plot shenanigans

  1. Napoleon_of_Crime

    Any Plots, prompts, deepest fandom wants!

    Well hello! I'm Napoleon or Napo, writing to you from sunny England. I've been roleplaying for around 6 years and I'm looking for partners! Most of this will probably be me trying to sell you my fandom cravings and plot prompts but hopefully there's something here that catches your eye. I'll...
  2. curliestfry

    Any Concepts in need of inspired partners

    Thank you for taking interest in my request thread! I'm new to this site, but perfectly familiar with rp'ing on the whole. I'm curliestfry, but you may call me Lee! RULES 1) I insist upon a 2 paragraph minimum per response. No need to be overly lengthy or anything, but I find that I struggle...
  3. goodlucksecret

    MxM The plot pot

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