
  1. Fantastique Fran

    Princess "Grand Début" To The Sanctum

    Salut, my friends. My name is Fran, and I am a seasoned roleplayer of over 10 years. I've been roleplaying since I was 12 on a now-defunct Zelda RP forum and later on Twitter under several characters (and hoo boy... I have a lot of them. From OCs to actual characters...) and a few multiverse...
  2. Ridge

    Novice New to the Sanctum

    Im new and I've been searching for a quality role playing forum. i have experience with private and some game role playing platforms. I look forward to exploring the Sanctum and finding some RP partners. Ridge.
  3. sanctumstaff

    Rules The Rules of the Sanctum

    We are a writing and roleplaying site which accepts all genres and all skill levels. Novice or Novelist, your writing home is here. This thread lists the rules under which the site operates. Failure to follow them as written will result in a warning or a ban, depending on the discretion of our...
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