
  1. WishBone

    .:MechPilots:. Flesh, Steel, Honor and Fire. OOC

    Idea: Into the far flung future - where the days of Earth are but whispers of a long golden age and mankind has sailed upon that infinite sea. The empire of humanity over a millenia ago - united under a common banner, cause, industry and innovation is but a shadow of its former self. Warring...
  2. MythyDragonwolf

    Either Needed Extinction War (Sci-Fi Mech Squad

    (Inspirations: Anthem, Titanfall, CoD Advanced Warfare, Mass Effect, Warhammer 40k, Mechwarrior/Battletech) In the galactic community, it used to be that no one wanted for everything. All needs were filled, and everyone was happy. Generally speaking, it's still like that near the core systems...
  3. WillowingWriter

    I Spy With My Little Eye

    Hello! I am WillowingWriter - Feel free to call me Willow! I am a nearly 20 year old bisexual/pansexual female with about twelve years of writing under my belt with about eight of those involving roleplaying. As for roleplaying, I prefer more story heavy things that involve these genres (in...
  4. Ifrit

    MxF A Compendium of Lost Legends

    Welcome Greetings, my name Is Ifrit, and this is my little corner of debauchery. This is the part where I tell you a little about myself and why I am here. I have been roleplaying on and off for the last nine years, except it was on another site. I came back here after the most extended hiatus I...
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