♔ Champion ♔ A Final Test: From "Shadows Long and Deep" — April 2018 Challenge Winner

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♔ Champion ♔ A Final Test: From "Shadows Long and Deep" — April 2018 Challenge Winner


♔ Champion ♔
Challenge Champion
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Today 4:50 AM
Time melted away and her essence dissolved into a sea of nothing. The loss that was suddenly inflicted could break her and she knew on some level that going mad could be a very real possibility now. The urge to thrash about and scream for something to hold onto, something to fill the void that now made her feel hollow and empty inside, nearly choked her. She teetered on the edge of a knife as she stared into the black void. Her body obeyed the Master and she neither moved nor tried to open her eyes, and so there was nothing to see but the dark that had always been behind her eyelids and nothing to feel but the cold floor beneath her crossed legs. How long would she have to sit and wait?

At first, she was overwhelmingly conscious of her bodily needs--hunger and thirst. There even came the urge to relieve herself causing her to contemplate if she should urinate where she was sitting. She steadfastly continued to wait and breathe. Each time the darkness crept into her room, there was an easing of her physical burdens, though not enough to forget them entirely. The tether to all she knew and understood was still present. Her mind could not yet comprehend what it must do.

Weeks passed and the shadows sustained her just enough to keep her from weakening, but there was no improvement in her physical form nor in her mind. Still, she tried to reach out into the void and find her Master. He had become her whole identity and without him, she became an empty husk. Had there ever been anything before this floating in the black? The sensations of her body had fallen away but there was still a need that was not being filled. A need she still did not understand.

Several more months passed. There was only a mild recognition of the cycle of light and darkness. She remained in a semi-dream state at all times. The images began slowly but over time they grew in frequency. She was being taught something--a deep, old knowledge that only those of her kind knew and understood. At first, she merely took in what was given, but then she began to respond and there was a communication between them.

Being a servant to the Master had quelled the desire or even the ability to want, desire, or even ask for anything. She was now being made into something new. A servant and yet a mistress in her own right. The night and she were one and once she began to understand the relationship they were to have, the shadows filled her. There was a wash of joy and completeness unlike she had ever known. When the light chased the shadows away again, the absence was a physical pain. Had she been able to, she would have cried out but she had lost the ability to do so.

Her body had been reformed to a thing of ethereal beauty and deadly grace. Skin and bones had been turned into strong muscle as well as female curves that conveyed virility and promised passion. As in her dream so long ago, golden hair had been traded in for locks of ebony. And her eyes had lost their blue in favor of black, making them both beautiful and frightening.

All knowledge had not yet been imparted. She still yearned for the night, for when the shadows would come to her. During the day she continued to mourn their absence and feel elation at their return in the evening. This night, a truth was given to her. Daughter of Shadow, you have the ability to hold the night within you. We are a part of you.

It was something that her mind had considered but hadn't really understood. Even now, it fought against this final change. The final step away from her humanity and becoming something truly other. This time she did not hold on but allowed the shadow to fill her and she wrapped herself around it as it fed her. The daylight came and she felt the change but this time, and for the first time, she opened her eyes. The room she sat in came into focus. It was unremarkable other than the fact that a beam of sunlight fell directly across her body--leaving no possibility for shadow. And yet, as she looked down at her body, wisps of darkness emanated from her like smoke. The sight was fascinating and she smiled with satisfaction. After sitting for months in the same pose, she felt no stiffness and rose from the floor with ease. The shadows followed her as she moved about the room. Her sight was different than her human self. She could see everything, but now there was another dimension to it. She could see inside things. Physicality was no longer an anchor for her. Just a thought and she became a shadow along the edge of a shelf. With ease, she moved around the room, though the walls and doors were spelled, making it impossible for her to leave.

Experimenting with her new sight and abilities left her with a feeling of fatigue, though the feeling passed quickly. She knew the Master would be aware of her and so she positioned herself in front of the door, sat on the floor again, and waited for his return. An eagerness bloomed inside of her to be released from her confines.
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