MxM A few ideas

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MxM A few ideas


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Hi there, you can call me Airy~ I'm a casual roleplayer, meaning I don't sweat a few spelling mistakes here and there, nor do I get bogged down in things like historical detail. I'm mainly after a good adventure or a romance, that's about it.

Important details: I'm only interested in M/M pairings, I typically like the sub part (though usually a strong sub), but my character can swap pretty easily at times. I prefer at least a paragraph or two, but I'm not a stickler for any amount so long as the story progresses. Third person PoV.

Interested in stories like the following:

Casual Werewolf Universe where werewolves change forms at will. The story in this universe mainly revolves around Alpha/Omega dynamics. I usually like to play the omega, but there are some stories where I'd prefer to play alpha. Most of my stories here revolve around our characters reaching adulthood and leaving their pack/packs in search of a goal like finding a mate, finding a new pack, or creating a pack of their own. Some might involve being captured by human researchers and having to escape, being sold as a pet to a human who eventually turns into a best friend or love interest, or having been born into captivity and escaping only to find that life outside domestication is rather brutal. I love exploring this universe.

Merman story where my character is a merman caught by researchers. Your character hates the torment his fellow researchers put the merman through and tries to help him escape, but a disaster ends up forcing the merman to turn his new researcher friend into a merman himself, and try to teach him the rituals and various strange habits of dwellers beneath the waves.

Fantasy story where my character is a king who inherits a magical mirror that some ancestor supposedly sealed an 'evil being' into hundreds of years ago, but doesn't believe the story and simply sets it up in his room. My character's arranged marriage to a princess soon yields a precious son and heir, but unknown to my char, your character has been sealed away for so long within the small mirror world that he has decided to use the very magic that got him labeled a 'dark being' to try and create someone to talk to. The spell goes awry, and creates a tiny infant with those same magical powers, only to switch it for the newborn son of the king outside the mirror. And although the infants look nothing alike, both new fathers cannot help but dote on their kids. The queen having tragically died soon after giving birth to the king's son, my character has no one else to cling to but his little heir. Years later, the little prince has turned seven and fallen deathly ill. Nothing will heal the strange illness that has befallen the boy, since it is born of a magical malady from his creation by magic. Only the mage within the mirror might be able to save the boy. And for that to happen, the king must trust the mage enough to free him from his prison and back into the world once more.

I may add other stories later as I think of them. Let me know if you are interested in any of them!
Hi there, you can call me Airy~ I'm a casual roleplayer, meaning I don't sweat a few spelling mistakes here and there, nor do I get bogged down in things like historical detail. I'm mainly after a good adventure or a romance, that's about it.

Important details: I'm only interested in M/M pairings, I typically like the sub part (though usually a strong sub), but my character can swap pretty easily at times. I prefer at least a paragraph or two, but I'm not a stickler for any amount so long as the story progresses. Third person PoV.

Interested in stories like the following:

Casual Werewolf Universe where werewolves change forms at will. The story in this universe mainly revolves around Alpha/Omega dynamics. I usually like to play the omega, but there are some stories where I'd prefer to play alpha. Most of my stories here revolve around our characters reaching adulthood and leaving their pack/packs in search of a goal like finding a mate, finding a new pack, or creating a pack of their own. Some might involve being captured by human researchers and having to escape, being sold as a pet to a human who eventually turns into a best friend or love interest, or having been born into captivity and escaping only to find that life outside domestication is rather brutal. I love exploring this universe.

Merman story where my character is a merman caught by researchers. Your character hates the torment his fellow researchers put the merman through and tries to help him escape, but a disaster ends up forcing the merman to turn his new researcher friend into a merman himself, and try to teach him the rituals and various strange habits of dwellers beneath the waves.

Fantasy story where my character is a king who inherits a magical mirror that some ancestor supposedly sealed an 'evil being' into hundreds of years ago, but doesn't believe the story and simply sets it up in his room. My character's arranged marriage to a princess soon yields a precious son and heir, but unknown to my char, your character has been sealed away for so long within the small mirror world that he has decided to use the very magic that got him labeled a 'dark being' to try and create someone to talk to. The spell goes awry, and creates a tiny infant with those same magical powers, only to switch it for the newborn son of the king outside the mirror. And although the infants look nothing alike, both new fathers cannot help but dote on their kids. The queen having tragically died soon after giving birth to the king's son, my character has no one else to cling to but his little heir. Years later, the little prince has turned seven and fallen deathly ill. Nothing will heal the strange illness that has befallen the boy, since it is born of a magical malady from his creation by magic. Only the mage within the mirror might be able to save the boy. And for that to happen, the king must trust the mage enough to free him from his prison and back into the world once more.

I may add other stories later as I think of them. Let me know if you are interested in any of them!
Oh... Only male xmale
Indeed.. I've tried to do M/F, but I can't seem to force myself into it. I like male personalities, they're easier to understand for me I guess. Sorry about that..
Thanks, I appreciate the interest! I wish I were more versatile, but I'm afraid I get bored and lack motivation if I force myself into things like that. That's when I end up ghosting because I don't know what to say, or how to tell someone I can't come up with anything for such a stupid reason... That's not something I want to do to anyone.
Thanks, I appreciate the interest! I wish I were more versatile, but I'm afraid I get bored and lack motivation if I force myself into things like that. That's when I end up ghosting because I don't know what to say, or how to tell someone I can't come up with anything for such a stupid reason... That's not something I want to do to anyone.
I mean I understand but why don't u just say I don't want to ghost you
Most of the time when I've let myself start a roleplay with someone who only plays female characters, it's because I fully intend to reply, to force myself into writing something I'm not good at. And then I get stuck, can't come up with anything, can't make myself respond.. and I put it off, thinking 'it's late, tomorrow I'll be thinking clearer and can do better'. But the next day it's the same thing. And I keep telling myself I'll think of something, push through my mental block, until I realize it's been weeks and I haven't come up with anything, and it's too late. I just turn into a horrible person when I try to force myself to write things I'm not good at, I guess. I'm trying to do better by being honest with myself about what I like to do, and what I'm not good at. I'm more motivated when I enjoy something. And I'm more likely to hide when something freaks me out XD
True. So, is it easy for you? To write with a different gender than you like? That must be cool, I'd love to be that talented or driven.
*bump* Still looking for partners, anyone out there?
I'm interested in both your werewolf plot and that magic mirror plot! But I'd like to know more about what you're wanting to do with the fantasy plot. It sound completely intriguing !!
Thank you, I'm glad to hear you like them! With the fantasy plot I'm imagining everything the two would have to go through, from the idea of the king having to trust a being he has been told is completely evil, enough to let said being out of his prison in order to cure his (their) son, and then from there the fact that they basically have to share both sons... I mean, they accidentally swapped kids at birth, so they kind of have conflicting ties there. I think my character would end up offering the wizard/elf character the right to live in the castle with him as a reward for saving his heir, but truly he would imagine the other feels that connection to both boys just as much as he does and wouldn't want to separate him from them. From there, just having to cooperate in parenting the boys every day would be enough, but there's also the magician having to cope with the changes of the world since he basically leapt forward in time hundreds of years? Finding his own place in this new world after being confined to a small space for so long will be challenging. Not to mention the king has to take up for him a lot since others might still believe him an evil entity... There's a lot to explore with that roleplay, and a lot you could add in wherever you like, I'm completely open to changing things or adding things in.

Same goes with the werewolf stories, I'm up for just about anything so if you have ideas or your own or things you'd want to change or add in, just let me know. Plotting is a lot of fun to me!
Id love to do the kind x trapped mage rp
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