Closed 3 Little Witches (3/3 Spots Claimed)

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Closed 3 Little Witches (3/3 Spots Claimed)


Hi Me, I'm Me.
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Today 6:36 PM
The Wrong Side of Wonderland
1/1 Female Spot Filled
2/2 Male Spots Filled

Modern Supernatural
Turn-Based Posting

Rated R for potential gore, violence, drugs, alcohol, sex, vulgarity, etc…
~An experimental RP for a 4-person group.~


Do you believe in magic? If so, to what degree? And if not in magic, then perhaps in the creatures of lore. No? Figments of imagination, you say?

…are you quite certain? Let's test that belief then, shall we?

3 Little Witches is a new age shop located in a shadowy nook just off the Town Square in Logan, a city within a city. Bordered by a taxidermist and a café that is supposedly haunted, the shop itself still attracts a decent number of patrons despite its neighbors' unusual atmospheres. Granted, most are die-hard regulars whose grand belief in the healing properties of crystals is only shadowed by their grander childlike attraction for the handsome young man selling them.

Not interested in the flashy smile of a charming Spaniard? Perhaps divination is more your style? Through the beaded curtain, therein waits a beautiful woman ready to divulge the secrets of your fate hidden within her cards…for, ahem, a donation, of course. No worries. She has excellent ratings. Just consult the reviews on your handheld.

What's that? Oh. You're looking for a spell. Perhaps a potion? Well. Heh. I may just be able to help you there.


In a world where the supernatural is painstakingly hidden from society as a whole, witches, vampires, werewolves and the like are required, by law, to maintain their secrecy. Most have elected to merge with the common populace and have become so accustomed to their role as a human pretense that not many ever step out of line. However, there are those who wish to still uphold their heritage and find creative ways to mask their true identity while practicing their…creaturely habits.

3 Little Witches is one such front. Manned by three witchkind, they are able to practice magic right under the noses of the common folk without any fear of suspicion. Do the potions purchased in their shop actually contain magic? Sometimes. However, more often than not, humans are taking home vials of rose water with a drop of honey or mint extract and a flurry of reassurances (with just a touch of Deception to settle over their minds) that the potion will work.

So, what happens when confronted with the threat of exposure? There are consequences for such carelessness, mind you. Some worse than even death itself.

Oh, and by the way. That weird vampire who goes by Kader? Yeah. He's gonna be a problem.

**In the event I'm unable to fill the requested spots**

Kader has been using the abilities of one witch (MC) to put victims to sleep for a simple feeding. Or so he claims. Your character is one such victim. But oops, Kader botched an attempt at something more sinister, and although you've escaped his clutches, you wouldn't consider yourself a survivor as…things are happening to your body. Symptoms of vampirism are taking hold and if actions are not taken, you will die a painfully horrible death. Your only hope? The witch who put you in that situation to begin with. Needless to say, the tension between you two is palpable. And how can she worry about you when her actions are being scrutinized by the Order? When her own life may be at stake, she'll have a difficult time caring about yours. Unfortunately for you both, far darker things are in play.


  • The supernatural world is regulated by what's known as The Order.
  • Vampirism comes in stages. Not all vampires have toxins that can change a human. Most get their sustenance from synthetic blood. Drinking from a live source is strictly prohibited.
  • Witchkind tend to specialize and have unique abilities from one another. No one witch knows everything magical or supernatural.
  • Werewolves eat hearts. ...have fun with that. They're also susceptible to being "bound" to another. It isn't uncommon in the shadier regions to see, say, a vampire with a werewolf servant.


What I like in my RPs:
  • Romance! ❤ I prefer MxF pairings.
  • Tension. I love tension between characters! Though I believe there's a fine line between being tactful and being annoying.
  • Action & Drama. I need things happening, excitement throughout or I get bored. I enjoy putting characters through hell.

  • Literacy. I write five paragraphs on average. While I favor quality over quantity, I need more than a paragraph. I'll accept 3, but hope for more. I truly enjoy reading others' replies and getting to know their characters inside and out. A bit difficult to do in short replies.
  • Strength. Looking for RPers who aren't afraid to add in NPCs when necessary, to describe settings, to create history, to develop mechanics that'll extend through the duration of the RP. Stretch beyond your main character, delve deep into said character. Which feeds into the next point.
  • Contribution. Present ideas, move the plot, flush out the world, develop the storyline. Breathe life into this RP. Surprise me. Give me something to react to. I'll love you forever.
  • Respect. Be courteous OOC. Be mindful of other RPers, not just their opinions, but their time and dedication as well. Avoid ghosting--please just be an adult and straight up tell me if you're no longer interested in writing for this RP or if things have come up in RL and you're no longer able to dedicate time. Whatever it is, just let me know. Also, no God-modding. Should be a given, but thought to mention it just in case.
  • Open-mindedness. If you're not one to color outside the lines, you won't have fun in my club. 😛 In other words, if you have a desire to steer the scene/plot in a certain direction, speak up. Otherwise, there will be divergences because I'm wholly unstructured and am very much an RPer who writes in the moment.
  • Activity. Please make an effort to be active. I expect a post a week. If you're unable to dedicate a post a week, you won't be a good fit for this RP. Initially, I'm looking for a post every other day. Once the RP is up and running, I'll ease that expectation to the week mentioned.

Just suggestions.
  • Role: co-worker of MC (doesn't have to be witchkind)
  • Role: Victim/Survivor of Kader (YC as a vampire fledgling)
  • Role: conspiracy theorist (YC as a human determined to expose the Supernatural world)
  • Role: Hunter turned Captive
  • Traits: FLAWS are just as important as anything else. Gimme flaws.


  • Mary/Gary Sues
  • Overpowered/no weaknesses
  • Under the age of 23
  • Specie: Demon or Angel
  • "Submissives": I don't care for explicitly submissive characters. The way that most RPers portray them annoy me.

Seriously, give some thought to the below before you contact me.
  • I'm active in 3 other RPs. They will take precedence over this. This is my side project and while I'm excited to write for it, I only have so much time to dedicate to RPing. Thus, priorities! I'll hold myself to the post a week.
  • I love romance but am iffy on the smut, especially in a group setting. Most likely will fade to black if such crops up in the RP, but am open to discussion.
  • I love OOC convos. I'll be creating a group PM to discuss things outside of character.
  • I am at the mercy of my muse's whims. Expect crazy surprises… Like attempted murder and other such fun things.
  • I have other hobbies! As I'm sure you do. There are times I actually don't want to write. However, such will be communicated via group PM. You won't be left wondering where the heck I went.

If interested, contact me either here or via PM with a character idea. Please don't just leave it at "I'm interested". Questions? Ask away. 🙂
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