MxF A Dangerous Petty Game (Araminta Astor)

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MxF A Dangerous Petty Game (Araminta Astor)

Rose Thorne

⸸ She was drowning but nobody saw her struggle. ⸸
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She / Her
(Hello! So below is the character's profile, some of it is still a work in progress till further notice as she is going a major overhaul in details and bringing her back up to my standards for characters and their profiles. I do have some limitations on this character and what I look for in a partner. I need the prince character, my idea is an arranged marriage for the two, we can discuss the reasons behind it in the private messages. I also need this to start out very petty. I am open to other ideas but I am dead set on having a petty RP between two characters where it's almost like Enemies to Lovers but they're not really trying to kill each other. More like making the other one jealous, maybe by flirting with other people. Also being petty by always trying to one-up the other one, perhaps a bit of public humiliation, tripping the other one into a mud puddle, putting them down, making fun of something about them? With her, that would be really easy with how she dresses and acts. With lots and lots of passive-aggressive energy between the two. Of course with the qualities of being a dick to her for a while if she got into trouble he would try and help her? Perhaps that's how she starts to find him more attractive than annoying or a curse to have around. Of course, I have an actual storyline that goes with her, and him being put together in an arranged way for a reason, she is what he needs to fight off the darkness that is trying to take over the kingdom. He is her missing key perhaps she his missing key as well? Of course, this will run along the story line of her sister had recently passed away prior to their meeting with the prince and his family and her uncle attacking either your character or perhaps a brother or another royal family member that was close to the prince. Eventually, Ara would have to open up about her is exactly what the people saw her as and the rumors of her killing people are true but there was always good reasoning behind it. I hope this interests someone cause I'm so in love with the idea of an arranged marriage that starts off with them being extremely petty and rude to each other.)

Araminta Astor




Lady of House Astor

Reputational Titles Given By Civilians

Kingdom of Baven

Physical Description
Despite Araminta being a noblewoman of a powerful and well-known house she has been deemed a witch by the civilians of Baven for many reasons, one of which being the natural purplish-red hair that she was born with and had sported throughout her whole life. To accompany the odd hair the girl had was a set of the lightest blue eyes anyone had ever seen, like a jewel in the ocean her eyes seemed to shine in the light. Her complexion was naturally flawless and soft. Judging by the way Ara flaunts her body, she is well aware of her gorgeous looks and is very proud of them, always wearing revealing dresses that show more skin than most would dare wear or dresses that hugged her figure to show off her curves. Hidden on her sides would be two different markings one on each of her sides. The one that graces her right side would be a marking of her first deity Mnemosyne, the goddess of Memories.
The one on her left side was her most proud one but the one she kept hidden the most, it was a butterfly, one side of the butterfly was beautiful and perfect, though the other wing was like shatters of glass falling down towards her hips. A symbol for Psyche the goddess of souls. Both her markings she would keep hidden, once in a while, a dress she wore daringly showed parts of the markings but they were always played off as tattoos, which was still uncommon for a noble lady to have.

(I'm purposely leaving these terms a bit broader because I let my imagination describe the terms in the RP. If you have questions about them please Dm me I can explain some of them.)
Mental Magic
Soul Magic



It was a relatively quiet evening, the sun was just starting to set on the horizon. Araminta loved watching the sunset though tonight she would be ripped from her usual spot on the balcony of her childhood home overlooking the sea, only to be rushed along the streets of Bevan towards the castle. She clearly wasn't pleased by the thought of having a meeting with the Prince and his family, nor did she have any idea as to why her Mother and Father would have her dragged along. Normally her parents would leave her to her work or do whatever she wanted while they were the ones going to the meeting. A bad feeling settled in her stomach, the rise in people complaining about having a 'witch' in their kingdom had become more than unsettling as he didn't know how the royal family would react. Earlier in her life, she had been assured of her safety due to a deal her parents had made before she was born, though she knew nothing of it.

For now, the three were silent as they marched their way from their house to the castle's gate. The only voices heard were the hushed whispers to her from her Mother about how disapproving she was of the outfit she had on, which in return only got her a roll of Ara's eyes before looking off elsewhere as they passed the houses of other nobles.

"You know your Mother is right, you should have dressed more appropriately, having such revealing clothes doesn't look good to our house name, especially in front of the Prince and his parents? Oh Ara, don't you want to make a good first impression? I mean, after all, you are meeting the Prince!"

Her Fathers' voice was soft and not at all menacing or hateful, her father didn't have a harsh bone in his body if anything the women of their family were the backbone more so than the men. A strong line of women all of whom had at one point dressed like Ara… at least from the memories she was able to see through her parents and family members. Her voice would ring out with an amused cocky tone, a sly grin spreading across those dark red lips.

"I plan on making a lovely first impression, Father. Who knows I might sweep him off his feet instead of him sweeping me off mine. My beauty is not something that I want to hide, I'm very proud of the body my Goddess has given me."

Ara's mother would roll her eyes and stop walking and turn to look at her. "You know Araminta, men love to see beauty but flaunting your sex appeal in an honorable situation as we have here is not something I look forward to watching."

"Selera, please, let's not talk like that in the middle of the street, heavens only know what pesky ears are lurking around in the shadows just waiting to hear such things come out of those pretty little lips." Lorcan would say moving to run a thumb over his wife's lips before letting out a chuckle and moving them along. "Besides, if she wishes to make a fool of herself in the presence of her Prince, it's only her that will be affected in the long run." He would glance back at Araminta who held an innocent grin. "Just remember that dear. You will find those words useful in due time."

Araminta would sigh happy that the conversation over what she was wearing was over, after all, it was just a simple black dress, it was shorter in the front and longer in the back the shortest part of the dress a little above fingertip length, it was sleeveless, and just below the breast was a metal ring that held the front of the dress together, it revealed quite a bit of cleavage enough to make her parents very uncomfortable. It was tight-fitting and looked great on her slim and curvy body. For shoes, she wore simple one-inch high heels to go along with the dress. She seemed rather confident in herself and what she wore, making the outfit come together even more.

As they approached the gate she stopped behind her parents while they waited to be allowed in, her parents took this as the time to give her a small pep talk of sorts on the meeting ahead. Of course, Ara's mind seemed to be elsewhere, for the most part, so she was only sorta listening.

"So your father and I have decided that you are old enough to learn how to handle situations such as meetings and this sort of thing so you don't run the house name into the ground when we are gone. Not that we don't have any faith in you, it's just something as parents we need to do in order to better prepare you for what lies ahead of you."

Ara had never been so tempted to look deeper into her Mother and Father's memories then right there, all this talk of something in the future was starting to worry her and bring up her guard. It was as if her parents knew of something she wouldn't like happening and they were trying to prepare her for the horror that was about to unfold.

"Mother, you're starting to worry me. I know I have promised both you and Father not to dig deeper than I already have in your memories but you're starting to make me think something is up. Is it because of the title the citizens have given me? I assure you that nothing will come of it Mother. You even said so yourself."

Selera shakes her head as they step through the gate and she locks arms with Araminta. "It's not that dear, deals have been made with the King and Queen and I fear that things will not go well tonight." She would look at Araminta. "Just be on your best behavior and when we give you the chance to speak your mind on the topic please be respectful. I know you're strong like your aunt, and grandma… and have a mouth on you like your great-grandmother but please keep things civil. It's a rare honor for us to be allowed to speak like this with the royal family. Now be sure to curtsy when entering the room and greet them accordingly as we practiced when you were younger, oh and make sure you pay close attention to the meeting at hand."

The unnerving feeling settled in the bottom of her stomach and she gave her mother a quick nod. "Of course Mother, I'll make sure to do my best to be as polite and courteous as I can manage." She forced a playful grin at her mother. "Just don't expect too much." She nudges her with her hip before squeezing her arm and forcing her Mother to let go.

Selera shakes her head and moves in front of her daughter's pace to catch up with her husband and link arms with him, Araminta following close behind the couple, her strides long and confident.
As the pair were led through the door to the meeting room her eyes scanned the room and instantly landed on the King and Queen, her parents would greet them properly and step aside to prescient Araminta who would curtsy to them before her eyes would move to find the Prince, a devilish grin across her lips for a moment before she gives him a small cutesy and the grin subsides into a polite smile.

"Your majesty, this is our daughter Araminta. She will be joining us today as was discussed in our last meeting." Her father says with a nervous glance towards Ara.

"What a lovely looking girl…" The Queen would nod a welcome to her not giving off if she thought ill of the girl's attire, not that Araminta would care anyways. "This is our son, Prince (Insert your character's name here). He will also be sitting in and discussing things with us today as we discussed."

As they move to take their seats across the table from Royals her mother would lower her head and whisper quickly. "Don't you dare dig into their memories or use any of that stuff?" It was a rough and threatening warning but Ara simply nodded her head and sat with her legs crossed and hands in her lap. She would idly listen as her parents and prince's parents started with small talk. Ara didn't seem to pay any attention to the Prince, her eyes locked on the four talking as if she had forgotten he was even in the room.

"Well, I'm glad everything has been okay since our last talk, other than the small accident you have come to discuss with us tonight. So you are here to negotiate the release of your brother Selena?"

"Uncle?" Ara instantly looked interested in the conversation but not because it was interesting but infuriating. "Uncle Demetre… he is locked up? For what?" She growls her mood instantly turning into anger.

The king would look to his son and nod his head for him to go on and tell his side of the story as to why her Uncle was locked away.
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