0w0 What's this?! An introduction thread.

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0w0 What's this?! An introduction thread.


Confirmed Responsible Adult
Local time
Today 9:34 PM
My name is Adrasteia. I'm new to forum roleplsying but i have a good amount with ttrpgs. I'm married to @charliekitty. I'm pretty shy and work full time as an engineer, so I will be a bit slow getting into rping. I'm also a furry so anthropomorphic animals very much a like of mine.

I'm a pretty general nerd. I play video, board, and table top role-playing games. I read mostly fantasy and scifi novels, except for japanese light novels where i read all genres. I like anime, cartoons, marvel, fantasy, and scifi tv, except zombies, I like they games, I dont enjoy them elsewhere. My other tv shows I like are trashy reality stuff, but not sure if i would ever roleplay something like that. Though a cooking competition thing with anime twists....

For some specifics from my interests i like; Halo, Kingdom Hearts, K, Eyesheild 21, MHA, The Lightbringer Saga (Brent Weeks), Spice and Wolf. For ttrpgs, Pathfinder 2E is my hands down favorite ruleset.

That about covers a quick intro...
See people around on here.

- Adrasteia
Cuuute! I love to see married couples joining forums together :). I'm married too, but my wife hasn't joined yet. How long have you been married for?
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum, glad to have you here and if there are any questions don't be afraid to ask~
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