Autumnal 2020 Halloween Spooktacular

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Autumnal 2020 Halloween Spooktacular


Big Dryad Energy
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Today 2:15 AM
Deep In The Forest
In just a few more days, Halloween will be upon us! What better way to share the chills and thrills of the spooky season from a safe distance than with a dedicated thread?

Post your costumes, decorations, and pumpkin carvings here for everyone to enjoy!
As always, site rules apply.

🎃 Happy Halloween from all of your Inner Sanctum Staffers! 🎃

I'm carving my pumpkins today, so stay tuned. I'll throw on some costumes over the next couple of days and take photos, but for now, we've got decorations!

We're probably going to take the sign inside on Halloween to avoid having it stolen, our house vandalized, or otherwise being targeted by the vocal majority of the neighborhood. It'll sit in the window instead.
Gay humanitarian cowboy skeleton deluxe 2020 edition limited time offer.jpg

Well this isn't a picture. (I'm going to take some and share it, me and my son made some DIY decorations, really cool btw, it's just dark outside and.. yeah) Anyway, this is a little storytime of a paranormal experience I had. It is true, but if you don't believe it, that's fine. I just want to share a little spooky story.

So, it was actually not during October it was more thanksgiving to Christmas. I was 17 and me and my husband (he was my boyfriend at the time) had gotten an apartment for really cheap and it was actually pretty nice. I had dropped out of school because I was being a mother, taking care of my son and I really couldn't stay in the same house as my mom. She was driving me and my husband (let's just call him Ralph) crazy and I just felt like I needed to have my own place. I already knew I messed up in life and I was doing really well as a teen mom so I didn't need her on my back telling me what I already knew. THE MAIN POINT is, I moved out and got a place with Ralph.

Ralph stayed in school and would work long nights trying to provide for us so he was never really home, when we got the new apartment. It took us a while to get settled, but once we did I fell in love. It had a room for my son and one for me and Ralph, a bathroom, a kitchen I adored, and a living room. Mostly I was home alone and I'd do the wifely duties blah blah. I have a cat-- well two cats-- Bitch and Poly and Poly is the nice one and Bitch is obviously a bitch. Sorry for cussing, but that is her name lol. The reason this is important is because they started acting differently. Bitch acting mean and fussy was normal, but Poly acting like a whole different cat was concerning.

I would have all sorts of weird nightmares and I even started getting sleep paralysis-- if you haven't experienced that before, let me just say it is extremely scary--. It came to the point where I didn't even want to sleep alone, but Ralph was always out working so I moved my sons crib into our room. I didn't want to admit I was scared, so I'd just say it was easier with him being closer just in case he wakes up at night. One night in particular I was up late watching shows (in my living room) and there was a knock at my door. I thought Ralph had come home early from work so I made my way to the door with an excitement, but to my surprise no one was there. I looked around and even looked down to see if it was maybe a package or mail-- even though to be getting mail at that time was ridiculous-- I was trying to be reasonable and have an explanation, but when I couldn't find one I shrugged it off and closed the door and locked it.

Some time had passed and my cat Poly had slithered into my lap and was purring loudly like a never ending motor. Everything was normal and I didn't even remember the whole thing with the knock and no person. In the middle of watching my show, my cat starts to meow from my lap towards the door. I asked her what was wrong, because she either wanted something or something was bothering her. She made an annoyed noise or an angry noise and abruptly leaped off of me, scratching the shit out of my wrist. I stood and held my wrist, cussing her out and shooing her. That was normal for a cat to accidently scratch you, though Poly never acts like that. Bitch would do exactly that, but Poly! If Poly sits on your lap then there she stays, you have to take her off of you and even that is a struggle because she will claw on your clothing for dear life to try and stay on you.

I quickly made my way to the sink to wash the blood and I dapped it with a towel. Then there was another knock and this time I jumped a little. Maybe this was actually Ralph, but instead of just opening the door I peered at my door and called out, "Hello?" and of course nobody answered. I slowly walked to the door and looked through the peep hole -- thank god for peep holes-- and of course no one was there. This time I was a little shook and decided to head to bed, maybe read a book. I made sure the door was locked, ALL my locks. I had the nob lock, the slid lock that's connected to the nob, and a chain. I turned out all the lights and made my way to my room, I picked up a book I had been halfway through reading and kept a lightly lit lamp on. My son was sound asleep in his crib and I again forgot all about the weird knocking. After a while of reading I heard a crash come from outside like something had fell and I swear my heart fell to my stomach and clogged my throat at the same time. I could feel my heart beating in my chest and hear it in my ears, because that scared me to my core, but I did have cats and one of the little shits could've knocked something over climbing on the counters.

I mustered up the courage to get up and see what the noise was-- I know it's rule number one, but honestly if you were home alone with your 1 year old son, you knew no one was in the house, you knew the doors were locked, and you had cats... wouldn't you as well?--. I slowly walked to the open area of my kitchen and living room, feeling my stomach in knots. I turned on all the lights and looked around and nothing seem to have fallen. I checked my bathroom and everything was fine so lastly I checked my sons room and found my statue of Aphrodite on the floor. Thank god it wasn't broken, but I was about ready to whoop some cat ass. I put it back in it's place and set out to find which one of my cats knocked my goddess down, I flicked the light to my sons room off and made my way out when I was stopped by a thump just behind me. I stood there frozen and turned the light back on before turning in the doorway to look in the room. My statue was on the floor again, and yes I could've maybe put it back wrong, but... I don't think so.

What ever was messing with me was trying to mess with my craft, and that was very ballsy for whatever demon was there. I slowly walked towards the statue and just as I knelt down to reach it, a loud cry came from the baby monitor I had setup in my sons room. I could've sworn I had turned it off since I had him sleeping in my room, but there is was shooting out the sounds of my crying baby and I could hear him crying from down the hall. I swear I let out my own little scream and fell back on my ass, scooting away from the statue. I quickly got up and ran to my baby, picking him up and bouncing him. I didn't know what I was doing, but I wasn't staying there. I got my phone and put on my slippers and made my way to the front, crying because I knew all of this wasn't a coincidence.

As I made my way to the front I pumped into a man and let out a blood curdling screech, which made my baby cry louder. Then this man was holding me and he was Ralph. I started cursing him out for scaring me, but mostly I was just all fucked up because of what happened and he was asking me all sorts of questions like why I was crying, and what's wrong, but the only question that registered was the, "Why was the door unlocked?" question. I knew for a fact I locked every lock on that door and put the chain on, I had not been near that door since I locked it and I started balling again. When I had finally calmed I explained everything and barley got any sleep that night. We would've moved, but we didn't want to break our lease because then we'd have to pay. I had my mom and all the witches of my family cleanse and bless the home and everything stopped. I did monthly cleansings after that and whenever I had people over that were new or gave me bad vibes I'd cleanse.

That wasn't one of my scariest experiences. Honestly my really scary ones would have to be from when I was a kid, but for now that was one of my scary experiences in my first home. I hope you guys like it and I can't wait for Halloween.

Hope you guys all have a ooky spooky happy Halloween and stay safe.
Blessed be
- Queen

As promised: Pumpkins! 🎃

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The masks on your Halloween decor kill me. 🤣

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