
  1. flubnugget

    Character(s) Flub's Characters

    NOTES: I leave some character details vague because they can fit in different types of stories. Character backgrounds can be altered in certain ways to fit a desired roleplay better. Just discuss it with me first if you have a suggestion for any of them. Photos are usually rough ideas are what...
  2. PlanegeaDM

    All General ideas on offer

    Hello hello~ This will serve as a summation of my roleplay ideas, wants, needs, maybe a few desires sprinkled in for flavor. A little about me before I get into it all: I've been doing casual and forum roleplay for 14 years, and I've always preferred a little longer more intricate posts, but a...
  3. SaltyWater

    MxF {Salty's Roleplay Idea Vault}

    Before I begin, I'd like to say that I truly do appreciate you visiting my thread. For those who don't know, my name is Zaria, but if calling me Aria somehow suits you better, then please go ahead! Since I'm eighteen years old, my roleplays naturally range in both PG-13 and not-PG-13 content...
  4. PaisleyMoon

    Any The Ramblings of a Mad Man

    I'm a little new here so in part this is just to get started. First off I'm open to anyone - to me gender is about as relevant as hair colour when choosing a partner, sure they might pull off being them really well but just as I might look at one red head and think how their hair really pulls...
  5. Zepharius

    Either Needed Companions Needed for RP Ideas

    I have 2 ideas for role-plays I really want to do. Below are the listed. I would like between 3-5 for these role-plays. 1. We all get sucked into a game where the dying means losing your memory. The NPC's come alive and the world around you is brand new but no one truly knows the way out. 2...
  6. NECJinx

    Character(s) NECJinx's Character Corner

    Sasha Kirill Basic Infomation Gender - Male || Age - Twenty Five || Height and Weight - 5 ft. 10 in. Date of Birth February 28th, 1994 Family Heritage Russian -- American Sexuality Uncertain Occupation Jack of all trades || P. I. Detective || Crazy Rich Race Werewolf/Wolf Shifter...
  7. Shayde Rose

    MxM 1x1 partners, maybe?

    Hey there, welcome to my thread. I’m going to make this as painless as possible. So, let’s get to it! I only roleplay MxM. I don’t mind playing multiple characters. In fact, I love doubling when given the chance. My work schedule is about to change drastically due to a change in career. My...
  8. N

    Any Novice looking for Experienced

    Ner Hollis here! I wasn't quite sure how to get myself out here in this Sanctum, but I think I'm going to give it a shot with some basics. I'm fairly new to forum RP, though I have dabbled in it before on a Star Trek based RPG forum. I also do live-action RP on World of Warcraft a few nights a...
  9. Ekkoz

    Any Mama Mia I Have Ideas

    Hello! Below are just some role play ideas I have that I will keep updated as time goes on. If you are interested in any of them feel free to message me and we can put one together! Thanks for reading! Roses It is modern day. People walk busily to and from work each day, children laugh and...
  10. Dreamoness

    Any Dreams One on One's (Revised)

    Hey! I haven't posted a thread here yet! Well, let's get to it shall we! My name is Dream and I want to let you know that I'm obviously looking for some very well rounded partners. By this I mean you'll have to meet some 'tough' requirements. If you do, then I promise you that playing with me...
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