MxF 2019 - Keillens Thread request

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MxF 2019 - Keillens Thread request


Task: Not Responding - End Task?
Dangerous Business Who Are You? Chat Monster Happy Birthday!!
Local time
Tomorrow 11:46 AM
Hello, names Keillen.

I've been an Rper for > 10 years.
Why? Well, lifes rough and what better for escapism right? Plus I love collaboration and working with others to make good stories.

One thing that motivated me with threads is, creativity, character progression, collaboration with communication, plot, music and aesthetic.

I thrive on driven threads with a plot and character progression or development. That's why I'm here.

As for plot ideas I love to bounce them via PM first and be collaborative, work towards a common goal.
Stories have reasons behind them, hence lets make our stories epic.

- Happy for being an ST in a thread with you being the character in that world. ST meaning, story teller, narrating whats in the world around you while you are that character.

Do I have any rules?
I'll admit i do.
- 2 to 3 Paragraphs. Depending on whats needed, also happy to combine and make a singular post if need be. eg) character dialogue etc.

- No god modding, aka taking control of character.

- No Meta Gaming, meaning using out of thread knowledge that your character wouldn't know to suddenly turn up at x spot. Better yet, explain HOW your character got to the conclusion :D

If you lose interest, please tell me don't ghost me or leave me hanging. lets talk and work this through.

Writers block? Pm me, communicate and I'm sure we can figure a way around it.

It's very likely if you ghost me, or leave hanging and come back asking for a new game I'll say no. However, if you tell me you lost interest, or unable to resolve the writers block and then come back sometime later, I'd be happy to start a new game with you no harm done.

Yeah's / Nah


  • Driven story, discussed plot, and genre, if its good im rather flexible and I am happy to collaborate with you.
  • Flawed characters and the unique way they can overcome or seek to overcome these flaws.
  • The Journey, Getting from A to B shouldn't be fast forwarded but worked on.
  • Character development = Working with and how your character changes over time.
  • Ongoing direction / goal or advancement we as rpers need to have advancement or direction in our threads, I'm happy to work with you. Share music and collaborate.
  • There will be more added.
  • Pointless, Goalless threads that dont have a progression path and stagnate
  • Gore in a sexual fashion (If we play out a war scene and there's gore fine)
  • Smutt, Sex in general or trying to turn the thread to Sex for no other reason. If its just going to fall into that, then that's not my thing.
  • Slave RP, or anything along those lines. One, makes me uncomfortable and two it never going to be a genre I wish to be involved in.
  • Theres other stuff here, and this will be updated though I will be specific and direct with what I wont do.
Any questions? Just ask via PM

- Genres:
Sci Fi - Post apoc / Zombie / Modern / Futuristic / Mecha / War / First Contact / you know etc
Fantasy / Dark Fantasy / High Fantasy / <Not sure what others there are but i'll try to be flexible.
Horror / Supernatural

- Plott ideas.
IF you have em, Happy to bounce em back n forth via Pm till somethings epic.

Plot Ideas:
Spin - Reaper / Humour / Action

In the modern world, you never expected that behind the veil was another world entirely and that you only really got to see that other side in passing over. Or having certain 'capabilities' to do so. In this case 'Grim reaper' isn't what you or the media expect, instead he's taken the rather humanoid form of someone who has been in the delivery business for too long. Either collecting or dropping off and its been a long number of years, millennia to be exact.

Either due to rather poor circumstances, an accident or simply looking for work 'Ol Grim' has hired you and like wise you live a relative normal life but there's a catch. You and the others you work with also are reapers who need to collect, ship and deliver things to points. Working for 'death' has its perks, pays good and you travel. The drawback is, you don't get 'sick' days and sometimes 'things' in the real life have to wait for you.

Then with a day like any other, Grim goes missing or on vacation and maybe we all just missed the memo. Orders stop, yet people continue passing though there's no real place to go as things have now fallen to a backlog. However, its clear Ol Grim didn't voluntarily leave and with a supposedly rogue reaper indiscriminately causing chaos . So with no one really trying to solve it, the ticket falls to you and lets be honest you'd rather 'Not' as you too were on vacation back in real life, living a LIFE. Then, on a day of normal routine, a brush with random on the street, maybe you are on your way to work, home from a long day or heading somewhere. YOU could have been on vacation and chosen to forget your work history as a reaper.

A person bumps into you, apologizing though in a rush. You feel the weight of two coins in your pocket and a phone booth you swore wasn't there starts to ring, startled, you approach and answer. A plain voice asks for two coins and as the second coin gets put in. You find yourself flipped in a world you once remembered, but can barely recall a majority of it since it feels like a fleeting dream.

- More ideas to come.
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Bump -
I have a few more ideas in the works. Will probs be editing this post to add some synopsis for a few plot lines.

  • Krash (Occupied) - Post Apocalyptic : You wouldn't have expected it, but when it hit the world went up in flames. Now in the ashes of the new world which has now began to pull itself back from the brink, the bio virus and radiation from fallout have caused what few survivors to utilize various underground shelters, some even dating back to before events when the 1% actually built them.

    The bio virus has began to cause various mutations in some, others a fast and sudden death without anywarning or symptoms than just complete organ failure and high transmission rate. Still in early stages these others who have began to show mutations have banded together due to those who had been unaffected either killing them on sight or casting them away.

    As fear begins to lead to desperation and tensions between both camps begin to rise, something crashes into the nearby desolate ruins of a city. A city which is inhabited by the man, depraved and nightmarish creatures, its here that this asteroid impact begins another catalyst. Disturbed by the impact the Krash epidemic begins again, only this time changed by this new radiation. My character is a survivor holed up in an abandonned subway where the power for some miraculous reason is still automated. Unaffected, unarmed and opting for stealth over confrontation the asteroid hits his rather secluded home.

    Something ends up saving his life. But your character finds him first.
    With everyone wanting this thing, either you now have someone with a bounty or better yet, someone with answers. Or better.

  • Guardian - Supernatural / Sci-Fi / Horror (Occupied)
    A Hunter team designed to ensure humans and supernatural co-exist find themselves on the Hunted end as a figure known as 'The man who speaks in hands' reveals a group known as the Homunculi. A radical group that specifically begin to target key hunters and supernaturals to once more instigate another Tangerine Nightmare event.

    To top it off with the storms raging outside as a cyclone draws closer, with the city evacuated and the team tasked with an extraction of a captive. Even with the end insight and their objectives met they find themselves one of the Hunted along with the one they are ordered to protect. With a foe that defies the laws of nature and physics after the one they need to prevent a turf war between two factions of supernaturals.

    Do they put their lives on the line to deal with this threat? Or do they give in and sacrifice their charge to save their own skin. MC would be one of the Hunters in this event, you can either play one of the team or their supernatual that they are extracting from a hostage situation only to witness the horror of what they are up against.

  • The Rainy Season -
    Its been raining for weeks, months even in this small shipping port near the city. With a number of old buildings, empty warehouses from days gone by along with a number of shops. Its clear that this place was once a whaling village but now has long ceased and as the work, along with the steel works has dried up.

    Apart from the long rainy season not a great deal happens here, that is until the sins of the past start to come back to the present. After a particular accident along with a passing in the family, MC moves into the small estate left behind. Initially he wants to sell it, but its later revealed that not just enviromental issues impacted here.

    A truce was broken between the realm's long ago, resulting in a mass genocide of magically gifted humans and being's of power. Such horrible actions have led to during the rainy season the restless spirits to rise and haunt such places. Or worse, the inhabitants of the ocean to seek revenge and even in the forests nature herself seeks to undo such wrongs as the veil between worlds weaken.

    Although the sleepy town appears good natured it hides its darkest secrets well, of course starting with the mysterious death of MC's family member. YC can be anything from supernatural to another citizen living there who discovers their 'gifts' and how dangerous they can be.
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Supernatural / Modern / Post Apocalyptic:
People tend to not want to talk about the collapse or the fall as most would call it, as we ignored the signs leading to our demise and what powers controlling our government humanity was always destined for a path of self destruction and wanton greed. The fall happenned on any day like any other, first all our satellites seemed to loose orbit and plummet back to earth either striking cities or less populated areas. Within the same time frame, a geological shift caused tidalwaves to turn our cities to ruins and devastate countries, even wiping a few off the map. The skies were alight with green fire and lastly came the three more harrowing of events, one known as the Great Pandemic. The superbugs which had escaped our CDC areas thrived and changed, driving our numbers low and the body count higher the second wave were the invaders that seemed to rise from the oceans and capture non-infected survivors and vanish without a trace.

The last wave, was the declaratioon of our defeat at the hands of nature and as further anarchy rose, desperation and crime more of our land was erroded back. It was here, in the aftermath that all these events had been engineered. The story starts off with the invaders attacking a settlement to capture further survivors and they find one. Its here that the ruse is revealed humanity was superseeded by another power that saw humanity as a danger to itself and others thus contained them. Its in the end as its revealed that it was never the invaders that they were told to believe, it was infact our own that caused us to destroy ourselves rather than listen.

Its here at a outpost in the aftermath of a loosing war, two sides try to work towards peace. Where instead anniahlation is the easiest option, but only as a last resort.

Defiant till the end: <Medeval Fantasy > (Occupied)
You came here thinking this land was one for easy pickings, you didn't expect them to dig in so deeply and fight so hard against odds weighed against them. Maybe it was pride, arrogance or sheer determination that held them together, but as the war machines ground to a crawl you grudginly began to respect your adversary. It was loyalty that held them together on the line, gender held no place for these armies you crushed and even when out numbered when given the chance to surrender they chose to die for their cause than relent. So, with the majority of the lands under your rule, populace decimated and now ruled. Three cities remain, even with their king dead in the last battle his remaining two armies led by a general rumoured to have caused so much delay in your war efforts and so much cost. What shocks you now is that he agrees to have an audience with you and arranges a time and place.

It is an area you know is open to ambush, or an easy shot or worse. But under an agreed term of armistice and respect your curiosity gets the better of you and thus against better judgement, under the protection of the armistice you agree. In three days you know you can take all three cities, you wonder what the game plan is for such a man or even an end game, or whether he is considering surrender.

Choices: <Supernatural / Hunter vs Hunted.
You never expected it, but you were warned.
It could have never been you, but it was.
The choices you made came back to bite you.

Bite hard they did, enough to draw blood and all you have to blame was yourself.
Maybe you never intended it to be this way, but the choices you made had set you on this path.
A Hunter hunts you because of what you did either willingly or not, you can run but you feel you cant hide.
What places you turn to become kill zones, those that tried to help wind up dead or worse.

How do you reason with the one who wants revenge.
How do you empathise with why.
How can you hope to change the path of someone on self destruction.
Lastly, you realise how powerful you truly are against someone.

Against all odds you turn the tables on him, but against all he pushes through.
Yet here you are, unafraid of the monster you have made.

Coastal: Supernatural / Modern (Occupied)
A coastal town with a history which its stories are almost mythical, some would say its sleepy almost and others would say that those that live here have history or even ties.
An unexpected person moves into one of the smaller houses, a quiet one by nature but not of few words yet he keeps to himself and with him comes a storm that threatens to bring back the dark days long forgotten in myth.

To those inclined of the supernatural the man has a unsettling nature like iron to a fae, or Silver to a werewolf. At first you assume he's trouble and trouble rarely comes alone its only then you realise that what you thought of the man was entirely wrong and the storm thats coming is not because of him. But darker forces he was sent to counter, only issue is, why here of all places and it falls to you to find answers to your questions. Only thing is, you arent sure yet that you can reveal what you are - one, theres rules. Two - he's dangerous just like you.
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Slice of Life - Aftermath
A small town of which has fallen into more lack of opportunity and large scale unemployment, for him unable to escape the lure of escapsim ended up loaded into virtual reality like a majority of his generation as there was little else to do. Thus people capitalised upon it and those who were able to leave, left. Its only later that in the aftermath of a large scale scrambler virus that either ended up turning those affected with brains like scrambled eggs. Or those unaware they died but online instead as virtual ghosts.

Its here in the aftermath that reality waits for no one. In turn, he makes a call to a friend who left many years ago. Although they may have not left on good terms, its never too late to ask for help?

Lucky Duck Space Salvage
Get into space salvage they said, it'd be fun they said, you'd get a trade they said and what sold you - you get to go into space.
Reality? You ended up on this piece of old tech. The airs a bit musty, the cabin quarters is literally a bed pod and escape pod in one. Little else with a communal shower.
As far as your trade goes, you've done the simulations and the tutorials and are qualified. However so far the only salvage you've touched is dissassembling engine components till your brain is numb. What started out as boring, goes completly tits up when during a routine jump half the ship goes through. Your half? Didnt. Stuck in a large scale unknown quarter of space. Surrounded by spacewrecks and decomissioned vessels. Its clear you have ended up dumped here. That is until you hear a voice over communications.

"Lucky Duck, Lucky Duck, buckle up. Listen up. Other wise, you'll be fucked."

Its only then you realise the horror of your situation. The ships end up in the worst location around a star - all are missing ships.
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