A Demon Emerges (Esyel's Intro Thread)

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A Demon Emerges (Esyel's Intro Thread)


Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 2:18 AM
So I'm not obviously an actual one, no.

But I found out while browsing around that Esyel is a name that is demonic in nature; hence the title.

Yeah, I'm a smart ass. I got that from my husband. ^^;;

That being said, I'm a 29 - almost 30 - year old, married woman.

I have been RPing basically since I met my husband, so for 12, almost 13 years now.

I'm much more into RPing fandoms than "originals"; however, I can be enticed to do these with a good plot/pairing. I favor RPing heterosexual pairings but can possibly try Yuri. I definitely haven't mustered enough courage to attempt Yaoi though and I likely won't for quite some time.

I'm horrible with these things, honestly. xD

It'll be much easier to get an idea of my tastes when I make a Request/Preference thread!
Hey, welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your stay...demon.
Welcome to the site, Eysel. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and explore the wonderful creativity of roleplaying with the rest of us. :P
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