
  1. augustus

    Any Star VS The Forces of Evil, Anyone?

    I literally love this show so much and I'm so emotional over it ending (but holy shit the ending was absolutely perfect) I desperately need someone to roleplay this with me to keep it alive in my heart. OBVIOUSLY THE CHARACTERS WILL BE AGED UP. By the end of the show it was canon that all the...
  2. L

    Looking for partners

    Hey, my name’s Liam! I’m 26, and I’ve been role playing for at least 12 years now. Though I took a lengthy hiatus, I’m excited to get back into role playing. I have some guidelines, but I promise they’re not anything crazy: 1) I prefer my partner(s) to be at least 20 years old. 2) I’m not...
  3. Iniquity

    MxF Violent & sensual fun. [Full - for now!]

    Hi there, I could write several plots out (which I'll do below if I feel the inclination), but the most important thing to me is a writing partner. I find that once you click with someone, finding a plot to match isn't too much of an issue. So, my search will be revolving around what I'm...
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