

    Novice Hello!~

    Hi, my username is Jordan, so just call me that, I really love writing and brainstorming, I hope I can find many people that share the same, I can do alot of roleplays and am comfortable with basically anything, great to meet you all!~
  12. JestaChaos

    Jester Hello new here!

    Hello I’m new here. Hope I can find someone to write with. You can all call me jester. :love:
  13. Elaned

    Rogue Leap of Faith [Hello]

    Hello? Salutations? Introductions are not my strong suit, but I'll try. I'm Elaned, El-ah-ned, Elained works as well I think it's funny the amount of pronunciations I've heard of my handle. I'm relatively new to this, forum-based interaction consisting of Roleplay discussion, Writings, and the...
  14. BlueMaggieM

    Princess Hello Everyone

    I'm Blue and I am 20 years old looking for roleplay I love all genres! so I am open to anything I like to do FxM pairing with me as the female but I can play a male character too! I love romance and don't mind if things get spicy but I do prefer fade into black if scenes get there a little to...
  15. Vanilla the Rabbit

    Novice Hello there!

    Hello there! My lovelies! My name is Vanilla the Rabbit (or just Vanilla if you so desire,) and welcome to my intro thread! I usually don't really know how to make these as attention-grabbing as possible but I do hope that I can still intrigue you through my writing! I suppose. I started to...
  16. E

    Princess Hello :)

    Hi there, I'm new to this and wish I knew of a place like this a long time ago when I started writing stories. I started writing to escape reality when I was a kid. I started roleplaying in my teen years with an acquaintance from school. At the time I was into writing fantasy and supernatural...
  17. Insmas

    Novice Hello!

    Hey! I'm Insmas. I stumbled across this site while looking for new places to RP, and I must say, everything is laid out so nicely! I look forward to spending more time here :)
  18. JamesSaintRose

    Druid Hello

    I’m James, I’m 24, he/him. I love writing dark comedy, paranormal, and recently have been pushing myself to branch out into romance. I have been wanting to get into romance for a while but could never find a way to do it as good as other authors. I’m hoping to learn how to take a chill pill and...
  19. R

    Novice Hello

    Not new to Role playing, but I am new to this site, so sorry if I step on any toes while I'm adjusting. I'm just looking for some fantasy role-playing with a "twist" if you know what I mean. I like to tackle things on a case-by-case basis, and I to give other people the RP they want in exchange...
  20. colettefreyy

    Druid hello!

    Hi, my name is Cole! I'm a 23 year old female who needs her coffee every morning. I currently work five different jobs, either teaching or nannying - all to make ends meet. I'm pretty tired most of the time, but I find writing to take the least energy from me and yet give me the most in return...
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