
  1. The 4th Survivor

    Either Needed Resident Evil Roleplay (OOC/Recruitment)

    (Starting this off with an overview of the plot, and basic "the world as it is" situation. Perhaps a bit niche for a fan-based thing, but had fun planning it!) Nothing was the same after Raccoon City. An entire city was plunged into a nightmare straight out of the darkest recesses of the...
  2. Bill12345678910

    Character(s) Cornelius, character notes and storylines, OOC

    https://writerssanctum.com/threads/cornelius.41457/ Note Set 2 It is the year 2222. Wii is a female Japanese nineteen year old, who lost her parents in a subway crash, that the subway derailed, and the legal investigation doesn't know why. Wii lives on the planet Cornelius, in the underground...
  3. ZAlcyoneus

    Out of Character Discussions

    This is for out of character discussion for Midnight Moon as well as plotting purposes. Links Recruitment Midnight Moon Rp Character Submissions Out of Character Discussion
  4. TJ the Scribe

    I Am Not A Bot

    Hello. You may call me TJ. I'm a twenty-something writing addict itching for a fix. In terms of writing style, I am extremely plot-driven, though I understand that, at its core, every story is character-driven, which is why I still hold a love for role play. That said, I like structure and...
  5. Soliloquy

    Völsung Rising - Characters and OOC thread

    The condensed details thusfar for ease of reference! (In no particular order) Act One: the Raid itself. Raider and Friends hit the village, Raider claims Thrall as personal conquest, which opens up some questions: Is Thrall still under the care of her family, or has she been married? Will...
  6. PlantFood

    This website Is surely a mouthful

    Hi! I'm new to this rp site. My radical internet name is Fern, but you can call me any derivative of your choosing from my name- PlantFood. Ive been on another one for quite a while but it was pushing for more smut based rp's and I'm not quite into that all the time. I may be a come and go type...
  7. A

    a wild mint appears.

    heeeeeello !! i'm a big nerd who goes by mint. i've been writing for over a decade on different sites, but this is my first time on a site like sanctum. i hope to make new friends & get some nice threads going !! xoxoxo
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