Any A cool concept that I came up with.

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Any A cool concept that I came up with.


Renigades husband no really, I'm her husband.
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 11:05 AM
A marine in iraq is on a routine recon with his buddies when they are ambushed, they run into the a cave and at pushed off a hole were they fall into the shire. There are hobbits looking at them and such. Noticing their guns and their weird outfits and soon they find themselves thrown out of the shire in which they find themselves on the trail of the fellow sip. Sooner then later after fights with orcs and uruks they run out of ammo and come up on a camp full of Rogan soldiers. Some of them are secretly woman and some of the men are gay. The soldiers would find love with both genders and keep each others secrets while the soldiers teach the soldiers how to fight before they head to the big battles like helms deep and minis tirith I want all the big points of the book to be in this rp.

This would be a mix between MxM and MxF. But it can be just MxF
And yes there will be fourth wall fun from the nerd of the group.
this could be a lord of the rings type world too. it doesnt need to be a dead on thing. and no this isnt a fandom. i was thinking an oc concept
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