MxF A few of my favorite things...

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MxF A few of my favorite things...

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Hello, hello!

Welcome to my lovely little 1 x 1 RP search! Listed below are my "Reasons Why You Should RolePlay with Me". They'll give you the general info. If you scroll down you'll find specific likes/dislikes, pairings, and limits. I typically only post as a female but am happy to double with female and male characters.

That being said I am a very open individual and will happily listen to other ideas.

If you want to contact me feel free to comment below or send me a PM. If you really want to catch my interest send a sample of your writing style (preferably not a starter).

Reasons Why You Should RolePlay with Me

1. I strive for quality over quantity and put a large amount of effort into creating well rounded characters that can authentically interact with others.

2. I'm very flexible and am okay with trying out new directions an RP might lead.

3. I'm okay with over planning or winging an RP. I can make both work.

4. I love honesty. I will not be the least bit offended if you ask me to clarify, rethink or retry a post.

5. I don't need consistency. Post once a day? Month? Every leap year? No biggy, just let me know what to expect. (I myself am inconsistent. I can shift from 10 a day to once a month so if you need predictability I'm probably not your girl)


+Creative Characters
+Complicated Character Relationships/Unexpected pairings
+Fantasy (Light, Heavy, High, Low; all of it)
+Medieval Era
+Victorian Era
+Romance (Classic, complicated, cheesy; I love it all)


+ People speaking for or low key controlling my character. Do this and I might go cold turkey on you. If you say something to MC you'll have to wait and see how they react.
+Pure Smut (I am okay with adult content but I want it to fit within a plot; not be the plot itself)
+Not a big fan of Dom/sub dynamics
+Anthros (I can tolerate this but prefer to avoid it.)
+Any teacher x student plots. I'm a teacher. It's weird. Please don't ask.


I don't necessarily have a "limit". Please feel free to propose any idea. If I decline it is typically because I feel like I do not have enough experience, interest, or knowledge to create a convincing or well written situation. I will always let you know if this is the case! If I say no to a concept and you incorporate it anyway I will immediately stop any and all contact. (All site guidelines, of course, must be followed.)


    • Warden is a powerful mage and hand of the King. He has many important things to do to ensure the kingdom's safety, things that require him to be in two places at once. To solve this dilemma he has mastered the art of consuming another person's body (or "borrowing" as he likes to put it) When a mission comes up he finds the closest and strongest magical being and enters their form, sending a trusted warrior to accompany the "puppet". However, Warden cannot devote all of his time to one quest so he often leaves the body. YC would be a warrior traveling with MC, Warden's most recent "puppet." When Warden consumes a body the persons memory simply blacks out as if they were asleep or unconscious so it is the warriors job to keep them on track with the quest. (I can explain this plot in greater detail if necessary.)
    • In this medieval fantasy world there are many types of mages. Each mage has a specific area of magic (water, forest, fire, air, etc) and cannot control anything out of their type of magic. Mages are fairly rare, but being a strong mage is exceedingly rare (the average ability being small manipulations of the element at best.) MC is a rare type of mage known as a healer. But healing comes with a price; she can "absorb" any injury or ailment instantly curing/healing the other but must suffer whatever she has absorbed. Fortunately she heals very quickly, at ten times the speed of a regular person, and what is fatal for most is survivable to her; with a few exceptions of course. But war has broken out in the land between two Kings and both want as many mages and healers as they can get on their side. YC works for one king and is in search of a powerful healer who needs to heal the King's ailing family member. But can YC convince mine to take a side?
    • The City of Amber is well known for its beautiful buildings, lavish royal courts, and fair King. However, all is not as well as it would appear and the wealthy city in truth has two courts, the royal court and the rogue court; ruled by the king of thieves. While the Royal King rules the government, the King of Thieves rules the streets. Many of the King's men have tried to find the head of the rogue court but no one has managed to find the mysterious leader yet. Why has no one found this King might you ask? Perhaps because it is currently no King at all.
      [*]MC is the daughter of a wealthy noble. Her Father was well respected by the Royal Court but lived a double life as the King of Thieves, a position he had claimed from the previous man. He brought her up in both worlds, seeing the clear value in both. When he was suddenly killed in battle for the King she took his place. Although there are many laws broken by thieves her Father had been working towards peace, she couldn't let all that work fall into the hands of just any rogue. YC is a part of the courts (noble, commander, knight, Prince, King etc) trying to find the legendary King of Thieves. (Obviously there are hundreds of ways to alter this and I am open to suggestions)
    • This would be a short term-one hit kind of plot. Where two best friends, good friends, or people who have just known each other forever suddenly become more (Perhaps brother/sister's best friend). It could be as cheesy as the classic school dance, maybe something terrifying happens that brings them together, or just a day out in the world when it suddenly hits one of them and they make a move.
    • A group of less than pleasant people (pirates, group of thieves, bandits, men who will do whatever job pays) stumble across a wealthy woman who is clearly in distress. Either she was in a shipwreck, found seriously injured on the street, in a tipped over carriage etc. And for some unknown reason the leader decides to take her in under their protection until they can return her to wherever she belongs. The small twist is that her mishap is more important than it appears and affects everyone, including the misshapen group of rescuers.
    • In a world where humans are beginning to evolve and gain powers YC has a very unique one. Whatever human he touches he can read their thoughts until he touches someone else. For any power-being(Mutant for you x-men fans) he touches, he gains their power. Upon discovering his skills it didn't take YC long to form a team of people with other useful powers so as a group they can fight off the enemies of the world and soon they became the heroes of the world. In a twist of fate, one day while battling a particularly difficult foe he bumps into MC and suddenly he has control of the air in the room. Which would sound cool, except it goes deeper. He can feel the air all around, as it fills peoples lungs, circulates through their blood streams... Long story short he makes a quick, if not gruesome end to the villian only to turn around and realize MC is lost in the crowd. Is MC good? evil? Is she even aware of her powers yet? YC won't know, until he finds her.
    • In a futuristic world The City is a technology marvel. The entire city is a working gear machine. All walkways move, buildings twist, hallways spin to create quick paths to all destinations, cars follow ever moving tracks and everything words as one large kinetic power source. It was a revolutionary genius, a city that practically powers itself once set into motion. Sounds like paradise, right? Wrong. As time went people naturally discovered all the risks of such a city. Trip while crossing the road? Lose a hand in a passing gear. Don't time leaving the hallway right? Break a leg as you slip through the cracks and fall a full story. Child walks too close to a building? Say goodbye to their toes, or foot, maybe their whole leg. The problem with a kinetic gear city is no matter what, you can't stop just one piece, all pieces must move. Soon prosthetic limbs became as common as breathing, and eventually adding features became the fashionable thing to do.
      [*]Soon it became a class thing. The upper class didn't lose arms nearly as often as the lower (as they could afford to add guard rails, find expert physicians etc) but also they could afford the most technologically advanced Prosthetic. Finally the government found a solution and created a low budget prosthetic that anyone could buy. It was brilliant, the people cheered in joy, until they figured out why it was so cheap. The government had laced them with mics and cameras. Suddenly criminals were being caught left and right, even for the smallest of crimes. It might seem like a good thing but when the government keeps making stricter and stricter laws you'd be surprised how crimes suddenly become necessary. But how do you take out a government when anyone, even you, could have a mic or camera?
      [*]Sideplot of this world: Once a month the entire city "turns off" for a day for crews to do maintenance on the city. For this day everyone is ordered to stay home and inside for their safety. What happens when you get stuck in a place you shouldn't be? YC is a part of the maintenance crew, MC is a young woman who was trying to get home but gets stuck in a moving hallway instead. Will YC simply take her straight home or do they make a day of it?

    • time travelers x person of significance the traveler must protect (Think Doctor Who "The Girl in the Fireplace.)
    • Vikings (any pairing)
    • Average woman gets mixed up with a top spy/hit man (Knight and Day/Mr. Right inspired)
    • wounded soldier x enemy civilian x nurse
    • spy master x intriguing new castle worker*
    • soldier x experiment*
    • royalty x king of thieves*
    • assassin x target x rival x commoner
    • royalty x knight x servant x assassin x commoner
    • vampire x werewolf x human x witch
    • non-gifted x gifted x human (Think super powers)
Story Starters:

Starter 1:
Kaly slowly blinked, her awareness barely taking in the dream. It was him again, the mysterious man she had been dreaming about for weeks. His arms were on either side of her, causing his body weight to hover over her.

A small smile played at her lips as snippets of the previous night's dream came back to her. Moving her arm out from under her bed covers she slowly raised it to his face, caressing his cheek as she let her fingers travel to the back of his head, brushing through his hair. His eyes seemed to have a different look than usual, a flare of triumph compared to their normal passion, but she didn't care, she knew where these dreams led.

Pulling his head softly down to hers she brought her lips to his, reveling in the taste of him, the weight as his body slowly lowered on hers, the smell-

Kaly's eyes snapped open in a rush as she suddenly realized this was too vivid, too real. She wasn't dreaming. Letting out a panicked scream she shoved away the intruder and hurdled herself out of bed in the opposite direction she had pushed him. Yanking her blankets with her she held them over her night dress in one hand and grabbed the closest weapon she could find, an empty soda bottle, in the other.

"What are you want!" she demanded, the two questions of 'who are you' and 'what do you want' fusing together in her terror. Oh god she was about to be murdered by a psychopath and all she had to protect herself with was a plastic bottle.

The key to this one is Kaly does not consciously remember her past with your character. Interpret this however you will; magic, reincarnation, amnesia, curse, brain washing. Let me know your idea and if I like it we can jump right in. Originally inspired by Hawk-Girl's story line, if that helps inspire ideas)

Starter 2:
The streets of Gotham held an eerie silence as the full moon seemed to cast ominous shadows throughout the streets and alleys. It was as if the city was holding its breath but no one knew what for. The Captain stood on the roof, looking down at his district; his gut telling him he would soon need to light the bat signal behind him. Gotham was never this quiet.

Deep in the sewers of the city was a hidden gem- an unexpected paradise among the scum and vermin that frequented the tunnels. A lavish room full of extravagant furniture, swings, mirrors, guns and numerous costumes. However, tonight, the room was not full of laughter and "Mr. J"s as it usually was; it was somber and quiet as a pale man with smeared clown make up held the shaking hand of Harley Quinn.

"Come on, smile, Doll Face." the man said, his cheery grin and tone failing to reach his eyes. She was dying, and the reality of this particular joke in life was failing to amuse the infamous villain.

"Puddin, I gotta tell you." Harley whispered, her voice a rasp as she fought to balance her energy between breathing and speaking.

"Shhh, no need for that"

"No, it's important. It's the only serious thing I'll ever say."

"Harley, don't."

"We have a daughter."


"I gave her to the Jeffersons"


"On Park-" a bang rang through the room and smoke swirled towards the ceiling from a gun held in the Joker's now shaking hand. It would be impossible to say if he fired to silence her confession or to relieve her of the clear agony talking was putting her through.

The silence left by the pistol seemed to last a lifetime before the Joker barked out two simple words: Find her.

The Captain of the police blinked in surprise when the city seemed to suddenly burst into life. His eyes widened in shock and confusion as the scum of the city seemed to swarm like ants, but instead of wreaking their usual, playful, havoc they appeared to move as if they were desperately searching for something. An odd feeling seemed to fill the air and it took the Captain a moment to place it; fear. Something had gone terribly wrong and whatever it was it had the worst men of the city frantic with worry. The Captain turned on his heel and pulled a lever, sending the bat emblem shooting into the night sky.

Kaly Jefferson groaned when her cell phone went off in the middle of the night; an annoying jingle ripping her mercilessly out of whatever pleasant dream she had been having.

"Hello?" She asked groggily, not even bothering to read the caller ID.

"Kaly. They're coming, run! Hide! Kaly they're–" Kaly bolted up into a sitting position as she heard her Father's voice.

"Where is she?" another voice demanded, cutting off her Father just as there was a static thud that ended the call. Kaly stared at her phone in mute horror before jumping into action. Grabbing a prepacked duffel bag from her closet she opened the window to the fire escape and exited her new apartment.

As she descended the thirteen floors her Father's words from when she was little echoed in her mind. "You're birth parents, well, they aren't good people and one day they may come for you. I won't let that happen. If they come, you leave, and don't ever look back."

(A bit about the plot. The original batman and joker are now well into their 40s/50s. The Joker still wreaks havoc on the city of Gotham, but the Batman has let a youth take up his mantle. This story starts with the new batman 'catching' Kaly. All they knows is for some reason she is important to the Joker and until Batman figures out how she fits in, he wants to keep her hidden. Figuring out what the Joker wants her for will prove to be quite the task since even the Joker is still deciding. (The death of Harley shatters whatever grip on reality he did have so he is now equally torn between destroying everything and trying to fill the void suddenly left by her death. I am by no means a comic expert, I just liked the plot idea.)
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I'll take Next Generation of Gotham.
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