A demon amongst you.

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A demon amongst you.


Shadow Demon
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 11:00 AM
My name is Shalesta. I have been rping for over 7 years now. My last RP home was taken over by bots. It was horrible. I've been without a home for a year now, looking into other places but none really seemed...like home. Then i came across this place...

A little about me. I love demons. I find them intriguing and fun to play. I have several characters ranging from simple to complex. I like a good detailed RP, last a para or more. I'm not picky at all. Just as long as you put effort into the story.

My best quality is I'm non judgmental. At all. I don't mind your creepy likes. If that's what you like, then that's fine with me ^.^ Trust me...I've done just about every type of RP. Now that doesn't mean I'll do anything. I won't judge you if you ask about it, but some plots just don't catch my intrest. If I'm not interested in the plot i don't do well in my posts. But if you give me a GREAT plot with whatever odd subject you want to add, i might just do it. So don't be afraid to ask!

I like fantasy, modern, sci-fi, ancient, or any genre really. My characters can adapt to most time lines.

A brief character listing (ranging from some to complex)
1: Alester-Human-Mild/Mature/Adult RPs
2:Jack/Spade-Human/Demon-Mild/Mature/Adult Rps
3:Blight-Shadow Demon-Mature/Adult Rps
4:Akioni-Blood Demon-Mild/Mature/Adult
5:Lance-Neko-Mature/Adult Rps
6:Adralmelch-Shadow/brute Demon-Mature/adult Rps
7:Shalesta-Shadow demon-Mature/Adult Rps
(All characters can be adjusted to fit rps if i feel possible.)

I'm ok with most setups. MxM MxF FxF so on and so forth.

If you're interested and feel as if you can handle one of my demons, then let me know. Just be warned....demons are always a few steps ahead of you.
Obviously. The mere mention of our kind causes the weak to hide. Ahhh....warms my cold heart
Welcome to the Asylum friend, you will find many supporters of your kind among the the population of IS, possibly because it is only here they are believed of your existence , who knows.
Look forward to seeing your request thread , I have no doubt you will find someone here looking to partner one such as yourself. Any questions just pop in to chat or harass the staff ( my personal preference) . Someone somewhere will be willing to help.

Enjoy your stay.

-Wanders off to antagonise the innocent-
It takes only sheer luck and small step to find a sanctum that befits everything and nothing, therefore welcome, @Shalesta to Inner Sanctum, a world for writers of both light, dark and in between. I am Lady Lena, Mistress of the Arhcaic and Lady of Shadows, and like you, I've found sanctuary here.

I hope to see your formal request thread and some RPs of yours in the not so distant future. Never hesitate to ask the staff, they are very welcoming. For now, welcome and settle in.

Vale , et videre te in circuitu!
*Appears in demon hunters garb*

Welcome... >_>
The mere thought of anyone not really liking demons or darkness is baffling, or at least to me anyways. Welcome to the inner sanctum and may you find all the darkness in which you seek or more that already surrounds.

We all have our demons...why not embrace them..

Well thank you for the welcome. Even if its been two years lol
Ah well a bit slow as I just joined recently and only happened upon your name and thread due to your like of my mugshot. lol
You're fine. Always nice to meet new people none the less.
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