world of darkness

  1. Redfren

    World VtM World

    This world thread is designed to aid in the active story Violent Desires Any information found in this thread is free to use and is only intended to aid in the above story. Thumbnails are used in this thread and this can slow your phone down please be aware of this before proceeding. The World...
  2. Redfren

    World Urban Fantasy World Info

    This is information regarding the world that the thread will take place in. It is designed to help give a firm grasp of the world around the characters and should help create the best characters possible. This is an Urban Fantasy – The date should be roughly current without the chaos of current...
  3. Rainbeams

    MxF Werewolf Lady in need of a Story (and a partner!)

    Hello hello! Had been playing a Werewolf the Apocalypse game that's been going to shit because of terrible ST's, but I've become thoroughly attached to my character and believe she deserves a better story than she's been given. Her name is Nevada and she's a Black Fury. She dresses goth mostly...
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