Closed A dark dream that got me all excited (luckywolfs one single RT thread that is entirely seperate from the previous one)

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Closed A dark dream that got me all excited (luckywolfs one single RT thread that is entirely seperate from the previous one)


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 4:27 PM
I want to roleplay this idea:

A woman is skeptical of a travelling crew that had ``voodoo magic``. She is side-eyeing the ring leader until one day. he pulls her aside on the second to last day they are in town. She sees his eyes hypnotically spin, almost enticing her into mindless bliss as he speaks ``come to the final show tomorrow night, it is the night of the living dummy``. She says yes even though her greatest fear is that of a doll. She goes to the show that next night, somehow noticing she was the ONLY one who had came. They run the show like normal, or so it seems. Every word the leader says and the flash of his eyes makes her more and more entranced. The leader invites her down for a ``demonstration`` and turns her into the living doll. this roleplay ends on the dark note of her uselessly hanging. She was merely a doll by that point and unable to move or speak. The only thing left intact and got to watch her suffer was her mind. Forever.

I had a dream of this and really really fucking want to try the idea. pls message me if interested

oh yes, and I typed this in a hurry before the dream faded. I am actually good with grammar but I may not look it out. I want a short and dark as fuck roleplay about a fantasy that is all about control and hypnoticall inclined voodoo magic.

no smut is in this one.
I got a character that I wish to roleplay as:

The puppet was a woman of wealth named Beatrice. Beatrice is a daughter of a millionaire who goes on a journey. She wants to travel! She is a curious bean who stumbles upon a travelling circus who advertise a unique experience. The fair is right nearby it. one stall is dedicated to gather potential fans of the unique circus. Beatrice is curious and goes over. This woman mocks the circus and the obvious and cheesy events. yet, the voodoo aspect is advertised as well. I am playing as Beatrice. This is the base for her character
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