MxM A Blind Bard

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MxM A Blind Bard


The Forest Witch
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Okay so I have a blind bard character from when I made a history project for school like a year ago and I want to use him!
I am also going to be drawing him again since his art is well, a year old.
All you need to know is he is somewhere in the age of 20-24 , blind and he is a pretty famous bard in this setting (there is also magic) and his name is Alder

Your character can be a bard like him, a older druid (historically there was a school you went to and it took longer or shorter depending on what you were being trained for) an ovate (the healers of the three and middle profession, if confused I have a slide show with information)

A warrior of the lord that rules over the land he lives on

A traveling friend

A fisherman from the ruled over land

The lord of the land himself

(We can toss dnd elements in if you want)
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