Muse| Philosopher| Valkyrie| Gypsy Cowgirl

- Local time
- Today 8:07 PM
- Messages
- 54
- Age
- 38
- Pronouns
- She/Her
To His Grace, The Duke of Dynevor
The Baroness Shelton has informed me that you have business to discuss. I can't imagine what a man such as you would hope to gain from me. You have your own ships and captains, and plenty of connections for trade, so I very doubt you need any of my meager fleet – their unique ability to subvert current difficulties in French trade notwithstanding. On the contrary, being seen to do business with me stands to sully your otherwise stellar reputation here in London. As much as they want French goods, the Ton doesn't approve of a Lady doing business, and particularly not trade that is very openly black market in nature. I'm sure half of them are convinced by now that I am a some sort of spy.
And what else have I to offer you? Nothing that I know, surely. No good name, and nothing to commend me. Renowned bachelor that you are, I hope you aren't seeking what my good Matron imagines to design for us. I'm widowed, and I like it that way. And, with nothing else to be said between us, I request you take whatever business you meant to have with me, and apply it somewhere else.
The Baroness Dungraven, Colleen O'Donovan
You correctly surmise that I, in fact, have no designs in trying to court you. As much as I respect the good Lady Shelton's reputation, I never approved of her sheltering you in her home. It is unbecoming of her, and a tarnish against her late husband's holdings. That she was able to ply her lawyers into passing the running of his business into your unworthy hands is beyond me.
Now that we are past that social drivel, what I require from you is a dance, and an invitation. By request of the Lady Shelton, I must acquire both from you to be welcome at her gathering in the late Baron Shelton's Hunting Lodge ot break in the season. I am a man of industry and I hear that you are quite industrious yourself. An odd employment of time for a woman, however I commend your…Zeal. And I do not expect a woman like yourself to simply give me what I want for free, as it were. In return, I should grant you a favor Miss O'Donovan. Any favor at a time of your choosing. I am a man of considerable reach, and greater means, and I have never renegaded of a promise. Nor do I intend to ever do so.
The Duke of Dynevor, William Draker
Your Grace,
As a man well known for his ill temper, I find you remarkably eloquent with a pen. Who would believe that the Devil Duke of Dynevor could be such a master of cunning negotiations. Allow me to express my deepest thanks for your lack of interest in my person, and my industry. The last thing I want is a pillar of the Ton's finest gentleman trying to set his collar round my neck.
And now, allow me the greatest pleasure of disappointing you. I'm just not interested in your promises. Whatever the Baroness Shelton told you, whatever she promised you, just put it out of your mind. I am not for sale.
The Baroness Dungraven
Miss O'Donovan,
Trust me, I would not by any means consider you a prize. And I assure you I would not pay for you even if you were on sale. All I want is an invitation to the Dowager's house party. She clearly has three exceptional granddaughters. I'm a man of means and of an age where I would like to settle down. I owe it to my title and position. I'd very much like to pursue a more… in depth acquaintance with one of the young ladies, if you will. Unfortunately, the Baroness has put restrictions on my invite. I am, as she has ordered it, to attain at the very least one dance with yourself, and your invitation, if I am to be welcome under her roof. Surely you of all people, given your history, would want one of the young ladies to make such an advantageous marriage? And all you have to do is to tolerate one dance with me.
You know, the Irish and the Welsh have a lot in common. Like our Celtic blood, and London's distain for it. It is only the benefit of my sex, and my stellar reputation, that I fair better than you. Not your own lack of fighting, entrepreneurial spirit.
Don't tell me you're frightened of me, a strong Irish lass like you.
The Duke of Dynevor, William Draker
You are a lair, Your Grace. If you wanted anything to do with any of those girls, the Baroness Shelton would be beside herself. You'd have every invite you could dream of asking for if you even mentioned the possibility. I certainly cannot imagine you to be a shy man, so it is not that you are unable to declare your intentions. The only other option left me, then, is that you are lying. And, very poorly, I might add. Unless you think a woman that has managed to be industrious, as you yourself pointed out, is also somehow too witless, or perhaps desperate, to notice.
However, your offer is very generous. I don't know what it is you are after, but it must be worth a great deal to you. I see no other reason for you to have been so quick in making such an bargain, without haggling, and without restrictions. I will accept your offer. But do not mistake me, Your Grace. I intend to learn of your intentions one way or another, and I will be very interested to see what results from your invitation into Baroness Shelton's home.
You friend, Wessex, is hosting a ball for his new wife in a fortnight. We have invitations, and I assume you do, as well. I will be waiting your company in the ballroom with breathless anticipation.
Until then, Your Grace.
The Baroness Dungraven
Miss O'Donovan
I suppose I should thank you for the dance. And for not making it any more uncomfortable for either of us than it needed to be. But now you should listen to me closely.
You should make no mistake Miss O'Donovan; I am as dangerous a man as I am a generous one. You have been fortunate to find yourself on only my generous side. You would not want to find yourself in the unfortunate position of provoking my bad side. Ergo, curb your curiosity and Do Not meddle in my affairs any further. They are of no concern or consequence to you. If you possess any bone of self-preservation - and I am certain Miss O'Donovan you are a woman of sense, in fact I am certain you are the only woman of any sound judgement I have met - then you will heed my caution or else, suffer the consequences.
I look forward to receiving my invitation.
Duke of Dynevor
You should know better than to threaten the Irish, Your Grace. It does nothing but encourage us on our course. I will meddle where I wilt, and I care not at all for whether or not you like it. As I now have to bear the weight of your company for a full week, I will have my curiosities satisfied in payment.
Keep this letter as proof of your invitation. You deserve no better.
The Baroness Dungraven, Colleen O'Donovan
Miss O'Donovan
I find it detestable that an improvised Irish Baroness address me so very familiarly as you dared. Your personality may have been a slight improvement to any other female of my acquaintance before this, but that does not mean you are any less of a nuisance than other women. In fact, I am certain you are more so.
I am also certain I know why you wanted to make a such a scandalous scene. Being an astute man, it wasn't a stretch for me to make the correlation that there are many advantages for you in being seen to be close with me. Any connection you are seen to have with me would only be beneficial to your small business. People might even approach you as a means to claim an acquaintance to me. I see no issue in that you should benefit as such, so long as you keep your nose out of my business.
And you, however, are assuming and, as always, you assume too much. For the remainder of this week, you need not endure my company. In fact, seek it not at all. I have what I needed from you, and our business in concluded until such time as you wish to call in the favor you are owed.
As for why I'm here. You know exactly why. I'm in need of a wife. And to that end, I do not need a perceived closeness with you to sully those prospects.
The Duke of Dynevor, William Draker
To The Duke of Dynevor
Sir, you must know, I simply can't marry a man that prefers wine to brandy. We'd be such a terrible match, our shared out of mode fashion notwithstanding. While your offer is… exceedingly generous, I simply cannot accept you.
However, if you would like to seek some other business venture, I would be happy to discuss that favor you owe me at your earliest convenience.
The Baroness Dungraven
What did I tell you about staying out of my business? What did I say about Not getting on my bad side? Did you think you could just embarrass me like that? Did you think you could just get away with it? I know how to deal with harpies like you.
What fire you play with, you haven't the slightest idea. You made a fool of me. You baited me continually. Such behavior could not go unpunished. Will you answer for yourself now, cath wyllt? You had such trouble speaking while a Devil loomed over you. That upstart mouth lost all its sharpness whilst one knee snugly rested between your shapely thighs over your skirts.
My hand was securely around your throat. Not tight. Not by any means as tight as I'd wanted it. Your warm breath had fanned my face and your pulse raced at the base of your throat under my fingers. What held that harpy's tongue of yours?
I was wrong, I decided in that very moment. The candles that cast the dim light in that secluded orangery bought your freckles to life like stars in a night sky. And that splendorous mass of red curls ignited wherever the light touched. You are beautiful as you are troublesome. Some fey sprite sent to tempt and torment the souls of decent men.
I found myself decidedly hard as without realizing it my thumb stroked and soothed that throbbing vein at the base of your elegant neck. The fact that you caused such a startling reaction from my body only annoyed me more, and yet your parted lips and the rise and fall of your tightly secured breasts aroused me maddeningly. What the devil am I supposed to do with a woman like you, I asked myself.
My sane mind answered: Nothing. Have nothing to do with her.
But my sanity took second to lust. It felt too good to pull you up like a doll by your neck so that those full, rosy lips were but an inch from mine. And there, fair dangling from my hand, you had the audacity to purr at me. I know not what forces of this world makes a harpy like you, but I found your weakness, did I not? Oh, you tried. You tried to turn the tide in your favor, and those hands of yours do not lack in skill. But where threats failed, punishment worked in spades.
I have never been a man to hold back his pleasure, but you were wet and needy and so infuriatingly demanding that it behooved me to teach you a lesson. I could barely register where my ire ended and where my velleity started. How could I not bite and lick a path from the heaving curves of pale flesh straining out of the top of your dress? All the way up that elegant neck to that secret hollow just below your ear to make you quiver beneath me.
And you, brazen and blatant. You didn't even protest when I lifted those skirts. It took all my will to stop myself from tearing my breeches open and thrusting into you. You're a disobedient little wench. And I am thankful I happen to know just how to treat your kind.
Do you still ache, cath wyllt?
Bhastaird Mor
I didn't just think I could. I did embarrass you. Just like that. In front of the heights of the Ton. Without a single thought or care. And I would do it again if it damn well pleases me. And you may not think so, but I already have gotten away with it. Your punishment was wanting, and what else have you to threaten me with?
You know how to handle my kind? My kind? What is my kind? If you were going to fuck me, you would have, but you recoiled at the last moment and left me bereft. If you're not man enough to pull it off, then be done with this game so I can go find a man willing to get the deed done.
Cath Wyllt
Any man can get the deed done. But you don't want just any man. You want the right man. And aye, Miss Harpy. I can certainly can pull it off.
I told you not to get on my bad side.
Leannán Deamhan Milis
You left quickly after we were interrupted this morning. That is now the second time you've threatened to punish me and failed. This time, though, I feel it is you that was left aching. You've looked miserable all day, and yet I've not burdened you with myself a single time.
Does the image still haunt you? My skin warm and heat-reddened, and my pert breasts bobbing in the water as I sat up to great you. Beneath the water's surface, my bright pink nipples were tight and ardently pointed, some small token of the effect the memories of the previous night still had on me. And you, already half hard in your breeches before you'd even laid eyes on me. Were you still thinking about me in the night? Good. You aren't so unreachable after all.
Nor did it take you long to swoop down and begin devouring my skin with your attentions. There are still bite marks on my breasts. A Devil you must truly be. I can still feel your hands, the way your fingers marred my skin in their roughness as you pulled me from the water. I should shame you for being so base and animal as to lay me out on the floor and then rut against me there instead of having the grace to take me as far as the bed.
Did you not expect to find me naked in my own bath? Think me some flimsy maiden too afraid of my own body to ever be caught without some shift to maintain my modesty? Serves you right for storming in unannounced. Whatever urgent business pulled you away from the comfort offered between my thighs had better have been worth the leaving.
My pride will not suffer another such snubbing. Watching you tuck that tool of yours back into your breeches for the third time may be strangely intimate, and mouthwatering, but it will be utterly heartbreaking.
Cath Wyllt
You can't provoke the Devil and expect to escape unscathed. And yet you seem uniquely capable of handling anything I could unleash upon you. I have a feeling I wouldn't have to worry about being gentle or hurting you, as I would with others. You take everything I have to give and then some. And then you give it back in spades. My sharp-tongued harpy. Teasing you to distraction has quickly become one of the keenest pleasures in my life.
And if it pleases me to leave you wanting, you will endure it. It is the price you pay for your brazen desires. Until you learn to beg. Until you damn your pride, and beg me for what we both know that you want.
Everything. All of me, and then some.
P.S. – You need not be concerned about my friend's unfortunate intrusion.
He is discreet.
Today I love you in a way you have never known me to be capable of. To understand it, and still choose to leave it aside, was something I hope you know that I had to do. You make love to me, perhaps, but I make you suffer in so many ways.
Your absence hurts more than I could have imagined after so short a time in your company. I am mastering my infatuation for you and turning it into a new element of myself. Try to understand me. We are not a thing that can last. I will lose what is left of myself if this continues any further. And you will be destroyed along with me.
Cath Wyllt
I have been reduced to something that only desires. I don't want to live this life alone, and I want you to feel like someone truly cares for you. Dreams of the one I am meant to find in this life are not enough. Not when you walk this world with me, tangible and within my grasp. You have someone, my Love. I am here. My life is in your hands.
You are mine, Colleen O'Donovan. I love you deliberately. I am made selfish by this infatuation; I cannot breathe or see without you. You escape me. I cannot categorize you; I cannot understand you. But you are mine.
I wish the circumstances were better, and it was not scandal that has moved me to this end. I know this could have been better handled.
Colleen, you will marry me.
No, my Lord. There's no reason for such nonsense. I've been a ruined woman since I was barely seventeen, and a widow since not long after. Do you really imagine for single second that any of those jackals of the Ton would actually expect you to do "the right thing?"
I am a whore, my Lord. A trollop tossed from one noble bed to the next. An Irish savage made for the fuckings and beatings that noble English men cannot ply upon their noble English women. I'm no good for a wife, so put it out of your head.
Cath Wyllt,
I can see how it might have appeared to you as if I was offering you a choice
Just to be absolutely clear, Baroness. You're saying, that there's no chance in hell, you are willingly walking down the aisle towards me? Correct?
To the Devil himself
If you need a Mistress, Draker, I can oblige you. But I cannot be your wife. One day, you will have to beget an heir, and I promise you that no amount of effort on your part could ever swell my belly "whitta barrie and bonnie wee bairn." I cannot fulfill my obligations to you as a wife. I am barren.
Please, don't ask me to endure the shame of it. I could not survive it, if you did. What we have is good enough for me. Why can it not be good enough for you? Keep me as it please you, but find a better suited woman with a name and breeding to recommend her, and to honor you.
Cath Wyllt
Is that so?
Well then, my Lady, consider that a challenge I will gladly accept.
Your Devil
To The Baroness Shelton,
He kidnapped me to Gretna Green!
That great bastard tied me up like a Christmas ham and hauled me into Scotland. I was bound in ropes for the entire trip. He even made me take meals that way. I was still bound - and gagged! - for the farce of a wedding, and then he took me to an inn next door to the officiate to bed me.
Congratulations, Katherine. You won.
I have wed your damnedable Duke.
The Duchess of Dynevor, Colleen Draker
My Lady Wife
You so enjoyed it the first time, would you like to visit Gretna Green again?
The thought of you struggling in ropes sounds like a fantastic way to spend our anniversary, don't you think?
Your Devil
The Baroness Shelton has informed me that you have business to discuss. I can't imagine what a man such as you would hope to gain from me. You have your own ships and captains, and plenty of connections for trade, so I very doubt you need any of my meager fleet – their unique ability to subvert current difficulties in French trade notwithstanding. On the contrary, being seen to do business with me stands to sully your otherwise stellar reputation here in London. As much as they want French goods, the Ton doesn't approve of a Lady doing business, and particularly not trade that is very openly black market in nature. I'm sure half of them are convinced by now that I am a some sort of spy.
And what else have I to offer you? Nothing that I know, surely. No good name, and nothing to commend me. Renowned bachelor that you are, I hope you aren't seeking what my good Matron imagines to design for us. I'm widowed, and I like it that way. And, with nothing else to be said between us, I request you take whatever business you meant to have with me, and apply it somewhere else.
The Baroness Dungraven, Colleen O'Donovan
You correctly surmise that I, in fact, have no designs in trying to court you. As much as I respect the good Lady Shelton's reputation, I never approved of her sheltering you in her home. It is unbecoming of her, and a tarnish against her late husband's holdings. That she was able to ply her lawyers into passing the running of his business into your unworthy hands is beyond me.
Now that we are past that social drivel, what I require from you is a dance, and an invitation. By request of the Lady Shelton, I must acquire both from you to be welcome at her gathering in the late Baron Shelton's Hunting Lodge ot break in the season. I am a man of industry and I hear that you are quite industrious yourself. An odd employment of time for a woman, however I commend your…Zeal. And I do not expect a woman like yourself to simply give me what I want for free, as it were. In return, I should grant you a favor Miss O'Donovan. Any favor at a time of your choosing. I am a man of considerable reach, and greater means, and I have never renegaded of a promise. Nor do I intend to ever do so.
The Duke of Dynevor, William Draker
Your Grace,
As a man well known for his ill temper, I find you remarkably eloquent with a pen. Who would believe that the Devil Duke of Dynevor could be such a master of cunning negotiations. Allow me to express my deepest thanks for your lack of interest in my person, and my industry. The last thing I want is a pillar of the Ton's finest gentleman trying to set his collar round my neck.
And now, allow me the greatest pleasure of disappointing you. I'm just not interested in your promises. Whatever the Baroness Shelton told you, whatever she promised you, just put it out of your mind. I am not for sale.
The Baroness Dungraven
Miss O'Donovan,
Trust me, I would not by any means consider you a prize. And I assure you I would not pay for you even if you were on sale. All I want is an invitation to the Dowager's house party. She clearly has three exceptional granddaughters. I'm a man of means and of an age where I would like to settle down. I owe it to my title and position. I'd very much like to pursue a more… in depth acquaintance with one of the young ladies, if you will. Unfortunately, the Baroness has put restrictions on my invite. I am, as she has ordered it, to attain at the very least one dance with yourself, and your invitation, if I am to be welcome under her roof. Surely you of all people, given your history, would want one of the young ladies to make such an advantageous marriage? And all you have to do is to tolerate one dance with me.
You know, the Irish and the Welsh have a lot in common. Like our Celtic blood, and London's distain for it. It is only the benefit of my sex, and my stellar reputation, that I fair better than you. Not your own lack of fighting, entrepreneurial spirit.
Don't tell me you're frightened of me, a strong Irish lass like you.
The Duke of Dynevor, William Draker
You are a lair, Your Grace. If you wanted anything to do with any of those girls, the Baroness Shelton would be beside herself. You'd have every invite you could dream of asking for if you even mentioned the possibility. I certainly cannot imagine you to be a shy man, so it is not that you are unable to declare your intentions. The only other option left me, then, is that you are lying. And, very poorly, I might add. Unless you think a woman that has managed to be industrious, as you yourself pointed out, is also somehow too witless, or perhaps desperate, to notice.
However, your offer is very generous. I don't know what it is you are after, but it must be worth a great deal to you. I see no other reason for you to have been so quick in making such an bargain, without haggling, and without restrictions. I will accept your offer. But do not mistake me, Your Grace. I intend to learn of your intentions one way or another, and I will be very interested to see what results from your invitation into Baroness Shelton's home.
You friend, Wessex, is hosting a ball for his new wife in a fortnight. We have invitations, and I assume you do, as well. I will be waiting your company in the ballroom with breathless anticipation.
Until then, Your Grace.
The Baroness Dungraven
Miss O'Donovan
I suppose I should thank you for the dance. And for not making it any more uncomfortable for either of us than it needed to be. But now you should listen to me closely.
You should make no mistake Miss O'Donovan; I am as dangerous a man as I am a generous one. You have been fortunate to find yourself on only my generous side. You would not want to find yourself in the unfortunate position of provoking my bad side. Ergo, curb your curiosity and Do Not meddle in my affairs any further. They are of no concern or consequence to you. If you possess any bone of self-preservation - and I am certain Miss O'Donovan you are a woman of sense, in fact I am certain you are the only woman of any sound judgement I have met - then you will heed my caution or else, suffer the consequences.
I look forward to receiving my invitation.
Duke of Dynevor
You should know better than to threaten the Irish, Your Grace. It does nothing but encourage us on our course. I will meddle where I wilt, and I care not at all for whether or not you like it. As I now have to bear the weight of your company for a full week, I will have my curiosities satisfied in payment.
Keep this letter as proof of your invitation. You deserve no better.
The Baroness Dungraven, Colleen O'Donovan
Miss O'Donovan
I find it detestable that an improvised Irish Baroness address me so very familiarly as you dared. Your personality may have been a slight improvement to any other female of my acquaintance before this, but that does not mean you are any less of a nuisance than other women. In fact, I am certain you are more so.
I am also certain I know why you wanted to make a such a scandalous scene. Being an astute man, it wasn't a stretch for me to make the correlation that there are many advantages for you in being seen to be close with me. Any connection you are seen to have with me would only be beneficial to your small business. People might even approach you as a means to claim an acquaintance to me. I see no issue in that you should benefit as such, so long as you keep your nose out of my business.
And you, however, are assuming and, as always, you assume too much. For the remainder of this week, you need not endure my company. In fact, seek it not at all. I have what I needed from you, and our business in concluded until such time as you wish to call in the favor you are owed.
As for why I'm here. You know exactly why. I'm in need of a wife. And to that end, I do not need a perceived closeness with you to sully those prospects.
The Duke of Dynevor, William Draker
To The Duke of Dynevor
Sir, you must know, I simply can't marry a man that prefers wine to brandy. We'd be such a terrible match, our shared out of mode fashion notwithstanding. While your offer is… exceedingly generous, I simply cannot accept you.
However, if you would like to seek some other business venture, I would be happy to discuss that favor you owe me at your earliest convenience.
The Baroness Dungraven
What did I tell you about staying out of my business? What did I say about Not getting on my bad side? Did you think you could just embarrass me like that? Did you think you could just get away with it? I know how to deal with harpies like you.
What fire you play with, you haven't the slightest idea. You made a fool of me. You baited me continually. Such behavior could not go unpunished. Will you answer for yourself now, cath wyllt? You had such trouble speaking while a Devil loomed over you. That upstart mouth lost all its sharpness whilst one knee snugly rested between your shapely thighs over your skirts.
My hand was securely around your throat. Not tight. Not by any means as tight as I'd wanted it. Your warm breath had fanned my face and your pulse raced at the base of your throat under my fingers. What held that harpy's tongue of yours?
I was wrong, I decided in that very moment. The candles that cast the dim light in that secluded orangery bought your freckles to life like stars in a night sky. And that splendorous mass of red curls ignited wherever the light touched. You are beautiful as you are troublesome. Some fey sprite sent to tempt and torment the souls of decent men.
I found myself decidedly hard as without realizing it my thumb stroked and soothed that throbbing vein at the base of your elegant neck. The fact that you caused such a startling reaction from my body only annoyed me more, and yet your parted lips and the rise and fall of your tightly secured breasts aroused me maddeningly. What the devil am I supposed to do with a woman like you, I asked myself.
My sane mind answered: Nothing. Have nothing to do with her.
But my sanity took second to lust. It felt too good to pull you up like a doll by your neck so that those full, rosy lips were but an inch from mine. And there, fair dangling from my hand, you had the audacity to purr at me. I know not what forces of this world makes a harpy like you, but I found your weakness, did I not? Oh, you tried. You tried to turn the tide in your favor, and those hands of yours do not lack in skill. But where threats failed, punishment worked in spades.
I have never been a man to hold back his pleasure, but you were wet and needy and so infuriatingly demanding that it behooved me to teach you a lesson. I could barely register where my ire ended and where my velleity started. How could I not bite and lick a path from the heaving curves of pale flesh straining out of the top of your dress? All the way up that elegant neck to that secret hollow just below your ear to make you quiver beneath me.
And you, brazen and blatant. You didn't even protest when I lifted those skirts. It took all my will to stop myself from tearing my breeches open and thrusting into you. You're a disobedient little wench. And I am thankful I happen to know just how to treat your kind.
Do you still ache, cath wyllt?
Bhastaird Mor
I didn't just think I could. I did embarrass you. Just like that. In front of the heights of the Ton. Without a single thought or care. And I would do it again if it damn well pleases me. And you may not think so, but I already have gotten away with it. Your punishment was wanting, and what else have you to threaten me with?
You know how to handle my kind? My kind? What is my kind? If you were going to fuck me, you would have, but you recoiled at the last moment and left me bereft. If you're not man enough to pull it off, then be done with this game so I can go find a man willing to get the deed done.
Cath Wyllt
Any man can get the deed done. But you don't want just any man. You want the right man. And aye, Miss Harpy. I can certainly can pull it off.
I told you not to get on my bad side.
Leannán Deamhan Milis
You left quickly after we were interrupted this morning. That is now the second time you've threatened to punish me and failed. This time, though, I feel it is you that was left aching. You've looked miserable all day, and yet I've not burdened you with myself a single time.
Does the image still haunt you? My skin warm and heat-reddened, and my pert breasts bobbing in the water as I sat up to great you. Beneath the water's surface, my bright pink nipples were tight and ardently pointed, some small token of the effect the memories of the previous night still had on me. And you, already half hard in your breeches before you'd even laid eyes on me. Were you still thinking about me in the night? Good. You aren't so unreachable after all.
Nor did it take you long to swoop down and begin devouring my skin with your attentions. There are still bite marks on my breasts. A Devil you must truly be. I can still feel your hands, the way your fingers marred my skin in their roughness as you pulled me from the water. I should shame you for being so base and animal as to lay me out on the floor and then rut against me there instead of having the grace to take me as far as the bed.
Did you not expect to find me naked in my own bath? Think me some flimsy maiden too afraid of my own body to ever be caught without some shift to maintain my modesty? Serves you right for storming in unannounced. Whatever urgent business pulled you away from the comfort offered between my thighs had better have been worth the leaving.
My pride will not suffer another such snubbing. Watching you tuck that tool of yours back into your breeches for the third time may be strangely intimate, and mouthwatering, but it will be utterly heartbreaking.
Cath Wyllt
You can't provoke the Devil and expect to escape unscathed. And yet you seem uniquely capable of handling anything I could unleash upon you. I have a feeling I wouldn't have to worry about being gentle or hurting you, as I would with others. You take everything I have to give and then some. And then you give it back in spades. My sharp-tongued harpy. Teasing you to distraction has quickly become one of the keenest pleasures in my life.
And if it pleases me to leave you wanting, you will endure it. It is the price you pay for your brazen desires. Until you learn to beg. Until you damn your pride, and beg me for what we both know that you want.
Everything. All of me, and then some.
P.S. – You need not be concerned about my friend's unfortunate intrusion.
He is discreet.
Today I love you in a way you have never known me to be capable of. To understand it, and still choose to leave it aside, was something I hope you know that I had to do. You make love to me, perhaps, but I make you suffer in so many ways.
Your absence hurts more than I could have imagined after so short a time in your company. I am mastering my infatuation for you and turning it into a new element of myself. Try to understand me. We are not a thing that can last. I will lose what is left of myself if this continues any further. And you will be destroyed along with me.
Cath Wyllt
I have been reduced to something that only desires. I don't want to live this life alone, and I want you to feel like someone truly cares for you. Dreams of the one I am meant to find in this life are not enough. Not when you walk this world with me, tangible and within my grasp. You have someone, my Love. I am here. My life is in your hands.
You are mine, Colleen O'Donovan. I love you deliberately. I am made selfish by this infatuation; I cannot breathe or see without you. You escape me. I cannot categorize you; I cannot understand you. But you are mine.
I wish the circumstances were better, and it was not scandal that has moved me to this end. I know this could have been better handled.
Colleen, you will marry me.
No, my Lord. There's no reason for such nonsense. I've been a ruined woman since I was barely seventeen, and a widow since not long after. Do you really imagine for single second that any of those jackals of the Ton would actually expect you to do "the right thing?"
I am a whore, my Lord. A trollop tossed from one noble bed to the next. An Irish savage made for the fuckings and beatings that noble English men cannot ply upon their noble English women. I'm no good for a wife, so put it out of your head.
Cath Wyllt,
I can see how it might have appeared to you as if I was offering you a choice
Just to be absolutely clear, Baroness. You're saying, that there's no chance in hell, you are willingly walking down the aisle towards me? Correct?
To the Devil himself
If you need a Mistress, Draker, I can oblige you. But I cannot be your wife. One day, you will have to beget an heir, and I promise you that no amount of effort on your part could ever swell my belly "whitta barrie and bonnie wee bairn." I cannot fulfill my obligations to you as a wife. I am barren.
Please, don't ask me to endure the shame of it. I could not survive it, if you did. What we have is good enough for me. Why can it not be good enough for you? Keep me as it please you, but find a better suited woman with a name and breeding to recommend her, and to honor you.
Cath Wyllt
Is that so?
Well then, my Lady, consider that a challenge I will gladly accept.
Your Devil
To The Baroness Shelton,
He kidnapped me to Gretna Green!
That great bastard tied me up like a Christmas ham and hauled me into Scotland. I was bound in ropes for the entire trip. He even made me take meals that way. I was still bound - and gagged! - for the farce of a wedding, and then he took me to an inn next door to the officiate to bed me.
Congratulations, Katherine. You won.
I have wed your damnedable Duke.
The Duchess of Dynevor, Colleen Draker
My Lady Wife
You so enjoyed it the first time, would you like to visit Gretna Green again?
The thought of you struggling in ropes sounds like a fantastic way to spend our anniversary, don't you think?
Your Devil
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