Currently reading:
I Spy With My Little Eye

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Today 12:37 PM
Hello! I am WillowingWriter - Feel free to call me Willow!
I am a nearly 20 year old bisexual/pansexual female with about twelve years of writing under my belt with about eight of those involving roleplaying.
As for roleplaying, I prefer more story heavy things that involve these genres (in order of my favorites): fantasy, science fiction, historical, fandoms and drama. I do do realistic, as long as there is enough drama to move the plot along.
I love and need character sheets to survive, I don't write with someone unless they do them.
I usually write in third person and my happy place with length is somewhere around three paragraphs a post or two full ones. I usually give what I receive though, I can even crank out fifteen if that is your style, it just make my posting frequency go down.
Hey willow, glad you could join us here, if you have any questions about the site or navigating feel free to ask.
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