This website Is surely a mouthful

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This website Is surely a mouthful


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Today 2:11 PM
Hi! I'm new to this rp site. My radical internet name is Fern, but you can call me any derivative of your choosing from my name- PlantFood. Ive been on another one for quite a while but it was pushing for more smut based rp's and I'm not quite into that all the time. I may be a come and go type of person if this doesn't fare well but I'm always looking for new opportunities to build my own and my characters... well, character.

I'm huge on paragraph style rp's. Most of the time I'm sending responses of 2-6 paragraphs. They're not just nonsense, detail and storytelling is a large aspect of what I'm looking for. Though on occasion I lose my drive and things can get dreary and repetitive. Easy fix, give me some constructive criticism (something I'm a slut for) and a little bit of time to think over some things, and I'll be good as new.
I don't limit myself to one sort of rp, typically however, I'm happy fiddling with fantasy. Most any sorts of settings or moods go, I love angst, hurt-comfort, romance, violence, smut, fluff, shipping, the works! So long as things make sense within the context of the rp and are balanced with other things!

I hope to meet some new RP partners and expand my roleplaying skills! Its nice to meet you all.
I dont think I understand the value of gaining coin and trophy's in this website for other maybe seeing it on others profiles to tell you if they're generally liked or not. Perhaps there is a system where you can buy things, a rewards sort of system? I may be just overthinking it but this website is getting more familiar to me the more I'm just browsing around on it. I still struggle to understand how to categorize threads however.
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